Network Layer: Design Issues

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Network Layer

Design Issues
Network Layer
• The network layer is concerned with getting
packets from the source all the way to the
destination with minimal coast.
• Unlike the DLL which has the more modest
goal of just moving frames from one end of a
wire to the other.
• Network Layer is the lowest layer that deals
with end-to-end transmission.
• Store-and-Forward Packet Switching
• Services Provided to the Transport Layer
• Implementation of Connectionless Service
• Implementation of Connection-Oriented
• Comparison of Virtual-Circuit and Datagram
Store-and-Forward Packet Switching

• A host with a packet to send

transmits it to the nearest
• The packet is stored there
until it has fully arrived.
• the link has finished its
processing by verifying the
• Then it is forwarded to the
next router along the path
until it reaches the
destination host.
• This mechanism is store-and-
forward packet switching.
Services Provided to the Transport Layer

before providing these services to the transport

layer following goals must be kept in mind:
• 1-The services should be independent of the
router technology. “why”?!
• 2-The transport layer should be shielded from
the number, type, and topology of the routers
• 3-The network addresses made available to the
transport layer should use a uniform numbering
plan, even across LANs and WANs.
Services Provided to the Transport Layer - cont.
• Definitions :
• Connection-oriented service : is a network communication mode, where
a communication session or a semi-permanent connection is established
before any useful data can be transferred, and where a stream of data is
delivered in the same order as it was sent.
• Connectionless service : is a data transmission method used in packet
switching networks by which each data unit is individually addressed and
routed based on information carried in each unit, rather than in the setup
information of a prearranged, fixed data channel as in connection-oriented
• Packet switching is a digital networking communications method that groups
all transmitted data into suitably sized blocks, called packets
• A datagram is a basic transfer unit associated with a packet-switched
network. The delivery, arrival time, and order of arrival need not be
guaranteed by the network.
• A virtual circuit : is a means of transporting data over a packet switched computer
network in such a way that it appears as though there is a dedicated physical layer link
between the source and destination end systems of this data.
Which service is the best ?
• Arguments :
• The discussion is about on whether the network layer
should provide connection oriented service or
connectionless service.
• One camp (represented by the Internet community)
argues that the routers’ job is moving packets around
and nothing else /connectionless.
• The other camp (represented by the telephone
companies) argues that the network should provide a
reliable, connection-oriented service.
• connectionless network layers have grown tremendously in
popularity. The IP protocol is now an ever-present symbol of
Implementation of Service

• If connectionless • If connection-oriented
service is offered, service is used, a path
packets are injected from the source router all
into the network the way to the
individually and routed destination router must
independently of each be established before any
other. No advance data packets can be sent.
setup is needed. In this This connection is called
context, the packets a VC (virtual circuit),
are frequently called
Implementation of Connectionless
• Suppose that the process P1 in Fig.
has a long message for P2It hands
the message to the transport layer,
• with instructions to deliver it to
process P2 on host H2. The
transport layer code runs on H1,
typically within the operating
system. It prepends a transport
header to the front of the message
and hands the result to the network
layer, probably just another
procedure within the operating
Implementation of Connection-Oriented Service

• For connection-oriented service, we need

a virtual-circuit network. The idea behind
virtual circuits is to avoid having to choose
a new route for every packet sent.
• With connection-oriented service, each
packet carries an identifier telling which
virtual circuit it belongs to.
• Assigns a different connection identifier
to the outgoing traffic for the second
connection. Avoiding conflicts of this kind
is why routers need the ability to replace
connection identifiers in outgoing
packets. In some contexts, this process is
called label switching
Comparison of Virtual-Circuit and
Datagram Networks
• Plotkin, Serge. "Competitive routing of virtual circuits in ATM
networks."Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal
on 13.6 (1995): 1128-1136.
• Protocol, User Datagram. "RFC 768 J. Postel ISI 28 August
1980." Isi (1980).
• Bjerregaard, Tobias, and Jens Sparso. "A router architecture
for connection-oriented service guarantees in the MANGO
clockless network-on-chip." Design, Automation and Test in
Europe, 2005. Proceedings. IEEE, 2005.

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