Biochemical Tests in Diabetes: DR Joe Fleming PHD MCB Frcpath Dept of Clinical Biochemistry CMC Vellore

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Biochemical tests in diabetes

Dr Joe Fleming PhD MCB FRCPath

Dept of Clinical Biochemistry
CMC Vellore
Glycated Haemoglobin Analysis
The non- enzymatic addition of a sugar residue to
amino groups of protein.
Haemoglobin HbA 97%, HbA2 2.5 % and HbF 0.5%
Several minor haemoglobins migrate more rapidly than
HbA in an electric field, called HbA1, made up of
HbA1a + HbA1b + HbA1c.
Condensation of glucose and the N-terminal valine of
each beta chain of haemoglobin is HbA1c.
HbA1a1 is fructose-1, 6 diphosphate and
HbA1a2 is glucose-6-phosphate attached to the
amino terminal of the beta chain.
HbA1b is pyruvic acid linked to the amino
terminal valine of the beta chain
HbA1c makes up 80% of HbA1.
Aldimine Ketoamine
Schiff base
NH2 H-C=O H-C=N- A H-C-NH- A

A + 
N terminal
Glucose Glucose Glucose

HbA + glucose  Pre-HbA1c HbA1c

rapid slow
Methods for determining glycated haemoglobins
those based on charge differences:
ion-exchange chromatography, HPLC,
electrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing
and those based on structural differences
affinity chromatography and immunoassay.
Chemical methods a third option rarely used.
Ion-exchange chromatography
Measures HBA1 – total glycated
haemoglobins (A1a + 1b + 1c)
HPLC Both HbA1c and HbA1 can be
Electrophoresis can measure HbA1c but less
specific .
Isoelectrophoresis HbA1c adequately
resolved from HbA1a1, HbA1b and S and F.
Immunoassay antibodies raised against the Amadori
product of glucose (ketoamine linkage) plus the first
4-8 amino acids at the N-terminal of the beta chain
by inhibition of latex agglutination. Specific for
Affinity chromatography uses
m-aminophenylboronic acid bound to agarose or
glass fibre matrix to react with cis-diol groups of
glucose bound to haemoaglobin.
Measures HbA1
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) 1993
multicenter randomized trial
HbA1c measurement systems have been standardized
through a process of alignment with the original DCCT
method. This has been undertaken by the US National
Glycohemoglobin Standardisation Program (NGSP) .

UK Consensus Statement
Glycemic control is best measured by HbA1c
The method should be a DCCT –aligned HBA1c method
The assay should have acceptable within assay precision
<3% and between assay imprecision <5%
Utilizes the principles of ion-exchange HPLC , without
interference from labile A1c, lipaemia or temperature
Certification/traceability of reference material
Certified by the NGSP as having documented traceability to
the DCCT reference method. The haemoglobin A1c
calibrators provided in the kit are traceable to the Kyoto
2002 Calibrator set prepared by the IFCC working
group on standardization of HbA1c. The specimens
were prepared in the Netherlands at a hospital with ISO
9001:2000 certificate.
NGSP = 0.906(IFCC) + 2.21.
This method reports performance data and
reference ranges as NGSP values. The
calibrator/diluent set includes both NGSP and
IFCC values.

IFCC values are 1.5-2.0% lower than NGSP

Clinical Chemistry 2008; 54:240
Update 6 year progress report
IFCC recommends mmol/mol HbA1c as units
Sample EDTA whole blood stable 1 week at 4C
HbA1c half life 35 days
A 1% increase in %HbA1c is equivalent to a rise in
average blood glucose of 35 mg/dL.
Clin Chem 2009; 55: 1612-14
International Expert Committee says HbA1c should
be the diagnostic test for diabetes.
The value of ≥ 6.5% decision point
6.0-6.4% indicate individuals at high risk of
developing diabetes
(%) (mmol/mol)
6.0 42
6.5 48
7.0 53
7.5 59
8.0 64
9.0 75
The HbA1c –derived average glucose (ADAG) calculated from
the HbA1c result will also be reported.
Consensus by ADA,EASD, IFCC and IDF for worldwide
Reference Ranges
< 6.5 % normal
6.5-7.0 % target in diabetic patients
7.0 -9.0% suboptimal diabetic control
> 9.0 % poor diabetic control
Icterus :
Hemoglobin variants S and C have no effect on the
assay when they exist in the heterozygous forms HbAS
and HbAC.
In homozygous Hb SS or Hb CC patients do not have
HbA present or HbA1c thus criteria other than monitoring
of HbA1c must be used to assess long term diabetic
control in these patients.

HbF levels upto 30 % do not interfere

Interpretation of HbA1c relies on RBC having a normal
Conditions with shortened RBC survival or higher
fraction of young RBC have reduced HbA1c
Higher HbA1c where older population of RBC exists
Haemoglobinopathies may increase or decrease HbA1c
Carbamylated Hb from attachment of urea may also
Conditions which preclude HbA1c testing
Altered red blood cell turnover eg haemolytic anaemia,
major blood loss or blood transfusion
Some Haemoglobin traits HbAS, Hb AC, Hb AE, Hb
AD interfere with some methods but alternative
methods are available. Values from 6.0% - 6.4 % are
at high risk of developing diabetes. Methods should
have CVs of =/< 5% between HbA1c values of 6%
and 7%
HbA1c advantages for diagnosis of DM:
Low preanalytical and biological variation
Correlates with risk of developing microvascular complications
Values reflect overall glycaemic exposure
No requirement for fasting sample
Diagnois confirmed by HbA1c =/> 6.5% confirmed on a different
day unless clinical symptoms and glucose > 200 mg//dL are
present. Analysis to be performed on central laboratory
instruments not point of care devices
Generic name for plasma protein ketoamines
Glucose and ε lysine residues of albumin
Half life of circulating albumin is 20 days
Glycated albumin reflects control over a period of 2-3
Do not perfom when Albumin < 3 g/dL

Specimen type, collection and storage

Plasma collected with EDTA/Fluoride Sodium EDTA
6mg, NaF 3mg/2ml blood) anticoagulant
and should be separated from the red cells within one hour
of collecting the specimen.
CSF for glucose estimation is collected in a plain bottle.
Serum is not suitable due to continuing glycolysis by red
cells in the absence of fluoride.
WBG 12-15% less than plasma glucose. Loss of glucose
approx 5-7% per hour (5-10 mg/dL)
Fasting blood glucose (FBG) should be 10 hour fast not
16 hrs
EDTA/Fluoride specimen is stable for 7 days is a closed
tube at 40C or 24 hours at 15-250C.
CSF should be analysed within 2 hours. Hexokinase and
GOD/POD methods are not suitable for urine.

Clin Chem 2005; 51:1573-1576

Harmonisation of POCT devices with laboratory use a
factor of 1.11 to convert POCT values in whole blood to
plasma values
Principle of the method
Reaction sequence
Glucose -----------------> Gluconic acid + H2O2
pH 7.0
H2O2 -----------------> H2O + [O]

[O] + 4 – amino phenazone + Phenol

----------------> Pink Chromogen

Measure absorbance at 505nm

Trinder P Ann Clin Biochem 1969, 6: 24-27
Barham D, Trinder P. Analyst 1972; 97: 142-145.
Higher concentrations of bilirubin interfere in the
peroxidase part of the assay causing a decrease in values
So do uric acid, ascorbate, haemoglobin, tetracycline,
Hexokinase assay
Uses hexokinase and G6PDH enzymes, ATP and NADP+
Haemolysis 0.5 g/dL,
lipaemia > 500 mg/dL, positive effect
bilirubin > 5 mg/dL negative effect
Reference Values
ADA 2 fasting plasma values ≥ 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L)
Impaired fasting glucose 101- 124 mg/dL (5.6-6.9 mmol/L)
Glucose AC fasting 70-110 mg/dL
Glucose PC (2 hours) 80-140 mg/dL
Glucose random 70-140mg/dL
Semi-quantitative measurement of urine glucose
Benedicts test based on reduction of copper ions by
glucose to give green to brick red colour. Protein free
All other urine reducing substances interfere.
Analytical sensitivity 250 mg/dl
Dip-stix method GOD/POD
Analytical sensitivity 100 mg/dL
Ketones, ascorbic acid, salicylates false negative
Bleach false positive
Specimen type, collection and storage
Serum or plasma can be analysed and can be stored at 40C, for 24
Collect 24 hr urine in a plastic container with thymol as a
preservative. Stable at 40C for 24 hr.
Centrifuge all urines before analysis.
Principle of the method
Creatinine + picric acid -------------- Creatinine picramate (red
colour) at 505 nm

Source of the Method Protocol

Slot C. J Clin Invest. 1965: 17: 381 –87
Seation B, Ali A. Med Lab Sci 1984; 41: 327 -36
Haemolysis /Hemoglobin up to 0.68 g/dL bilirubin up to
7.8 mg/dl, lipaemia /triglyceride upto 2200 mg/dl, do not
have any significant interference.

Interference from  -OH butyrate and acetoacetate

minimized by using a rate reaction. Cephalosporin
antibiotic and other drug reactions with picric acid
overcome by using a rate reaction.
All specimens which are icteric, having a bilirubin > 7.8
mg/dL must be repeated using the alternative blank
creatinine method, all specimens with a negative or
unexpectedly low creatinine should be repeated by this
Refs: Recommendations for improving serum creatinine
measurement: A report from the Laboratory Working Group
of the National Kidney Disease Education program. Clin
Chem 2006; 52: 5-18 GL Myers, WG Miller, Coresh J et al.

We require better standardization and improved accuracy
(trueness) of serum creatinine including the use of the
estimating equation for GFR from the Modification of Diet
in Renal Disease Study (MDRD). The current variability in
SCr estimation renders all equations for GFR less accurate in
the normal and slightly increased range < 1.5 mg/dL (<133
mol/L) which is the relevant range for detecting chronic
kidney disease (CKD). Defined as GFR < 60 ml.min-1
SCr should be reported in mg/dL to 2 decimal places ie 0.92
mg/dL not 0.90, mol/L will still be reported to whole

Use of compensated creatinine methods:

After recalibration of assays to IDMS the goal for total error

is maximum 10%
Estimation of serum cholesterol

Specimen type, collection and storage

Serum, heparinised plasma or EDTA plasma
Specimen stable for 6 days at 40C or 20-250C. Patient should
be fasted over night if the specimen is also for triglycerides
estimation as part of a lipid profile otherwise, it can be
Principle of the method
Cholesterol esters are hydrolyzed by cholesterol esterase to cholesterol
and fatty acids.
Cholesterol esters ---------------------> Cholesterol + fatty acids
Cholesterol is oxidized by cholesterol oxidase to 4-cholestenone
with the simultaneous production of hydrogen peroxide:
Cholesterol + O2 ------------------> 4-cholestenone + 4H2O2
In the presence of peroxidase, hydrogen peroxide oxidizes phenol
and 4-aminoantioyrine to give quinoneimine dye colored in red:
2H2O2 + 4-aminoantipyrine + Phenol -------------------->
Quinoneimine dye + 4H2O

The intensity of the color produced (at 505 nm) is proportional to

the concentration of cholesterol in the sample.
There is no interference for haemoglobin up to to 0.68 g/dL,
bilirubin to 16 mg/dl or triglyceride up to 2200 mg/dl.

Reference Range Cholesterol

Desirable < 200 mg/dL
Borderline 200 – 230 mg/dL
High > 240 mg/dL

Reference Range Creatinine

0.5 –1.1 mg/dl (women)
0.7 – 1.3 mg/dL (men)
1.0 –2.0 g/24 hr (urine)
Summary and explanation of the test
The reaction proceeds in 2 steps. Step 1: Elimination of
chylomicron, VLDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol by
cholesterol esterase, cholesterol oxidase, and
subsequently catalase.
Step 2 is specific measurement of HDL-cholesterol after
its release by detergents in reagent 2. The intensity of
the quinoneimine dye produced is directly proportional
to the HDL concentration, and is monitored at 600nm
Specimen type, collection and storage
Serum, heparinised plasma or EDTA plasma
Specimen stable for 6 days at 40C. Patient should be
fasted over night if the specimen is also for
triglycerides estimation as part of a lipid profile
otherwise, it can be random.

Izawa S, Okada M, Matsui H, and Horita Y. J Med and Pharm Sci
1997; 37: 1385-88

Reference Range 35- 70 mg/dL

Negative risk factor > 60 mg/dL
Estimation of serum direct LDL
Principle of the method
The assay consists of two distinct steps.
1. Elimination of chylomicron, VLDL-cholesterol and
HDL-cholesterol by cholesterol esterase (CHE),
cholesterol oxidase (CO) and subsequently catalase

2. Specific measurement of LDL –cholesterol after

release of LDL cholesterol by detergents in reagent 2
. Then action of CHE and CO to given hydrogen
peroxide and subsequent reaction. The intensity of
the quinoneimine dye produced is directly
proportional to the LDL cholesterol concentration
when measured at 600 nm.
Weiland H and Seidel D. J Lip Res 1983; 24: 904-909
Friedewald WF et al. Clin Chem 1972; 18: 499-502

Target Values
< 100 mg/dL (2.59 mmol/L) therapy target in
diabetic patients
<130 mg/dL diabetics
<160 mg/dL non diabetics
160 – 189 mg/dL high
> 190 very high
(NCEP SEPT 2002)
LDL-C the primary determinant in hypercholesterolaemia
Estimated by a direct LDL-C method. Friedewald formula
cannot provide values with the recommended precision and
accuracy limits
ie total error =/< 12%, accuracy ± 4%
CV =/< 4%
LDL-C value for calibration and QC material traceable
to the reference method for LDL-C
Friedewald formula overestimates LDL in the presence
of Type II hyperlioproteinaemia (increased -VLDL)
Estimation of serum triglycerides
Principle of the method
Triglycerides  glycerol using the enzyme
lipoprotein lipase
Glycerol  glycerol –3-phosphate using
glycerol kinase
Glycerol-3-phosphate dihydroxyacetone
phosphate + H2O2 using glycerolphosphate oxidase

H2O2 + 4-aminophenazone/N –ethyl-methylanilin-

propan-sulphonate (ESPT) 
purple quinoneimine using the enzyme peroxidase
Specimen type, collection and storage
Serum, heparinised plasma or EDTA plasma
The separated specimen can be stored for 3 days at 4C.
The specimen should be taken after an overnight fast.

Reporting of results
Reference Range 45—190 mg/dL

Source of the Method Protocol

Bucolo G, and David M. Clin Chem 1973; 19: 476
Werner M, Gabrieson DG and Eastman G. Clin Chem 1981; 27:
Estimation of urine microalbumin

Summary and explanation of the test

Immunoturbimetric assay.
In solution the precipitate formed by an antigen-antibody complex
between albumin in the urine and albumin antibody scatters light.
The intensity of transmitted light is compared to that of the incident
light. The antigen antibody reaction is enhanced by polyethylene
glycol Absorbance is measured at 234nm

Specimen type, collection and storage

Random urine sample. Stability one week at 40C.
Source of the Method Protocol
Based on the optimised standard method of Van Munster PJJ et al
Clin Chim Acta 76,377-388, 1977.
Reporting of results
Lower limit reporting range values < 5 mg/L
Upper Limit reporting range values >150 mg/L

Reference Range < 25mg/g creatinine

Calculation of results
Microalbumin result in mg/L divided by urine creatinine result in
g/L to give result as mg/g creatinine.

An albumin excretion rate of >25 mg/g creatinine is considered

as microalbuminuria. Persistent urinary UAE albumin excretion
of > 25 mg/g creatinine represents a 20 fold greater risk of
development of renal disease in diabetic patients. In type 2
diabetes increased UAE is a predictor of progressive renal
disease, atherosclerotic disease and cardiac vascular mortality.
g/min mg/24hr mg/g
<20 <30 <30 normal

20-200 30 – 300 30 – 300

increased UAE

>200 >300 >300

overt diabetic nephropathy
UK Medicines and health care Products regulatory Agency
Guildford Evaluation Unit
Reports : methodology
Analytical performance
Ease of use, reliability and safety

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