Presented By, Shobha C.Hiremath (01FE17MCS019)
Presented By, Shobha C.Hiremath (01FE17MCS019)
Presented By, Shobha C.Hiremath (01FE17MCS019)
Shobha C.Hiremath(01FE17MCS019)
machine learning, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is a class of
deep, feed-forward artificial neural networks, most commonly applied to
analyzing visual imagery.
5 K-Nearest Neighbours • Robust to noisy training data, and • Need to determine the
effective if training data is large. value of K and the
computation cost is
high as it needs to
computer the distance
of each instance to all
the training samples.
Decision Tree • simple to understand and • Decision tree can
visualize, requires little data create complex trees
preparation, and can handle that do not generalize
both numerical and categorical well.
data. • Decision trees can be
unstable because
small variations in the
data might result in a
completely different
tree being generated.
8 Comparison Matrix • Describe and compare attributes • Gives low accuracy on small
and characteristics of items dataset.
Classification Algorithms Accuracy
ImageNet challenge.
Author goal was to provide insights into the design choices that can lead to efficient
neural networks for practical application and optimization.
Finally, showed that ENet is the best architecture in terms of parameters space
utilisation, squeezing up to 13 more information per parameter
1) The class of heritage images concerning human activities and the class of heritage
images with non-human activities.
2) Proposed a new method of CBIR to automatically classify a collection of images
based on the color features.
Naives Bayes Image Classifier can classify an image to a class according to the skin
pixels appearing in the image content
Sl.No Title of the Paper Authors Issues Methodology Results
The process is done for all classes depending on the type of classification
problem; binary classification or multi-class classification.
The testing step means to categorize the test images under various classes
for which system was trained. This assigning of class is done based on the
partitioning between classes based on the training features.
Fig :Training of Aihole Images
Fig :Training of Amrutheshwar Images
Fig 3: Epochs Generated