Ohe Anti - Theft Charging 25 KV

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23.04.14 to 24.05.14




 In the theft prone area the energisation of OHE at 2.2 KV as an anti-

theft measure may be done to avoid theft of contact / catenary wire,

As energisation at 2.2 KV is purely for the purpose of arresting the

theft of catenary and contact wire and not for train operation, it is

not likely to produce any inductive interference affecting signalling

and telecom. Installations due to practically no current following in

the circuit.
 Therefore, even though certain works like erection of isolators and

section insulators, installation of SWS, BTs, ATs, adjustment of

OHE, SED checks, tower wagons checks, provision of CLS, telecom.

Cabling etc. are not completed in all respects, OHE can be charged

at 2.2 KV.

 Period of anti-theft energisation will be restricted at night hours

only i.e. from 7PM to 7AM.

 Work to be completed prior to 2.2 KV Energisation.

 The following works are essentially required to be completed prior

to 2.2 KV anti-theft energisation of OHE.

 Stringing of OHE catenary and contact wire complete with

droppering , clipping, and insulation and provision of automatic

tensioning device (ATD).

 Provision of structure bonds in open route and
structure and rail bonding in station areas in
accordance with the bonding and Earthing Code. In
station areas where Bonding and Earthing works has
not been completed, the return conductor (RC), if
provided, may be used as earth wire and connected
solidly to the OHE structures/supports by means of
suitable jumpers. At both the ends of the station, RC
shall be connected to rails.
All necessary LT modification works.
 Necessary modification to all HT crossing to meet at least the

requirements for 2.2 KV as per the standards laid down in Appendix IV.

 Provision of wire mesh screen on the working platform of existing

semaphore signals in case the requisite electrical working clearance of

2M is not available. No portion of the signal post or its fitting shall be

less than 700 mm from the live conductors

 Replacement of existing dc track relays by AC immunized
 Conversion of all track crossing of communication line
into cables and removal of overhead wire thereof.
 Provision of height gauges and 25 KV caution boards at
all level crossings.
 Provision of protective screen with 25000 V caution
boards on over line structure like ROBs, FOBs, fly over
 Provision of public warming boards for 25000 V and shock
treatment charts and First Aid Boxes at all relevant places
like stations, cabin building, repeater stations, cable huts
 Supply of insulated tools to maintenance staff.
 Modification to carriage watering arrangement and water
columns to suit anti-theft energisation.
 All the relevant rules and precautions in accordance with
the Indian Electricity Rules should be complied while
carrying out the works.
2.2 KV Power Supply Arrangements
2.2 KV energisation will be done through local supply available at one

of the stations through a step-up transformer provided with fuse of

suitable capacity with audible and visual indication arrangements. A

schematic Diagram indicating the power supply arrangements and the

controls and scheme of connection for supply of power at 2.2 KV shall

be prepared and submitted to EIG for his approval.

 The 2.2 KV supply arrangement will be manned round

the clock by RE. The organisation to be available for

manning the feeding installation and duties of the

staff and ASMs in case of both normal operation and

break down / abnormal operation shall be detailed

out and issued in the form of a circular.

 Period of anti-theft energisation will be restricted at night
hours only i.e. from 7PM to 7AM. Even though the OHE
will be normally kept energised during night, the OHE in
the energised section shall be regarded as live at all the
times and consequently dangerous to human life. No
person except those deputed to work on or near the
overhead electrical equipment and who are in possession
of a “Permit to Work” issued by an authorised
representative of RE, shall approach within 2 m from the
 A joint procedure order indicating the detailed procedure

to be followed for taking power block and issue of “

permit to work”, for issuing notice to drivers, for attending

to break downs shall be made put and issued to all

concerned. This order will be signed jointly by the

concerned officers of both RE and Diversion, A model

circular is given in the Annexure.

Procedure to be Adopted for Energization

Publication and display of Notices.

 At least a month in advance of energization of any

section or section the following public notifications

should be got published in all the prominent dailies in

English, Hindi and Local Language and issued to all

concerned as normally done for 25 KV energization

i) General Notification to the users of Railways lines regarding section

/ sections to be energized.

ii) Notification to the users of level crossings.

Display of general caution notices for public and staff at prominent

places at each station, stencilling on the diesel / steam locos warming

message to not to climb on the top of locos, caution notices at all

steam and diesel loco sheds at which locos working in the energized

section are maintained.

 The steam/diesel loco drivers/ fireman shall be warned no to climb

on the roof of the tender and the engine on the section proposed to

be energized.

 On completion of the work as mentioned following certificate from

concerned officers will be obtained.

 Certificate regarding removal of L.T and H.T. infringement by Dy

CEE(G) of the project.

i) Certificate regarding S&T works.

ii) Department of Telecommunication (DOT) clearance certificate for

2.2 KV Anti-Theft energization.

iii) Certificate by Dy. CEE (OHE) or DEE (OHE) regarding completion of

OHE works.

iv) Certificate by OHE contractors.

• Certificate by Dy CE/DEN/RE regarding provision of level crossing

gauges and provision of protective screens on ROBs (Road Over

Bridges) and FOBs (Foot Over Bridges

• Besides the certificates regarding completion of works to suit

2.2kv energization as mentioned in para 4.2 above, the following

safety certificates shall also be obtained:

(I) Joint certificate by CEE(P), and CE(P) regarding safety to traffic as

per daft at Annexure A7.02.

(II) Certificate of concerned officers of Division of Particular Railway

about Knowledge of their Staff regarding safety.

EIG Sanction

 An application to EIG seeking his approval to the proposal of OHE

at 2.2KV as antitheft measure may be made in advance. While

applying for sanction, the upto date status of works to be

completed prior to 2.2kv energisation should be given and the time

of certificates for its completion as well as other safety certificates

proposed to forwarded at the time of seeking EIG`s formal sanction

may also be indicated. EIG`s sanction shall be obtained prior to

Checks and tests prior to Commissioning:

CEE and Electrical Inspector to the Government for the Railway may

nominate at his discretion one of his officers preferably Sr.DEE(TrD)

for joint check and tests of the section proposed to be energised. For

such joint check by. Dy.DEE(OHE)/RE will associate from RE side.

Alternately he may authorise Dy CEE(OHE)/RE to conduct checks and

tests before energisation. The following checks and tests shall

normally be carried out.

 That clearance between live and earthed structures is in accordance

with the provisions of Schedule of Dimensions.

 That earthing and bonding of the OHE have been carried out as per

Bonding and Earthing Code With exception for station area as


 That height of contact wire at level crossings is proper and that

height gauges have been provided.

 That protective screens have been provided in FOBs, ROBs

and signalling structures.

 That the earthing and isolation of overhead equipment

adjacent to the section to be energised has been carried out


 Ac immunized track relays have been provided.

 Overhead P&T as well as Rly Crossings have been cabled and

wire removed.
 Megger tests for continuity and insulation of the OHE.

 With the above checks and tests and after it is certified either

jointly by Sr. DEE(TrD) and Dy.CEE(OHE)/REor by

Dy.CEE(OHE)/RE that the section can be energised at 2.2KV for

test purpose, the following fault tests shall be conducted on

the section energised at 2.2 KV

1. By creating earth fault at the farthest end of energised OHE

through discharge rod.

2. By creating earth fault at the farthest end of energised OHE

touching only ballast.

3. BY creating earth fault at the farthest end of energised OHE

touching only rail.

• In all these cases of earth fault, it should be ensured that fuse

provided at the supply points is blown.

• Immediately on the successful completion of the checks and tests of

the OHE, OHE can be energised provided that:

a) All the certificate as mentioned

b) DOT’s clearance and EIG’s sanction are obtained.

• Immediately after energisation, a notification to that effect may be

issued as normally done for 25 KV energisation


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