Cerebral palsy is a disorder of muscle control that leads to difficulty in movement and motor skills. It is typically caused by injury or damage to the motor control center of the brain before, during, or shortly after birth. Common causes include infections, complications during birth like lack of oxygen, prematurity, or unknown causes in about 30% of cases. A baby with cerebral palsy may have abnormal muscle tone, either stiff or floppy muscles. There are different types of cerebral palsy characterized by the affected muscles - spastic, athetoid, ataxic, or mixed. Therapy aims to relax muscles, train movement, facilitate development, and develop normal muscle tone.
Cerebral palsy is a disorder of muscle control that leads to difficulty in movement and motor skills. It is typically caused by injury or damage to the motor control center of the brain before, during, or shortly after birth. Common causes include infections, complications during birth like lack of oxygen, prematurity, or unknown causes in about 30% of cases. A baby with cerebral palsy may have abnormal muscle tone, either stiff or floppy muscles. There are different types of cerebral palsy characterized by the affected muscles - spastic, athetoid, ataxic, or mixed. Therapy aims to relax muscles, train movement, facilitate development, and develop normal muscle tone.
Cerebral palsy is a disorder of muscle control that leads to difficulty in movement and motor skills. It is typically caused by injury or damage to the motor control center of the brain before, during, or shortly after birth. Common causes include infections, complications during birth like lack of oxygen, prematurity, or unknown causes in about 30% of cases. A baby with cerebral palsy may have abnormal muscle tone, either stiff or floppy muscles. There are different types of cerebral palsy characterized by the affected muscles - spastic, athetoid, ataxic, or mixed. Therapy aims to relax muscles, train movement, facilitate development, and develop normal muscle tone.
Cerebral palsy is a disorder of muscle control that leads to difficulty in movement and motor skills. It is typically caused by injury or damage to the motor control center of the brain before, during, or shortly after birth. Common causes include infections, complications during birth like lack of oxygen, prematurity, or unknown causes in about 30% of cases. A baby with cerebral palsy may have abnormal muscle tone, either stiff or floppy muscles. There are different types of cerebral palsy characterized by the affected muscles - spastic, athetoid, ataxic, or mixed. Therapy aims to relax muscles, train movement, facilitate development, and develop normal muscle tone.
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Fauziah Rudhiati, M.Kep., Ns.Sp.Kep.An
According to the WHO cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of muscle control that leads to difficulty in movement, positioning of the body, and performance of motor skills CP is typically caused by an injury or the damage to the motor control center before, during or shortly after birth. • Causes before birth: Infections Differences between the blood of mother and child (Rh incompatibility). Problems of the mother, such as diabetes or toxemia of pregnancy. Inherited No cause can be found in about 30% of the children. • Causes around the time of birth: Lack of oxygen (air) at birth. Birth injuries from difficult births. Prematurity. • Causes after birth: Very high fever Brain infections (meningitis, encephalitis). Head injuries. Lack of oxygen from drowning, gas poisoning, or other causes. Poisoning Bleeding or blood clots in the brain, often from unknown cause. Brain tumors. Communication difficulties Difficulties in taking care of the child Feeding Problem
A baby with CP typically has abnormal
muscle tone. The muscles may be either: • Stiff (hypertonic) • Floppy (soft, flaccid) Types of CP • Spastic (50-60%) a. diplegia b. hemiplegia c. quadriplegia • Athetoid / Athetoid (25-30%) • Ataxic (5%) • Mixed type (5%) TYPES OF CEREBRAL PALSY 1. MUSCLE STIFFNESS OR 'SPASTICITY' The child who is 'spastic' has muscle stiffness, or 'muscle tension'. This causes part of his body to be rigid, or stiff. MUSCLE STIFFNESS OR 'SPASTICITY' MUSCLE STIFFNESS OR 'SPASTICITY' Parts of the body affected
TYPES OF CEREBRAL PALSY 2. UNCONTROLLED MOVEMENTS These are slow, OR 'ATHETOSIS' wriggly, or sudden quick movements of the child's feet, arms, hands, or face muscles. TYPES OF CEREBRAL PALSY 3. POOR BALANCE OR 'ATAXIA'
The child who has
'ataxia', or poor balance, has difficulty beginning to sit and stand. TYPES OF CEREBRAL PALSY
4. Mixed
• Combination of any type
• Results in severe degree of physical impairment To reduce or overcome these problems, the following physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy techniques are used. Therapy aims at: • Relaxing muscles • Training in movement which encourages normal body postures • Facilitating development of delayed milestones • Training in activities of daily living. This involves working closely and effectively with the child, mother and family (Occupational therapy + Physiotherapy) • Developing normal muscle tone and bulk (avoid disuse atrophy)
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