Dengue Case Report
Dengue Case Report
Dengue Case Report
Generalized Body
11 mkd
5 4
Rx CBC Parameters
Patient’s values
Normal Value
115-145 g/L
1. Co-Amoxiclav at 39.5 Hematocrit 40 33-43
mkday BID for 7 days RBC Count 4.80 4.00-5.30
5 household members
Grade 2 student Paco, Manila
School in Pandacan (-) Similar illness
(+) Similar illness of fever (+) Dengue cases No travel history
(+) Dengue cases With good sanitation practices
Physical Examination
Vital Signs
Blood Pressure: 100/60mmHg
Heart rate: 122 bpm
Respiratory rate: 26 cpm
Temperature: o C
Weight-for-Age BMI-for-Age
(+) tachypneic
Clear breath sounds
Normal rhythm
(-) skipped beats
Course in the Wards
October 09, 2019 (4 HD) Day 9 of Illness, Day 4 afebrile
Subjective Objective Plan
CBC Parameters Patient’s values Normal Value
Hemoglobin 124
Diet for age; Avoid dark-colored foods
115-145 g/L
BP: 90/60 mmHg
Hematocrit 36 33-43
HR: 98-105 bpm IVF: PLR 1L x KVO
RBC Count 4.51 4.00-5.30
RR: 22-25 cpm
Platelet 115 150-450
No subjective T: 36.8C Therapeutics: ORS 1 sachet in 200ml water Q4h
WBC Count 5.41 4.00-12.00
complaints Unremarkable PE Omeprazole 20mg IV OD
Neutrophils 25
Lymphocytes 52
Dx: Repeat CBC
I/O: 1370 (1250)/1750 20
Course in the Wards
October 10, 2019 (5 HD) Day 10 of Illness, Day 5 afebrile
Subjective Objective Plan
CBC Parameters Patient’s values Normal Value
Hemoglobin 120 Diet for age; Avoidg/L
115-145 dark-colored foods
BP: 90/60 mmHg
Hematocrit 35 33-43
HR: 90-104 bpm IV4.00-5.30
access removed
RBC Count 4.30
RR: 21-23 cpm
Platelet 239 150-450
No subjective T: 36.4C
WBC Count 7.83Therapeutics: 4.00-12.00
ORS 1 sachet in 200ml water Q4h
complaints Unremarkable PE
Neutrophils 32
findings Dx: Repeat CBC
Lymphocytes 46
I/O: (1250)/1750 18
Course in the Wards
October 11, 2019 (6 HD) Day 11 of Illness, Day 6 afebrile
Subjective Objective Plan
No subjective Unremarkable PE
Patient may go home
complaints findings
CBC trends
CBC Parameters NV 10/05 10/05 (R) 10/06 10/07 10/08 10/09 10/10
Hemoglobin 115-145 g/L 176 162 154 129 115 124 120
Hematocrit 33-43 51 46 43 36 33 36 35
RBC Count 4.00-5.30 6.5 5.99 5.56 4.61 4.13 4.51 4.30
Platelet 150-450 50 34 54 48 49 115 239
WBC Count 4.00-12.00 5.67 6.98 8.74 5.31 3.91 5.41 7.83
Neutrophils 58 59 56 50 30 25 32
Lymphocytes 31 31 30 35 50 52 46
Monocytes 11 9 14 15 19 20 18
Eosinophils 1 2 3
Stabs 1 1
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
Recovery Phase
Gradual improvement and stabilization of the hemodynamic status.
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
Dengue Case Classification
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
Hemodynamic Assessment
Parameters Stable Condition Compensated Shock Hypotensive Shock
Sensorium Clear and lucid Clear and lucid Change of mental state
(restless, combative)
Capillary Refill Time Brisk (<2 sec) Prolonged (> 2 sec) Very prolonged, mottled
Extremities Warm and Pink Cool peripheries Cold and clammy
Peripheral pulse volume Good volume Weak and thread Feeble or absent
Heart Rate Normal for age Tachycardia Severe tachycardia with
bradycardia in late shock
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
Hemodynamic Assessment
Parameters Stable Condition Compensated Shock Hypotensive Shock
Blood pressure Normal for age; Normal Normal systolic pressure Narrowed pulse
pulse pressure for age but rising diastolic pressure (<20mmHg)
pressure Hypotension
Narrowing pulse Unrecordable blood
pressure pressure
Postural hypotension
Respiratory Rate Normal for age Tachypnea Metabolic acidosis
hypopnea/ Kussmaul’s
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
Fluid Therapy
Ambulatory patients
Oral intake of oral rehydration solution, fruit juice and other fluids containing electrolytes
and sugar to replace losses from fever and vomiting.
Fluids containing high sugar or glucose should be avoided because they can exacerbate
hyperglycemia of physiological stress from dengue
Dengue fever with warning signs but without shock,
The recommendation is to give isotonic solutions such as 0.9% Saline or Ringer’s Lactate.
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in
Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society
and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of
the Philippines
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in
Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society
and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of
the Philippines
Blood Transfusion
Blood Products in Dengue Fever
Blood Dose Indication Remarks
Fresh Whole 10-20 cc/kg Persistent and/or severe overt bleeding Decrease in Hct together with stable hemodynamic
Blood in the presence of unstable hemodynamic status and adequate urine
status; output indicates hemodilution and/or reabsorption of
extravasated fluids and does not warrant blood
Unstable hemodynamic status or transfusion.
refractory shock with decreasing Hct
despite adequate fluid administration Monitor hemodynamic status after blood transfusion;
repeat transfusion if there is
further blood loss or no appropriate rise in Hct after
blood transfusion.
Packed RBC 5-10 cc/kg Same as above PRBC is preferred over FWB if fluid overload is
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
Blood Products in Dengue Fever
Blood Dose Indication Remarks
Fresh Frozen 10-20 cc/kg Massive bleeding not responsive to Do not give prophylactic FFP transfusions in the
Plasma transfusion of fresh whole blood or fresh absence of bleeding. FFP transfusion
packed cells leads to fluid overload because repeated and large
volume (40-50ml/kg) are needed for correction of
In cases of coagulopathy
coagulopathy with bleeding FFP transfusions do not produce sustained changes in
or suspected or confirmed the coagulation status and do not reduce the bleeding
DIC outcome in patients with
Cryo- 1u/5kg Same as above Do not give prophylactic cryoprecipitate in the
precipitate absence of bleeding.
Cryoprecipitate contains fibrinogen, von Willebrand
factor, Factors 8 and 13;
less risk of fluid overload compared to FFP
Blood Products in Dengue Fever
Blood Dose Indication Remarks
Platelet 1u/10kg In patients with platelet count ≤ Prophylactic platelet transfusion is not
Concentrate 10,000/mm3. associated with systemic recommended in the absence of bleeding even at
massive bleeding or prolonged shock with levels ≤ 20,000/mm3.
bleeding not responsive to red cell
products (FWB or PRBC) or plasma
(FFP or cryoprecipitate)
There is insufficient evidence to recommend prophylactic platelet transfusion in children with dengue who have low platelet counts but who have no
significant bleeding.
There is insufficient data to show that platelet transfusion prevents progression to severe bleeding or reduces risk of subsequent bleeding, hastens
platelet recovery, reduces hospital stay, or decrease risk of mortality.
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
When do we discharge dengue patients?
Discharge Criteria
ALL must be present:
Halstead, S. B., & Dans, L. F. (2019). Dengue infection and advances in dengue vaccines for children. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 3(10), 734–741. doi: 10.1016/s2352-
Antibody Dependent Enhancement
• Live-attenuated DENV-2 strain and
three chimeric viruses
• DENV-1 and 2 from Thailand
• DENV-3 from the Philippines
• DENV-4 from Indonesia
• Non-structural proteins
Halstead, S. B., & Dans, L. F. (2019). Dengue infection and advances in dengue vaccines for children. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 3(10), 734–741. doi: 10.1016/s2352-
Magnitude and Functionality of the NS1-Specific Antibody
Response Elicited by a Live-Attenuated Tetravalent Dengue
Vaccine Candidate (TAK-003)
• Increased DENV-2 NS1-specific IgG in naive individuals
• (+) cross-reaction with DENV-1, -3, and -4 NS1 to varying extents.
• All samples from naïve and preimmune vaccinees completely abrogated DENV-2 NS1-
induced hyperpermeability and cross-inhibited hyperpermeability induced by DENV-1, -3,
and -4 NS1.
• Inhibition of NS1-induced hyperpermeability correlated with NS1-specific IgG
• Postvaccination sera also prevented NS1-induced degradation of endothelial glycocalyx
Sharma, M., Glasner, D. R., Watkins, H., Puerta-Guardo, H., Kassa, Y., Egan, M. A., … Harris, E. (2019). Magnitude and Functionality of the NS1-Specific Antibody
Response Elicited by a Live-Attenuated Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine Candidate. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiz081
• Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dengue in Children; 2017 Philippine Pediatric Society and Pediatric
Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines
• Dengue vaccine: Global development update. (2019). Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology. doi:
• Halstead, S. B., & Dans, L. F. (2019). Dengue infection and advances in dengue vaccines for children. The
Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 3(10), 734–741. doi: 10.1016/s2352-4642(19)30205-6
• Martina, B. E. E., Koraka, P., & Osterhaus, A. D. M. E. (2009). Dengue Virus Pathogenesis: an Integrated
View. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 22(4), 564–581. doi: 10.1128/cmr.00035-09
• Revised Dengue Clinical Case Management Guidelines 2011; Department of Health
• Sharma, M., Glasner, D. R., Watkins, H., Puerta-Guardo, H., Kassa, Y., Egan, M. A., … Harris, E. (2019).
Magnitude and Functionality of the NS1-Specific Antibody Response Elicited by a Live-Attenuated
Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine Candidate. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiz081