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Unit IV: Types of Speech

Lesson 3: Organizing and

Delivering an Impromptu
Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Classroom Management
3. Checking of attendance
4. Review of the previous lesson
What was our last discussion about?
What are the things that you have to bear in
mind before delivering a speech?
Objectives of the lesson:

Uses principles of effective speech delivery in

different situations.
1. identify the features of an impromptu
2. develop and deliver an effective
impromptu speech;
3. evaluate and critique an impromptu
• Different sweets will be shown to the students. The
teacher will ask for three volunteers. Each volunteer
will be asked to pick one from the sweets. Attached
to each sweet is a piece of paper containing a topic
which the volunteer student needs to talk about.
• 1. Are you familiar with the topic that you
have picked?
• 2. How did you feel before, during and after
delivering the speech?
• 3. Was it hard to think of things that you
would say? Why?
Questions for the audience
• 1. What did you notice about the
• 2. Did they speak naturally and
confidently all throughout the speech?

•Impromptu speeches are delivered with

little or no time for preparation. In most
instances, you are called to speak at the
spur of the moment because you are
expected to be knowledgeable about the
Situations when impromptu speech may be
called for:
•Class discussion
Strategies in Organizing and
Delivering an Impromptu
Past, Present and
Topic: Games Filipinos Play
(Social Studies and PE)
Past: I can still remember the usual story my grandfather tells me. He
and his friends loved to play hide and seek or taguan, habulan, and
tumbang preso. He said it was fun playing outdoor games with his

Present: At present, I barely see kids playing those games any more,
neither have I experienced playing those games too. We are now in
the age where kids are stuck in their rooms and busy playing online

Future: The future generation is expected to play more advanced

online games. However, I feel sad knowing that the games Filipinos
play that are supposed to make them happy are the same games
that take away their time with and for their family.

Topic: Love for nature (Science)

Point: We must love our nature for it gives us life.
Reason: Why did I say so? Primarily because trees
produce the air that we breath and the food that we
eat. The land is where we live. The waters fuel our
souls and hydrate our spirit.
Explanation: No man can ever survive without the
gift that comes from nature for no man can ever
survive without oxygen and food that nature
provides us with.
Point: Love nature and it will love you back.
Opening, Rule of Three,
Topic: I can beat Math
Opening: I can’t remember passing a test in my
Mathematics subject when I was in elementary. I thought,
mathematics wasn’t really for me.
Rule of three: But then I realized that I only need to do
three things to get good grades in math. First, I need to add
more determination and willingness to learn. Second, I need
to subtract or lessen the time I consume playing online
games. Finally, I need to divide my time properly and devote
more of it studying the lessons that confuse me the most.
Clincher: These three are my baby steps towards my goal of
getting good grades in Mathematics. Mathematics may be
tough but I know that I am tougher.
In some cases, you may find yourself
unaware of or uninterested in the
topic. This usually happens and it is
Distinguished Toastmaster Craig
Harrison (2010) shares the following
strategies that can help you address
This entails building a
connection between what
you do know and what
you do not know.
• Topic: You are asked about your reaction on the
conflict in Russia.
• Problem: You have no knowledge about the existing
conflict in Russia because you do not follow it.
• Solution : Find a way to bridge what you don’t know
and what you do know.
• Response: “I would imagine the conflict in Russia to
be like a conflict in my own family. The following are
some steps that I observed in patching up the
conflict, which, in a micro level, may be considered
by the Russian government…”
•This means rephrasing or redefining
the topic into something that you want
to talk about. This usually occurs if you
think the topic is inappropriate or it is
not meant for you.
• Topic: Pre-marital Sex and Love
• Problem: You are not comfortable talking about anything
that is connected to sex.
• Solution: Find something that is worth discussing by
linking the given topic to a topic you are comfortable
talking about.
• Response: A lot of teenagers often say that they engage
into pre-marital sex to prove and show that they love their
partner. Love for me is sacred, so is sex. Being loyal to your
partner, for me, is more than enough to show that you
love him/her. (discuss more about being loyal)
Playing Devil’s Advocate
• This refers to you
standing on the opposite
• Topic You are asked whether or not the government should
allocate a bigger budget for national defense.
• Problem You have no idea about the defense system and you are
more knowledgeable with education.
• Solution Say no to defense and yes to education.
• Response “Instead of allocating more money to national defense,
why not allot it to education? Let me tell you why education should
be prioritized…”
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu
Speech Delivery
• Before the Speech
• Smile.
• Relax by thinking about positive things. Keep telling yourself, “I am a
brilliant speaker. I will nail this presentation.”
• Identify your purpose. Is it to inform, to entertain, to welcome, to
congratulate, to apologize, or to give birthday greetings?
• Think of one big word that can serve as your main point. If you think
you have enough, think of the rule of three.
• Start outlining in your head. Focus on what to say first. Be reminded
that your first few words are crucial, so make them strong, powerful
and catchy.
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu
Speech Delivery
• During the Speech
• When you are called, keep composed. Walk slowly to the lectern or the
center stage.
• Shake hands with the one who introduced you, if necessary.
• As you stand to deliver, establish eye contact, and begin right away with
your opening statements. Part of your opening is greeting your audience.
• From your initial idea to the next, use appropriate transitional devices.
• Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.
• Observe time limit. Remember, you barely have five minutes to say
something. (Emphasize numeracy)
After the Speech

•Say thank you.

•Return to your place comfortably.
6.4 Abstraction

• 1. How will you differentiate impromptu speech and the two

speeches that we have previously discussed?
• 2. Among the strategies discussed, which do you think is easiest
to follow? Why do you say so?
• 3. Based on our discussion, how do you think can a neophyte
speaker deliver a good impromptu speech?
• Photo Prompts. The teacher will prepare pictures
reflecting current events. Volunteer students will be
asked to pick a picture and give a short discussion
about the picture for one minute. Students will be
asked to critique the presentations.
• Rubrics will be given to students
1. Which of the following is a major feature of an
impromptu speech?
a. It is long and convincing
b. Speaker is given enough time to prepare before the
actual delivery
c. Speaker is given short or no time to prepare before
the actual delivery.
d. It is short and meaningless
2. In which of the following situations can an impromptu speech
most likely be delivered?
a. when you are invited in a debut
b. when you are invited as guest speaker in a graduation
c. when you are going to act as lecturer in a seminar
d. all of the above
3. What is the best thing to do when delivering an
impromptu speech?
a. Talk fast so you could finish fast
b. Divert the attention of the audience somewhere
else by pointing towards something unusual
c. Calm yourself and try to focus on the topic given
d. Use delaying tactics to give yourself enough time to
think of what to say about the topic
4. How would you know if a person talking is a good
impromptu speaker?
a. If his ideas are well-organized
b. If he can keep his calm in spite of the pressure
c. If he can think of ways to deliver a speech even
when the topic is something not known to him.
d. all of the above
5. What is the best way to hide nervousness?
a. by speaking at the top of your voice
b. by smiling
c. by joking and laughing at your own jokes
d. by looking for a familiar face in the audience

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