Islamic Management and Business Management
Islamic Management and Business Management
Islamic Management and Business Management
‘Islamic Management & Business’
5. Root and Linkage Deep linkage & root with Akhirah Only liked & rooted in worldly-gains
7. Philosophy It balances between this world & After- It does not make such balance
8. Qualification Both technical (Managerial) & Religious Only technical (Managerial) skills are
skills are essential. required.
9. Decision-Making Is based on majority consensus (shura) Not based necessarily on majority consensus
through halal procedures (shura) and halal (lawful) procedures
10. Controlling Controlling is simple as people are Controlling is complex and has to use
self-motivated under ethics & many methods for controlling people
Consideration of Traditional Management
Definitions in Islamic Management Perspective
1. ‘Management is what a manager does.’
2. ‘Management is getting things done through others.’
3. ‘The term Management refers to the process of getting activities
completed efficiently & effectively with and through other people.’
4. ‘To Manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to
co-ordinate and control.’
5. ‘Management is a distinct process consisting of activities of
planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling performed to
determine and accomplish stated objectives with the use of human
beings and other resources.’
6. ‘Management is “ A set of activities (including planning and
decision-making, organizing, leading and controlling) directed at
an organization’s resources (human, financial, physical and
information), with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an
efficient and effective manner.”’
Consideration of Traditional Management
Definitions in Islamic Management Perspective
1. ‘Management is what a manager does.’
• In Islamic Management, everything done by a manager is
not recognized by Islam to management unless it conforms
with Islamic ethics, morality and Shariah principles.
2. ‘Management is getting things done through others.’
• In Islamic Management, this ‘Others’ are to be treated as
brothers, not as mere sub-ordinates or workers.
3. ‘The term Management refers to the process of getting
activities completed efficiently & effectively with and
through other people.’
• This definition is too mechanistic. Thus for sake of
efficiency and effectiveness, machine, method and process
etc. are given priority over human beings and sometimes
are replaced with total disregard to the most honored
creation of Allah.
Consideration of Traditional Management
Definitions in Islamic Management Perspective
4. ‘To Manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command,
to co-ordinate and control.’
5. ‘Management is a distinct process consisting of activities of
planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling performed to
determine and accomplish stated objectives with the use of
human beings and other resources.’
6. ‘Management is “ A set of activities (including planning and
decision-making, organizing, leading and controlling)
directed at an organization’s resources (human, financial,
physical and information), with the aim of achieving
organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner.”’
• These three definitions mention the functions of Management
without referring to or stressing over their ethical dimensions.
In Islamic Management those functions are to be done keeping
in view the objectives and principles of Islamic Shariah.
Objectives of Islamic Management
These are two main objects of Islamic
management. These two objectives are:
1. Universal objectives:
a) Earning profit
b) Ensuring development
c) Improving standard of living
d) National development
2. Supplementary objectives:
Universal objectives are achieved for the
betterment of mass welfare and earning benefits for
Philosophy of Islamic Management
The followings are the philosophies of Islamic
1. To satisfy Allah
2. To create a congenial atmosphere in a society
3. To nourish and develop friendship and
humanity in the society
4. To create a better living place and develop a
peaceful life in the society, especially for the
5. To develop and lead the most esteemed life
physically and mentally.
Characteristics of Islamic Management
1. Qur'an and Sunnah based 11. Transparency
2. Honesty 12. Proper use of power
3. Best way of planning 13. Consultation and
4. Efficient means of counseling
organizing 14. Fair wages and benefits
5. Better direction in time 15. Utmost effort and
6. Making coordinated sincerity
efforts 16. Maximum utilization of
7. Successful leadership resources
8. Good L-M relations 17. Maintaining high
9. Social welfare oriented morality and ethics
goal 18. Freedom of thinking
10. Accountability and performing
19. Creating competitive
1. The primary revealed knowledge source is the Holy
2. This basic source is elaborated through the Ahadith - the
traditions and the Sunnah, the actions of the Prophet
3. There are Islamic scholars who treat Fiqh, the science of
Islamic jurisprudence, as a source of revealed knowledge
4. Other sources are the reported sayings and actions of the
first four Caliphs (RAA); instances from Islamic history,
studies in Islamic administration and management,
studies in Islamic social sciences, studies in Islamic
culture, writings of leading Islamic scholars, and the
writings of leading and authentic non-Muslim scholars.
Ignorance about the History of
Islamic Management: