History of Table Tennis

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• Table tennis – is an individual / dual sport in which
two to four players hit a lightweight ball back and
forth to each other, with a racket (Sometimes
spelled as racquet and sometimes called bats or
paddles) on a table divided by a net, in a manner
similar to lawn tennis

• Table tennis is a game of speed, spin and strategy.

• The international table tennis federations (ITTF), founded in
1926, is the international sports federation (ISF) and
governing body for all international table tennis association.
• This association is responsible for formulation of rules and
regulation governing the table tennis events and
• Since 1988, table tennis has been a summer olympic sport,
with several event categories. In particular , from 1988 seoul
summer olympic games to 2004 athens summer olympic
games, there were Mens Singles (MS), Womens Singles (WS),
Mens Doubles (MD) and Womens Doubles(WD)
• Table Tennis Association of the Philippines (TATAP), founded in
1951, is the national sports association (NSA) and governing
body of table tennis in the philippines
• Other Names of Table Tennis are the following.

Ping Pong Parlour Tennis

Gossima Indoor Tennis
Whiff-whaff Royal Tennis
Flim-flam Pom-pom
Ping Pang Qiu Pim-pam
Takkyu Royal Game
Tak-gu Tennis de Salon
Table Tennis Time Lines
In 12th Century A.D. The game of table tennis is
presumed to have descended from the game of
“royal tennis” also known as real tennis or court
tennis which was played in the medieval era.
1880s The Upper class- victorians in england
made table tennis as an after dinner as
amusement game played indoor .
1884 Steve Grant has traced the name Ping Pong
in the song by Harry Dacre evidently because of the
sound produced by the bouncing ball off the drum
1885 James Devonshire of england acquired
provisional patent right for his “Table Tennis”.
1887 According to the ITTF website, The first used
of the name Table Tennis appeared on a board and
dice game made by J.H. Singer of new york.
1890 The earliest existing evidence of patented
Table Tennis game is made by David Foster.
1891 John Jacques of london introduced their “Gossima”
game which used drum-type paddles.
Early 1900 Game manufacturer began to sell equipment
1900 English man James Gibb is created with bringing hollow
celluloid balls back to england from the USA.
1901 John jacques registered “Ping Pong” as a trade game in
1901 The game is introduced in Asia specifically China thru
western settlement .
1902 Englishman E.C.Goode is created when he pebbled
rubber on his wooden blade allowing him to put more spin on
the ball.
1920s -1940s Games were played defensively .
1921 The Table Tennis association of england standardized the
rules of the game.
1926 The international table tennis federation was organized ;
It is the international sports federation (ISF) and world
governing body of table tennis.
1927 London hosted the 1st official world championships.
Hungary won most of the title.
1936 The 10th world championships was held in Prague ,
1938 The ITTF lowered the net from six and three quarter
inches to six inches and banned the finger spin serves used with
devastating effect by american.
1950-1955 Angelica Rozeanu-adelstein of romania wins
the world championships six time in a row.
1951 Table Tennis association of the Philippines (TATAP),
The national sports association (NSA) of table tennis in the
Philippines was founded.
1956 Tomie Okada-okawa of japan was the first woman
player from asia who won the world championships.
1959-1960 The ITTF standardized the thickness of
ordinary pimpled rubber and sponge rubber.
1960s Xhang Xi Lin of china used a “Yin-Yan” bat with
normal ruber on one side and long pimples on the other.
1970s Hungarians developed the two-winged attack.
1970s-1989 China held the dominance in boths mens and
women event on the world competition winning multiple
events at all world championships.
1971 The US table tennis team took a Ping Pong
diplomacy trip to china.
1971 Jean-Paul Weber of france used the first anti-spin
rubber in the world championships in Nagoya, Japan.
1977 International table tennis federation ITTF was
formally recognized by the international olympic
committee (IOC)
Late 1980’s the combination of the two-winged attack and the
close the table fast attack was introduced by the Swedish.
1980 John Hilton of England won the European championships
using a combination bat of normal rubber and anti-spin, twiddling
the racket and playing aggressively.
1980 the first ever world cup championships was held in
1982 the first veterans championships was held in Sweden.
1985 the two-color is adopted to reduce the effectiveness of
combination rackets.
1988 table tennis was introduce as an olympic sport in the
seoul summer olympic games.
1989-1993 sweden broke china’s monopoly in mens world
championships, winning the 1989, 1981 and 1893 team events
and producing the 1989 and 1991 world mens champions (jan-
ove waldner and jorgen respectively). China continued it
dominance in womens ranks.
1996 the international table tennis federation (ITTF) Pro Tour
was introduced, with events taking place all around the world
2000 international table tennis federation introduce three
major changes in the rules of table tennis aiming to making the
sport more viable as televised spectator sport.
• 2002 table tennis became a commonwealth games sports at
manchester, england.
• The ITTF world junior circuit (under 18 years old) and world
cadet challenge ( under 15 continental team competition was
• 2006 the intended banning of frictionless long pips and speed
glues with toxic organic solvents was announced by the ITTF
high bouncing gas-filled celluloid ball, colored white or orange,
with matte finish.
• 2008 variants of the sports have emerged, “Large Ball” table
tennis uses 44mm ball which slowed down the game
significantly this has seen some acceptance by players who have
a hard time with the extreme spins and speed of the 40mm
•2010 table tennis was one of
the original sporting events in
the youth olympic games in
singapore .

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