Caliph Election System

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Nama : Muhammad Hanif Bashor

Kelas : XI MIA 4
Absen : 23
Have you ever wondered how
caliph to be elected in Caliphate
Sytem Goverment?
Caliphate in Islamic Political Terminology are
Islamic Goverment System which continue Nubuwwah
Prophet System by Rasulullah SAW which baed on Al-
Quran and As-Sunnah.Caliph are spiritual highest leader
of the Islamic Ummah (Amirul Mukminin) and also as
head of the Islamic State (Khalifatul Muslimin).
Caliphate are elected by representation of the
ummah through institution which called Shura
Council.This council consist people figure,Ulama’ and
delegation from the region of ummah.For slect the
caliph,Shura Council will be form a new commitee
which called Formatur Commitee which consist a slected
member of The Shura Council.The Formatur will be
assign to search and filter a person to become a
candidate which will be elected to be a new caliph.
The Formatur Commitee will start to search and
filter a person name from the ummah based on
requirement which was to be fixed by The Formatur
itself.After searching proces,the name which was
collected will be filter again until remaining plus-minus
5-10 person.The remaining person will became a
candidate and must following the next stage to telling
their Vison and Mision in front of The Shura Council
and Formatur Commitee.After that,The Formatur
Commitee will held a meeting to filter the remaining
candidate until remain 2-3 candidates.The remaining
candidates name will be throwing to the ummah to give
opinion about the candidates.
The Net Stage,The formatur Commitee will be
form a National Baiah Council which consist a member
from Formatur Commitee.The National Baiah Council
will announce the remaining candidate to the ummah
and let The Ummah to choose who the candidates will
be fit to become a new caliph through voting.After
that,The National Baiah Council will collected a ummah
vote and give it to the Formatur Commitee.The
Formatur Commite next will held a great meeting with
Shura Council to elect who will be A Newb Caliph.After
elected process,The Shura Council and Formatur
Commitee will Baiah The New Caliph as symbol of
elected a new caliph.
The Net Day,The Formatur Commitee will be
announce the elected caliph into ummah and also
announce a great inagurate chedule.The Great Inagurate
Day usually held in the Friday same week after
announcement.After this,The Formatur Commitee will
be preparing a greate inagurate ceromonial the nest
The Next Friday,The New Elected Caliph will be
lead a Jumuah Prayer in the State Mosque as the symbol
of ummah trust to leaded by The New Elected
Caliph.After The Prayer,The New Elected Caliph will
start their first State Khutbah in front of the ummah and
following mass baiah from the ummah as the loyal
baiah.Finally,The New Elected Caliph has officially
In Fact,The Caliph Election System which be
believed by major Islamic People in the world is not very
different with General Election In Democratic Country.
The End
(Thank You For Watching)

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