7-1B Systems of Linear Equations Graphing

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Chapter 7 – Linear Systems

•Systems of Linear Equations

•Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing
•Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution

Algebra 1
Solving Systems by
Objective: solve a linear system by
graphing when not in slope-intercept

TSW solve a system of two linear equations in two

variables algebraically and are able to interpret the
answer graphically. Students are able to solve a
system of two linear inequalities in two variables and
to sketch the solution sets.
Yesterday’s Homework
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•Make sure the homework is 100%
Solve the system by graphing.
 3 3
b  5  y  x  3 m  b3
 y  4x  5 2 2
1.  1 2. 
 y  2 x  7 2  1 1
y   x  5 m   b  5
m b7
1  2 2

 2, 3
 4,  3
Systems of Equations
A set of equations is called a system of
The solutions must satisfy each equation in the
If all equations in a system are linear, the system
is a system of linear equations, or a linear
Systems of Linear Equations:
A solution to a system of equations is an
ordered pair that satisfy all the equations in
the system.

A system of linear equations can have:

1. Exactly one solution
2. No solutions
3. Infinitely many solutions

Systems of Linear Equations:
There are four ways to solve systems of linear
1. By graphing
2. By substitution
3. By elimination
4. By multiplication

Solving Systems by Graphing:
When solving a system by graphing:
1. Find ordered pairs that satisfy each of the
2. Plot the ordered pairs and sketch the
graphs of both equations on the same axis.
3. The coordinates of the point or points of
intersection of the graphs are the solution or
solutions to the system of equations.

Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Solving Linear Systems by Graphing.
One way to find the solution set of a linear system of equations is to graph
each equation and find the point where the graphs intersect.
Example 1: Solve the system of equations by
A) x + y = 5 B) 2x + y = -5
2x - y = 4 -x + 3y = 6

Solution: {(3,2)} Solution: {(-3,1)}

Deciding whether an ordered pair is a
solution of a linear system.
The solution set of a linear system of equations contains all ordered
pairs that satisfy all the equations at the same time.
Example 1: Is the ordered pair a solution of the given system?
2x + y = -6 Substitute the ordered pair into each equation.
x + 3y = 2 Both equations must be satisfied.
A) (-4, 2) B) (3, -12)
2(-4) + 2 = -6 2(3) + (-12) = -6
(-4) + 3(2) = 2 (3) + 3(-12) = 2
-6 = -6 -6 = -6
2=2 -33  -6
 Yes  No
Solving Linear Systems by Graphing.
There are three possible solutions to a system of linear equations in two
variables that have been graphed:
1) The two graphs intersect at a single point. The coordinates give the solution of
the system. In this case, the solution is “consistent” and the equations are
2) The graphs are parallel lines. (Slopes are equal) In this case the system is
“inconsistent” and the solution set is 0 or null.
3) The graphs are the same line. (Slopes and y-intercepts are the same) In this
case, the equations are “dependent” and the solution set is an infinite set of
ordered pairs.
Types of Systems
• There are three possible outcomes when
graphing two linear equations in a plane.
•One point of intersection, so one solution
•Parallel lines, so no solution
•Coincident lines, so infinite # of solutions
• If there is at least one solution, the system
is considered to be consistent.
• If the system defines distinct lines, the
equations are independent.
Types of Systems
Since there are only 3 possible outcomes
with 2 lines in a plane, we can determine
how many solutions of the system there
will be without graphing the lines.
Change both linear equations into slope-
intercept form.
We can then easily determine if the lines
intersect, are parallel, or are the same
Solving Systems by Graphing:

Consistent Inconsistent Dependent

One solution No solution Infinite number of

Lines intersect Lines are parallel
Linear System in Two Variables

Three possible solutions to a linear system in two

One solution: coordinates of a point
No solutions: inconsistent case
Infinitely many solutions: dependent case
2x – y = 2
x + y = -2

2x – y = 2
-y = -2x + 2
y = 2x – 2

x + y = -2
y = -x - 2

Different slope, different intercept!

3x + 2y = 3
3x + 2y = -4

3x + 2y = 3
2y = -3x + 3
y = -3/2 x + 3/2

3x + 2y = -4
2y = -3x -4
y = -3/2 x - 2

Same slope, different intercept!!

x – y = -3
2x – 2y = -6

x – y = -3
-y = -x – 3
y =x+3

2x – 2y = -6
-2y = -2x – 6
y=x+3 Same slope, same intercept!
Same equation!!
Determine Without Graphing:
• There is a somewhat shortened way to
determine what type (one solution, no
solutions, infinitely many solutions) of
solution exists within a system.
• Notice we are not finding the solution, just
what type of solution.
• Write the equations in slope-intercept form:
y = mx + b.
(i.e., solve the equations for y, remember
that m = slope, b = y - intercept).

Determine Without Graphing:
Once the equations are in slope-intercept form,
compare the slopes and intercepts.

One solution – the lines will have different slopes.

No solution – the lines will have the same slope,

but different intercepts.

Infinitely many solutions – the lines will have the

same slope and the same intercept.

Determine Without Graphing:
Given the following lines, determine what type
of solution exists, without graphing.
Equation 1: 3x = 6y + 5
Equation 2: y = (1/2)x – 3
Writing each in slope-intercept form (solve for y)
Equation 1: y = (1/2)x – 5/6
Equation 2: y = (1/2)x – 3
Since the lines have the same slope but
different y-intercepts, there is no solution to the
system of equations. The lines are parallel.
Class Work
Solve the system by graphing.
2 x  y  1 2 x  y  2 3x  y  7
1.  2.  3. 
3x  y  6 4 x  y  8 2 x  y  3
1, 3  1, 4  2,  1
4 x  2 y  6 9 x  3 y  24 6 x  2 y  4
4.  5.  6. 
6 x  3 y  3 8 x  2 y  12 8 x  4 y  28
 1, 1  2, 2 1, 5
2 x  3 y  4 5 x  2 y  4 3x  4 y  4
7.  8.  9. 
3x  2 y  7 3x  3 y  15 2 x  4 y  16
1, 2   2, 3  4, 2
Worksheet 6.1B

Rules for Homework

1. Pencil ONLY.
2. Must show all of your work.
3. Must attempt EVERY problem.
4. Always check your answers.

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