Environmental Chemistry: Cautions For A Finite World

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Environmental Chemistry

Cautions for a Finite World

Natural Cycles Enviromental
Water Divisions
Oxygen Atmosphere
Carbon Hydrosphere
Nitrogen Biosphere
Energy Lithosphere
Anthropogenic “Better Living
Burdens through Chemistry”
“Solution to Pollution is Dilution”
Mantra presumes infinite reservoirs.
Treats pollution as a local concentration to
be reduced by an  of natural purity.
Need for reduction well below LD50.
Diffusion and mass transport aid the myth.
Unrelenting contamination overwhelms.
All sinks are finite sinks.
Equilibrium and kinetics are unforgiving.
Kinetics and Thermodynamics
In evolving systems, current states are
a function of both.
Thermodynamics says where equilibrium
would lie if it ever arrived.
Kinetics declares the rate at which species
are evolving in time.
• Via the rates of chemical reactions
• Via diffusion and mass transport
Degradation in Dilution Model
As equilibrium (pollution homogeneity)
approaches, sink rates slow.
Product “pressures” dictate that reverse
reactions (return of contaminants) rise
to counter the cleansing protocols.
 dilution is not the answer.
Understanding & long-range planning are.
Global Water Cycle
Despite drought and its famine …
Water’s global cycle is little altered by us.
Solar evaporation  humid atmosphere
Cresting waves  microscopic salt crystals
Rising air currents  lower air Tadiabatic
Salt crystals seed condensation.
Rainfall snares soluble gases, feeds Life,
erodes mountains, and returns to the sea.
But, as everything is connected…
Anthropogenic particulates influence
where it rains, and downwind it doesn’t.
Anthropogenic combustion influences
what the rain dissolves and bombards.
H2O, the universal solvent, brings acid rain.
Global Warming shifts precip. patterns.
Redistributes coastlines and grain belts.
Feast & famine migrates on the globe.
Acid Rain
Natural Acidity, CO2(aq)
PCO2 = 370 ppmv, KH, Ka1 yield pH 5.6
SO3 & N2O5 are strong acid anhydrides.
Vulcanism, sour crude, and ore smelting
produce S3; Nature is a minority polluter.
CaS4 & H2S4 recovery are economical.
pH 4 recorded in (now dead) lakes.
O2 Cycle Secure
Atmospheric O2 now at 1.21015 ton
Holding there for over 500 million years!
Biosphere holds only 1013 ton, but seas are
a 1.41018 ton reserve (as H2O).
Photosynthesis/Decay are the major
source/sink at 109 ton each annually.
1015 ton/109 ton yr–1  106 yr O2 lifetime
Unless we clearcut & poison seas, O2 is OK.
Carbon Cycle
• 2.51012 ton in atmosphere vs. 1.31014 in sea.
– 1011 ton yr–1 exchange gives ~25 yr residency.
– So oceans are the perfect sink for excess CO2.
• 1013 ton in biosphere exchange 61010 ton yr–1.
• Fuel burn at ~10% of photosynthesis/decay
exchange increases atmospheric CO2. Seas can
absorb but only eventually. Le Châtlier wins.
Growing CO2 Warms the Earth
Greenhouse Effect is essential for Life!
Earth’s radiative balance (solar input vs. IR
output) leaves <TEarth> ~ – 20°C
• Almost all water would be ice everywhere.
• But Life requires ℓiquid water!
H2O(g) and CO2 absorb outbound IR and
reradiate it omnidirectionally.
• So Earth intercepts ~½ that absorbed IR and
gains <T> to +15°C.  H2O(ℓ) & we exist.
Venus, the Runaway Greenhouse
Being closer to Sol, Venus intercepts
twice the solar flux of Earth.
But it is twice as reflective (albedo), so
its <Tradiative> is about the same, –29°C.
But it’s surface T averages +435°C!
90 atm CO2 gives an IR thickness of 68.
Earth’s optical thickness is only 0.68
Earthly Implications
We won’t become Venus, but …
PCO2 up 30% since Industrial Revolution.
Fossil fuel combustion. PCO2 now 370 ppmv
Growth in 2000 is +0.4% per year
2 the average growth rate of last 150 yrs.
~600 ppmv in next 75 yrs, over 2 natural.
Earth’s <T> is rising. T~2-3°C now.
• 5-6°C triggers climate changes.
Greenhouse Fixes
Negative population growth.
• Guarantees standard of living but impractical.
Reduce burning of fossil fuels & forests.
• H2/O2 fuel cells work in developed countries.
• Nuclear power grid practical but unpopular.
• But developing countries cannot afford either
and have the highest population growths!
Plan for and resign to the changes.
Nitrogen Cycle
• 3.81015 ton in atmosphere resident 107 yrs.
• Only 2.21013 ton in sea; 3.51010 in biomass
• Life requires fixation (to NH3) by bacteria.
– 2.3108 ton/yr fixation and (reverse) denitrification

• Crops, fertilizer & engines fix 0.8108 ton/yr
• Combustion denitrifies 0.3108 ton/yr
• Only a 13 ppb annual change; N sweat.
Nitrogen Caveats
NOX (generic nitrogen oxides)
Fixation in engines generates NOX
• Terrestrial contaminant of acid rain (HNO3)
• Stratospheric contaminant of ozone destruction
– NO + O3  NO2 + O2
– NO2 + O  NO + O2
Runoff from fertilized fields
• Supports algal growth in waterways.
• Algae consume O2 and suffocate water fauna.
The Chemistry
Fixation (Rhizobia, Azotobacter, etc.)
N2 + 6e– + 12ATP + 12H20  2NH4+ + 12ADP + 4H+
N2 + 3H2  2NH3 (Haber Process, 450°C, 200 atm, cat.)

Nitrification (Nitrobacter)
NH3 + (3/2)O2  NO2– + H2O + H+

Denitrification (Pseudomonas)
2NO3+ + 12H+ + 10e–  N2 + 6H2O
• Only runs under anaerobic conditions: wetlands & swamps
• Those are disappearing with development.
The Energy Cycle
1/3 of available solar energy absorbed.
2/3 (planetary albedo) reflected into space.
Most insolation warms oceans.
Oceanic gyres (currents) transport solar
heat to the poles to disperse it (where
insolation is oblique) returning cold water.
Earth’s energy departs as infrared light.
Man’s heat budget no threat to Nature.
But climate change & desertification change albedo!
The Atmosphere
A heated ideal gas w condensible (H2O)
 turbulent in the majority of its moles.
Mesosphere interacts w solar “wind.”
• O2 + hUVC  2 O  < 2000Å
Stratosphere, home to the O3 blanket.
O + O2 + M  O3 + M*
O3 + hUVB  O + O2 + heat  < 3000Å
• O + O3  2 O2
Stratospheric Contamination
CFC, chlorofluorocarbons (CnClxFy)
• CFyClx + hUV  CFyClx–1 + Cl
Cl + O3  ClO + O2
ClO + O  Cl + O2
• ~50 year ClOX lifetime & still migrating up.
• Ozone hole at both poles migrating down.
• NOX also destroys odd oxygen catalytically.
Fix: international agreement to end CFC
Up to 8-12 km above sea level.
Tropopause (boundary with stratosphere)
stops weather because it’s warmer above.
Air pollution in troposphere (photochemistry)
• NO2+ O2 + h  NO + O3
• O3 + h  O + O2
• O + H2O  2 OH [OH] ~ 106 molecules/cc
• OH radical is dominant oxidizer in troposphere!
Smog: health hazard
“Smoke and fog,” a term from London.
Engine exhaust components
CO, NO, unburnt hydrocarbons
Lean mix minimizes CO, hc, maximizes NO
Rich mix minimizes NO, maximizes CO, hc
• Run a little rich and catalytically kill CO to CO2
OH + CO + O2  CO2 + HO2
Peroxides like PeroxyAcetylNitrate result
All the waterways on Earth
Civilization created on rivers (Euphrates)
Population pressure
Irrigation consumes rivers, lakes, aquifers
Salts concentrated in what little is left
Industrial and Agricultural pollution
Both chemical and thermal (remediable)
The zone of Life
Wherever it’s found: thermal vents?
Ocean: Life’s Nursery and O2 Factory
Phytoplankton make ~90% of photo-
synthetic O2 on Earth. Sensitive to UV!
So bigger ozone holes adversely effect O2
Altering the environment chemically
alters the kind and number of lifeforms.
Cleaning the environment can rest, in
part, on genetic engineering.
Giving wheat Rhizobia, reduces fertilizer.
Giving bacteria a taste for oil, cleans spills.
But it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature
unless you are as smart as She.
Environmental Awareness
As scientists, we are morally obliged to
consider the consequences of our acts.
We create a molecule for profit but
must consider its fate when discarded.
E.g., plastic bottles now biodegrade and
are no longer immortal.
E.g., non-chlorinated refrigerants now cool
beer without sacrificing the Ozone Layer.

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