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• Gr, chondros = cartilage, ichtys =fish
• Lowest living vertebrate
• Movable jaws, paired apendages
• All predator
• Skin tough, covered with minute placoid
scales, Having many mucous glands; median
and paired fins present, pelvic fins with
claspers in males, heterocercal tail.
• Mouth ventral,with enamel-caped teeth;
nostrils two (or one), not connected with
mouth cavity; both lower and upper jaws
present; intestine with spiral valve
• Skeleton cartilaginous, no true bone; cranium
joined by paired sense capsules; notochord
• Heart two-chambered (one atrium, one
ventricle), with sinus venosus and conus
arterious, contains only venous blood; several
pairs of aortic arches; some veins expanded as
sinuses; red blood cells nucleated and oval
• Respiration by gills attached to opposing walls
of five to seven pairs of gill pouches, each
pouche with a separate slitlike opening; no
swim bladder.
• Ten pairs of cranial nerves; each “ear” with
three semicircular canals.
• Excretion by mesonephric kidneys; urea chief
nitrogenious waste.
• Body temperature variable (ectothermal)
• Sexes separate; gonnads typically paired;
reproductive ducts discharge into cloaca;
fertilization internal; oviparous or viviparous;
eggs large with much yolk, segmentation
meroblastic; no embryonic membrane;
development direct, no metamorphosis
External features
• Head is bluntly pointed
• Two dorsal fins
• Caudal fin
• Two pairs of lateral fins : pectoral and
• Mature shark : clasper (copulation)
• Anal fin (Mustelus)
• The tail is heterocercal
• On the head, there are two nostrils and
the wide mouth,
• The eyes are lateral and without lids
Caudal fins
• Dogfishes (Squalus) grow to 1 m
• >> under 2.5 meter
• White shark : Charcarodon carc harias :
6 meter
• Basking shark (Cetorinus maximus) : 12
• Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) : 18
• The gray colored skin is evenly covered with
diagonal rows of minute placoid scales, each
with a backward pointing spine covered by
enamel and a basal plate of dentine in the
Placoid Scales
• These scales point
towards the tail
and helps to
reduce friction
from surrounding
water when the
shark swims
Shark Anatomy
• The entire skeleton is cartilage
• The axial parts are the chondocranium,
visceral skeleton, and segmented
• The chondocranium is made up (1)
cranium housing the brain and (2)
paired capsules for olfactory, optic, and
auditory organs.
Skeleton (cont…)
• The visceral skeleton consists of the
jaws, hyoid arches, and five pairs of
branachial arches supporting the gills
• The upper jaws is not united to the
brain case
Skeleton (cont…)
• The appencicular skeleton includes (1)
U-shaped pectoral girdle supporting the
pectoral fins (2) the flatter pelvic girdle
to which the pelvic fins attach, and (3)
the many small jointed cartilages within
and supporting each lateral fin.
Digestive System
• The mouth is margined with transverse
rows of sharply teeth.
• Replacement teeth develop continuosly
in rows behind the functional teeth and
move-forward to replace those lost.
• A flat tonguelike adheres (attached) to
the floor of the mouth
• On the sides of the wide pharynx are openings leading to
the separate gill slits
• The short esophagus leads to the J-shaped stomach
which ends at a circular sphincter muscle (pyloric valve)
• The intestine follows and connects directly to the cloaca
and anus
• The intestine : spiral valve, covered with mucous
• The liver is two log lobes, attached at the anterior end of
the body cavity.
• Stomach, intestine, and other internal organs
lie in the large body cavity.
• It is lined with a smooth glistening membrane
(peritoneum) which covers organ.
Reproductive System
• Sex are separate
• In the male, sperm develop in two long
• The female reproductive system has two
large ovaries (sometime fused)
Shark Reproduction
• Male claspers are inserted into female cloaca
for internal fertilization
• Ovoviviparous 90%
• Viviparous (Great whites)
• Oviparous
Female Reproductive Anatomy
Male Reproductive Anatomy
Chondrichthyes Reproduction
• oviparous (laying eggs that hatch outside
the mother's body)

• ovoviviparous (brooding eggs that hatch

within the mother's body, and then
releasing the young)

• viviparous (young develop within a uterus

inside the mother's body, and are
nourished (feed) prior to birth via a
connection with the mother's bloodstream
Cat Shark Egg
Porbeagle embryo viviparous

Dogfish Shark embryos

Respiratory system
• Benthic shark :Water >>> branchial pouches
contraction >>> expelled the gill slits
• Pelagic species : use ram-jet method
swimming with mouth and gills open, to
maintain a flow of water over the gills
(discharges CO2, absorbs O2).
Sense Organs
• Two nostrils (olfactory sacs) sluiced by
oncoming water and serve the sense of smell
for dissolved materials
• The pharynx contains scattered taste buds
• The eyes (moved by three pairs of muscles)
are without lids (cover)
• The retina contains only rods, adapted for dim
• The ear seemingly is an organ of balance
• The lateral line is a fine groove along each site
of the trunk and tail that contains a slender
canal (contains sensory hair cells) with many
small opening to the surface.
• Within the canal are sensory hair cells
connecting to branch of the tenth cranial
• They evidently respond to low frequency
pressure stimuli in the surronding water --- a
sort of distant “touch response”.
• The sensory canals on the head opening by
pores leads to a small chamber (ampulla of
Lorenzi) containing an electroreceptor with
sensory hairs connecting to nerve fibers.
Shark Senses

smell hearing lateral line organ vision ampullae of Lorenzini touch and taste
Lateral Line System
• Class 1. Placodermi, Ordo Rhenanida,
Arthrodira, Anthiarchi
• Class 2. Chondrichtyes, Ordo : Cladoselachii,
Pleuracanthodii, Chlamydoselachiformes,
Hexanchiformes, squaliformes
Whale Shark

Worlds largest fish

(46 ft long)


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