CH 3, Attitudes & Job Satisfaction

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Chapter 3

Attitudes & Job Satisfaction

© 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 1–1


Attitudes Cognitive component

The opinion or belief segment
Evaluative of an attitude.
statements or
judgments Affective Component
concerning The emotional or feeling segment
objects, of an attitude.
people, or
events. Behavioral Component
An intention to behave in a certain
way toward someone or something.

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Types of Attitudes

Job Satisfaction
A collection of positive and/or negative feelings that
an individual holds toward his or her job.

Job Involvement
Identifying with the job, actively participating in it,
and considering performance important to self-worth.

Organizational Commitment
Identifying with a particular organization and its
goals, and wishing to maintain membership in the
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The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance
Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes
or between behavior and attitudes.

Desire to reduce dissonance

• Importance of elements creating dissonance
• Degree of individual influence over elements
• Rewards involved in dissonance

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Measuring the A-B Relationship
 Recent research indicates that attitudes (A)
significantly predict behaviors (B) when
moderating variables are taken into account.

Moderating Variables
• Importance of the attitude
• Specificity of the attitude
• Accessibility of the attitude
• Social pressures on the individual
• Direct experience with the attitude

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Self-Perception Theory

Attitudes are used after the fact to make sense

out of an action that has already occurred.

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An Application: Attitude Surveys

Attitude Surveys
Eliciting responses from employees through
questionnaires about how they feel about their jobs,
work groups, supervisors, and the organization.

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Attitudes and Workforce Diversity
 Training activities that can reshape employee
attitudes concerning diversity:
– Participating in diversity training that provides for self-
evaluation and group discussions.
– Volunteer work in community and social serve centers
with individuals of diverse backgrounds.
– Exploring print and visual media that recount and
portray diversity issues.

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Job Satisfaction
 Measuring Job Satisfaction
– Single global rating
– Summation score
 How Satisfied Are People in Their Jobs?
– Job satisfaction declined to 50.4% in 2002
– Decline attributed to:
• Pressures to increase productivity and meet tighter
• Less control over work

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The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee

 Satisfaction and Productivity

– Satisfied workers aren’t necessarily more productive.
– Worker productivity is higher in organizations with
more satisfied workers.
 Satisfaction and Absenteeism
– Satisfied employees have fewer avoidable absences.
 Satisfaction and Turnover
– Satisfied employees are less likely to quit.
– Organizations take actions to retain high performers
and to weed out lower performers.

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How Employees Can Express Dissatisfaction

Exit Voice
Behavior directed toward Active and constructive
leaving the organization. attempts to improve

Loyalty Neglect
Passively waiting for Allowing conditions to
conditions to improve. worsen.

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Job Satisfaction and OCB
 Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB)
– Satisfied employees who feel fairly treated by and are
trusting of the organization are more willing to engage
in behaviors that go beyond the normal expectations of
their job.

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Job Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction
 Satisfied employees increase customer
satisfaction because:
– They are more friendly, upbeat, and responsive.
– They are less likely to turnover which helps build long-
term customer relationships.
– They are experienced.
 Dissatisfied customers increase employee job

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