History of Patent Law
History of Patent Law
History of Patent Law
After Independence, it was felt that the Indian Patents & Designs
Act, 1911 was not fulfilling its objective. It was found desirable to
enact comprehensive patent law owing to substantial changes in
political and economic conditions in the country.
A Patents Enquiry Committee was set up to revise the working of
the Patent Law in India.
India became one of the founding members and thereby was obligated to
bring the National Laws in tune with the obligations under the TRIPS
Patent Amendment Act was also given retrospective effect from 1st
The amendment made by way of inserting Chapter IV-A
giving EMR was a transitional agreement. (Omitted by
2005 Amendment)
Uniform term of 20 years was provided to all categories of
invention (ART.33 of theTRIPS Agreement) S.53
S.107-A was added whereby the use of patent for development and
submission of information for regulatory approval will not be an
Sec.107-A(b) was added which provides for provision for
parallel import from a person who is authorised.