Code of Conduct RA6713

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Ethics in Government

(May 3, 2019 1:00 to 5:00pm)
Police Lieutenant
II. Ethics in general – its meaning and application
• investigates morality of human conduct to ensure adherence with
the accepted norms or standard of behavior.
• it is concerned with the righteousness or wrong doings of any
individual manifested by his actions and this is called morality.
• thus, ethics and morality have the same application and meaning.
• if applied, anything that is right or wrong, in knowing whether our
action is moral or ethical, shall depend on a particular motive, the circumstances or the
nature of the act itself (MCN) e.g. kindness
• it means, it is not only knowing what is right (morally upright), its is
also in doing it (action).
• ethical or Moral principles = (individual goodness + action).
• in essence, ethics and morality deal with the completeness of
human self (self respect) and concreteness of human life (moral regard for the value of
others. Simply stated, it is the process of acknowledging one’s responsibility towards
fellow workers.
When applied to government service, it seeks to achieve the core value,
norms, principles as part of a human discipline. It prescribes rules for human conduct
bearing in mind our roles and responsibilities as public servants.
II. Its Basis – Republic Act No. 6713

- also known as the “Code of

Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees

- Approved on February 20, 1989

by then President Corazon C. Aquino
R.A. 6713 was a product of People Power. It
ushered in a clamor for the restoration of
clean and honest government. It was also the
time when Tita Cory was catapulted to the
Presidency who carried her fight by restoring
Democracy in the country and advocating
greater transparency and accountability in
public service.
Declaration Of Policy
Public office is a public trust. It is the policy of the State to
promote a high standard of ethics in public service. Public
officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the
people and shall discharge their duties with utmost
responsibility, integrity, competence and loyalty; act with
patriotism and justice; lead modest lives; and uphold public
interest over personal interest.(Section 2, RA No. 6713, Code
of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
Employees and Article XI, Section 1, 1987 Constitution).
Declaration of Policy ‐ it
encompasses the ethical
norm/standard on how
accountability in the service
shall be measured.
• Nature of Public Office
- Public office is a public trust.
• State’s Policy in relation to the declaration of policy
- promote a high standard of ethics in public service.
• Oath of one’s office (AULD)
- Act with patriotism and justice;
- Uphold public interest over personal interest.
- Lead modest lives; and
- Discharge one’s duties with
Observance of Principles and Norms of Conduct for
Government Officials and Employees
• Observance of fairness - by respecting the rights of others and act with
courtesy, consideration, sensitivity, fairness and equity;
• Avoiding wastage of public funds and revenues - by using all government
resources and facilities efficiently, honestly and economically to avoid wastage
of public funds and revenues;
• Desisting from taking advantage of one’s official duty - by not obtaining
personal gain or for any other person;
• Desisting undue favors on account of one’s office - by abstaining favors
to family or relatives
• Maintaining Principle of Accountability - by committing to the democratic
way of life and values,
• Upholding the Constitution and laws of the Republic of the Philippines -
by putting loyalty to country above persons or party;
• Upholding Public Interest – by upholding public interest over and above
personal interest.
• Utmost dedication to duty - by performing one’s duties with utmost
dedication to duty with the highest degree of integrity, honesty,
excellence, professionalism.
III – Rights of Public Officials and
• These are rights commonly enjoyed
• Prescribed by the Constitution, existing
laws, Rules and Regulations
• Granting incentives and rewards for
exemplary service.
IV. Responsibilities and Obligations of Public Officials and
• Objective: to ensure public accountability, attain high standard
of morality, honesty, decency and good governance.


• Support and Loyalty to the Agency

(Rendering One’s Service With Utmost Dedication)
- Upholding and abiding by one’s Oath of Office including provisions
on loyalty and prohibition against strikes.
- As a manifestation of national unity and patriotism and love of
country, attendance at the Flag Ceremony every Monday is
mandatory. Failure to attend the Flag Ceremony for two (2)
consecutive times in a month and without justifiable cause is an
administrative offense.
• Enforcement of Policies and Programs
-responsibility for implementing policies and programs promptly, conscientiously,
efficiently and effectively.
- responsibility in assisting in attaining its goals and objectives .
- is expected to know relevant policies, regulations, orders and other similar
- full responsibility for one’s decisions and actions.
- be held liable for any act, conduct and/or behavior of those under one’s
respective jurisdiction, if proven to have knowledge of or ought to have known
such act.
- responsible for enhancing the efficiency of all personnel.
- reporting in writing to the proper authorities any knowledge of any incidence of
neglect of duty, incompetence or malfeasance
- ensuring faithful compliance of all pertinent issuances affecting the
enforcement of laws and its implementing rules.
• Quality of a Good and Responsible Leader
- Practice and advocate the qualities of a good and responsible leader.
- Serve as role model of the office/unit that he/she represents.
- Influence, inspire and empower his/her subordinates and co-workers in
promoting and supporting the required norms, values, conduct and behavior.
• Accountability for Government Money and Property
- any money, property or other thing of value received by, or coming
into, his/her custody.
- prohibition from using government time, property and/or facilities,
including equipment and supplies, for conducting personal business or
for unauthorized purposes.
- liability for damage and/or loss of government/BIR property resulting
from his/her negligence and/or the unauthorized use of such property.
- Only authorized Officials and Employees are allowed the use of
Government/BIR-owned or leased motor vehicles for official purpose
- maintaining the integrity and security of all official documents or
information under his/her responsibility and custody.
- be responsible in protecting and conserving the Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) resources and be responsible for
observing all established policies, procedures and requirements in the
ICT environment.
- Records and documents that form part of official files are
held under strict confidentiality.
In case of loss and/or damage thereof, due and prompt
reporting of the same must be made in accordance with
the prescribed rules and guidelines.
Upon transfer of assignment, resignation, retirement or
separation from the revenue service.

• Turn- over of Government Money and Property

In case of transfer, resignation or separation from the
Guiding principle: Service Excellence with Integrity and
Professionalism (with equity, promptness and efficiency)
- Performance of High Quality Service
• Demonstration of Integrity
- bearing in mind the Oath of Office
- by upholding dignity, fairness and honesty
- by not allowing to undue pressure and influence to affect one’s
decisions or orders.
• Proper Exercise of Discretionary Powers
- Established rules and procedures should be observed
- by assuring the paramount interest of the agency over and above
personal interest.
• Maintenance of Good Public Relations
- Courtesy, Fairness and Impartiality
• Prohibition Against Conflict of Interest and Partiality
- A. ● Conflict of interest arises:
When one is:
1. a substantial stockholder; or
2. a member of the Board of Directors; or
3. an officer of the corporation; or
4. an owner or has substantial interest in a business; or
5. a partner in a partnership; and
One’s interests are opposed to or affected vis-à-vis the faithful
performance of one’s official duty.
- ● Requirement for Validity of Divestment of Interest
(1) Resignation from one’s position in any private business
enterprise within thirty (30) days from one’s assumption of office
and/or within sixty (60) days from becoming a shareholder or
holder of rights thereof.
● Prohibited Acts Constituting Conflict of Interest and
The following are the prohibited acts and transactions:
1. Employment of a member of one’s family in a private
enterprise which has a pending official business with him/her or
within one year after its termination ;
2. Financial or pecuniary interest in any business , contract or
transaction when one intervenes or takes part in one’s official
3. Requesting or receiving any present, gift or material or
pecuniary advantage on account of private individual’s family or
close personal relation/association.
4. Entering into, on behalf of the agency, any contract or
transaction manifestly and grossly disadvantageous to said
agency, whether or not one has profited or will profit thereby;
5. Neglecting or refusing to act within a reasonable
time on any matter pending before him/her for the
purpose of obtaining, directly or indirectly, some
pecuniary or material benefit or advantage.
6. Privilege or benefit in favor of any person not
qualified for or not legally entitled to such registration,
7. Material interest in any transaction, where one is a
member, and for which one exercises discretion in the
approval thereof.
- B. ● Prohibition Against Financial and Material
shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any financial or
material dealings or transactions where the
approval/clearance of the agency is required, i.e. in any
bidding or sale of Government property under the direct
control or supervision of the Government.
- C. Prohibition Against Outside Employment and when
Employment is a full-time capacity and it shall constitute
as one’s sole employment,
exception; if approved by the heads of office and will not
run in conflict with one’s official duty and/or likely to affect or
compromise one’s performance.
Outside employment may be allowed if the following
conditions are
1. It shall not be performed during regular working hours;
2. It must be in line with one’s profession;
3. Authority to practice one’s profession outside of
employment shall not cover private practice, except for duly
licensed instructor, professor, lecturer, resource person, or
notary public,
4. It is prohibited to disclose or make known confidential
information obtained in the course of one’s employment.
• Non-Disclosure of Documents and Confidential
Information to the Public and When Allowed

— A. Illegal or Unauthorized Disclosure/Divulgence of

Official or Confidential Information
• Non-disclosure of any official information or document, nor
divulge any information or document, obtained by one in the
discharge of official function, other than those as allowed by
law or authorized by proper authority which is a prohibited
— B. Prompt Reply to Official Communications
• reply to letters, telegrams, telefax, e-mail, text message
and other available means of communications, within fifteen
(15) working days from their receipt
• It shall embody the action taken thereon
End of Presentation

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