Toefl 3

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Modal + verb wod

7. Logical conclusions – events in the past
8. Logical conclusions – events in the present
9. Logical conclusions – events that repeat
10. Knowledge and ability – know and know
11. Past caution – used to an BE used it
12. Advisability – had better
13. Reference – would rather
14. Preference for Another – would rather
15. Negative imperatives
Modals are auxalary verbs. They used with
the main verbs to give additional
meaning to main verbs. The most
common modals are listed below, along
with some of the additional meanings that
they add to main verbs
Can Possibility , ability, permission
Could Possibility , ability in the past
May Probability, permission
Might Probability
Must Necessity, logical conclusion
Shall Future with emphasis
Should Advise, obligation, prediction
Will Future
would condition
S modal Verb word
They might visit us

Incorrect : after you show me the way, I can to go by myself
Correct: after you show me the way, I can go by myself
Incorrect: Our friends might stopping to see us on their way to California
Correct: Our friends might stop to see us on their way to California
Incorect: The flight should to be on time
Corect: The flight should be on time
By the time a baby has reached his first
bithday, he should, without the help of an
adult ... sit up or even stand up
A. to be able to
B. able to
C. to be able
D. be able to
Many birds will, in the normal sourse of their
migration, flying more than three thousand
miles to reach their winter home
Must followed by the verb word have and a
participle expression a logical
conclusion based on evidence
S Must have participle Past time
My friend must have called Last night

Incorrect: The street are wet; it should have
rained last night
Correct: The street are wet; it must have
rained last night
Incorrect: The ring that I was looking at is
gone; someone else must buy it
Correct: The ring that I was looking at is
gone; someone else must have bought it
Incorrect: I don’t see Martha anywhere; she
must be left early
Correct: I don’t see Martha anywhere; she
must have left early
The theory of Continental Drift assumes that
there ... long term climate changes in many
areas during the past
A. must have been
B. must be
C. must have
D. must
When the weather becomes colder we know
that the air mass must originated in the
Arctic rather than over the Gulf of Mexico
Must followed by be and an –ing or an
adjective expresses a logical conclusion
based on the evidence. The conclusion is
about an event that is happening now
S Must be -ing Present time
My friend must be calling now

S Must be adjective Present time

He must be upset now
Incorrect: The line is busy; someone should be
using the telephone now
Correct: The line is busy; someone must be using
the telephone now
Incorrect: Bob is absent; he must have been sick
again (now)
Correct: Bob is absent; he must be sick again (now)
Inccorect: he is taking a walk; he must have felt
better now
Correct: he is taking a walk; he must be filling
better now
The general public ... a large number of
computer now, because prices are
beginning decrease.
A. must buy
B. must have bought
C. must be buying
D. must buying
The American buffalo must be repreduce
itself again because it has been removed
from the endangered species list.
Must followed by a verb word expresses a
logical conclusions based on evidence.
The conclusion is about an event that
happens repeatedly.
S must Verb word Repeated time
My friend must call often
Incorrect: The light is always out in her room at ten
o’clock; she must have go to bed early every night
Correct: The light is always out in her room at ten
o’clock; she must go to bed early every night
Incorrect: Our neighbors must having a lot of money
because they are always taking expensive trips
Correct: Our neighbors must have a lot of money
because they are always taking expensive trips
Incorrect: He can like his job because he seems very
Correct: He must like his job because he seems very
Incorect: Her English is very good; she must spoken if
Correct: Her English is very good; she must speak if
Exercise :
Since more that 50 percent of all marriages in
the United States end in divorce about half
of the children in America must ... in single-
parent homes
A. Grow up
B. To gow up
C. Growing up
D. Have grow up
Sheep must have mate in fall since the young
are born in early spring every year
Know followed by a noun expresses
S know noun
I know the answer

Know how followed by an infinitive

expresses ability
S know how infinitive
I know how to answer the question
Incorrect: If she knew to drive, he would
lend her his car
Correct: If she knew how to drive, he
would lend her his car
Incorrect: I don’t know to use the card
catalog in the library
Correct: I don’t know how to use the card
catalog in the library
Incorrect: Until he came to the United State to
study, he didn’t know to cook
Correct: Until he came to the United State to
study, he didn’t know how to cook
In a liberal arts curriculum, it is assumed that
graduates will ... about English, language,
literature, history, and other social science.
A. know
B. know how
C. knowledge
D. knowing
The impressionists like Monet and Manet
knew to use color in order to create an
image of reality rather than reality itself
Used to with a verb wod means that a
custome in the past has not continued.
S Used to Verb word
He used to live in the country

BE used to with an –ing form means to be

accustomed to
S BE Used to -ing form
He was used to living in the
Incorrect: I used to was studying at the
University of Southern California
before I transfered here
Correct: I used to study at the University of
Southern California before I
transfered here
Incorrect: She was used to get up early
Correct: She was used to getting up early
Harvard ... a school for men, but now it is
coeducational, serving as many women as
A. was used
B. used to be
C. was used to
D. was used to be
As TV images of the astronauts showed, even
for trained professionals who are used to
move about in a lessened gravitatonal
field, there are still problems
Although had appears to be a past, had
better expresses advise for the future
S Had better Verb word
You had better take chemistry 600 this semester

S Had better not Verb word

You had better not take chemistry 600 this
Incorrect: You had better to hurry if you don’t
want to miss the bus
Correct: You had better hurry if you don’t
want to miss the bus
Incorrect: We had better made reservations
so that we will be sure of getting a
good table
Correct: We had better make reservations so
that we will be sure of getting a good table
Incorect: You had better don’t go alone
Correct: You had better not go alone
To check for acidity, one had better ... litmus
A. Use
B. Using
C. To use
D. Useful
In today’s compatative markets, even small
businesses had better to advise on TV and
Radio in order to gain a share of the market
Although word athe appears to be a past, it
expresses preference in present and
future time.
S Would rather Verb word
I Would rather (not) drive
Incorrect : She told me that she’d rather not to
serve on the committee
Correct: She told me that she’d rather not
serve on the committee
Incorrect: If you don’t mind, I’d rather not
Correct: If you don’t mind, I’d rather not go
Incorrect: Greg would rather has a Pepsi than
a beer
Correct : Greg would rather have a Pepsi than
a beer
Rhododendons would rather ... in shady places,
and so would azaleas.
A. To grow
B. Growing
C. Grown
D. Grow
The Amish people, descended from the Germans
and Swiss, would rather using horses than
machines for transportation and farm work
because they believe that a simple life keeps
them closer to God
Remember that when the preference is for
another person or thing, would rather
that introduce a clause. The other person
or thing is the subject of the clause.
Although the verb is past tense, the
preference is for present or future.
S Would rather that S Didn’t V (past)
I Would rather that you Drove
I Would rather that You Didn’t drive
Incorrect : I’d rather that you don’t do that
Correct: I’d rather that you didn’t do that
Incorrect : The dean would rather that
students make appointments instead of
dropping by
Correct: The dean would rather that students
made appointments instead of dropping by
Incorrect : We’d rather that you should come
Correct: We’d rather that you came tomorrow
A good councelor would rather that patient ... his
or her own decisions after being helped to arrive
at general understanding of the alternative.
A. makes
B. making
C. will make
D. made
It is said that the American flag has five-pointed
stars because Betsy Ross told General
Washington she would rather that he changing
the six pointed ones
Remember that an imperative is expressed
by a verb word
Please don’t Verb word
Please don’t tell anyone

Avoid using don’t after would you please

Would you please not Verb word
Would you please not tell anyone
Incorrect: Would you please don’t smoke
Correct: Would you please not smoke
Please don’t smoke
Incorrect: Would you please don’t be late
Correct: Please don’t be late
Would you please not be late
Please ... photocopies of copyrighted material
without the permission of the publisher
A. no make
B. don’t make
C. not make
D. not to make
Please don’t parking in those spaces that have
signs reserving them for the handicapped

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