Sukhdeep Kaur

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Presented By:

Sukhdeep Kaur
Client Threats
These are those threats which effects the
Clients Computer. These threats are
created by the third party applications or
There are various types of Client Threats
which are:-
1.A.) Active Content
1.B.) Malicious Codes
1.C.) Server-side Masquerading
1.A.) Active Content
• Active content are the programs which are present transparently at the web
• This Content cause some action which occurs are the Webpages like moving
graphics, download and play audio etc.
• In E-Commerce these active contents are used to place orders or to add item in to
the carts and also helpful in doing the E-Commerce Transactions.
• Some Embedded Active Content cause the threat or damage to the E-Commerce
• This Active Content are modified for the purpose of hacking.
• The Hackers can easily get the personal information of the user like its card no,
address, payment information etc.
1.B.) Malicious Codes
• Computer viruses, worms and trojan horses are examples of malicious code.
• A trojan horse is a program which performs a useful function, but performs an
unexpected action as well.
• Virus is a code segment which replicates by attaching copies to existing executable.
• A worm is a program which replicates itself and causes execution of the new copy.
These can create havoc on the client side.
Communication Channel Threats
• The internet serves act as the electronic chain linking a
consumer (client) to an e-commerce resource
(commerce server).
• Messages on the internet travel a random path from a
source node to a destination node.
• The message passes through a number of intermediate
computers on the network before reaching the final
• It is impossible to guarantee that every computer on
the internet through which messages pass is safe,
secure, and non-hostile.

2.A.) Confidentiality Threats

2.B.) Integrity Threats
2.C.) Availability Threats
2.A.) Confidentiality Threats
• Confidentiality threat is a type of security threat in which the confidential
information of the user is captured like its Username and Password.
• In this the user doesn’t wait for the server response and goes on the
another website by which its confidential information is hacked by the
• On internet the hackers can easily gain the information by making the fake
servers login etc.
2.B.) Integrity Threats
• An integrity threat exists when an unauthorized party can get
your all information by making you fool.
• They use the phishing method which created a fake website
page like the original one and the unauthorized person easily
gain your information.
• In this unprotected banking transactions also come in which
there is no protection to the information and data of the user.
2.C.) Availability Threats
• The purpose of availability threats, also known as
delay or denial threats, is to disrupt normal
computer processing or to deny processing
• For example, if the processing speed of a single
ATM machine transaction slows from one or two
seconds to 30 seconds, users will abandon ATM
machines entirely. Similarly, slowing any internet
service will drive customers to competitors’ web
or commerce sites.
Server Threats
The server is the third link in the client-internet-server
trio embodying the e-commerce path between the
user and a commerce server. Servers have
vulnerabilities that can be exploited by anyone
determined to cause destruction or to illegally acquire
3.A.) Web-server Threats
3.B.) Commerce server Threats
3.C.) Database Threats
3.D.) Common Gateway Interface Threats
3.E.) Password Hacking
3.A.) Web-server Threats
Web-server software is designed to deliver web
pages by responding to HTTP requests. While web-
server software is not inherently high-risk, it has
been designed with web service and convenience as
the main design goal. The more complex the
software is, the higher the probability that it
contains coding errors (bugs) and security holes –
security weaknesses that provide openings through
which evildoers can enter.
3.B.) Commerce Server Threats
The commerce server, along with the
web-server, responds to requests from
web browsers through the HTTP
protocol and CGI scripts. Several pieces
of software comprise the commerce
server software suite, including an FTP
server, a mail server, a remote login
server, and operating systems on host
machines. Each of this software can
have security holes and bugs.
3.C.) Database Threats
E-commerce systems store user data
and retrieve product information from
databases connected to the web-
server. Besides product information,
databases connected to the web
contain valuable and private
information that could irreparably
damage a company if it were disclosed
or altered. Some databases store
username/password pairs in a non-
secure way. If someone obtains user
authentication information, then he or
she can masquerade as a legitimate
database user and reveal private and
costly information.
3.D.) Common Gateway Interface Threats
A common gateway interface (CGI) implements the transfer
of information from a web-server to another program, such
as a database program. CGI and the programs to which they
transfer data provide active content to web pages.
Because CGIs are programs, they present a security threat if
misused. Just like web-servers, CGI scripts can be set up to
run with their privileges set to high – unconstrained.
Defective or malicious CGIs with free access to system
resources are capable of disabling the system, calling
privileged (and dangerous) base system programs that delete
files, or viewing confidential customer information, including
usernames and passwords.
3.E.) Password Hacking
The simplest attack
against a password-
based system is to guess
passwords. Guessing of
passwords requires that
access to the
complement, the
functions, and the
authentication functions
be obtained. If none of
these have changed by
the time the password is
guessed, then the
attacker can use the
password to access the

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