Security in VANET

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Detection and avoidance of Security

attacks in Vehicular Adhoc Networks

Naveen R (1BM16CS055)
N.S.V Chaitanya(1BM16CS053)
Nikhil Srinivas(1BM16CS058)

Nandini Vineeth
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
BMS College of Engineering
Table of Contents
 Introduction
 Classification of Attacks
 Literacy survey
 Problem statement
 System requirements
 Models
 Related work
 reference
O What is VANET?
It is special form of MANET and it provides
• Vehicle-to-vehicle communications
• Vehicle-to-infrastructure communications

O Uses equipped vehicles as the network nodes

O Nodes move at will relative to each other but within the

constraints of the road infrastructure
What is a VANET?
Security Architecture

Services (e.g., toll Certificate Authority

payment or

Secure positioning

Secure multihop routing

proof device
≈ 100 bytes ≈ 140 bytes
Safety Cryptographic
message material

Event data
{Position, speed, {Signer’s digital signature,
acceleration, direction, Signer’s public key PK,
time, safety events} CA’s certificate of PK}
Data verification
O Insider or outsider
O Insider – valid user
O Outsider – Intruder, limited attack options
O Malicious or rational
O Malicious – No personal benefit, intends to
harm other users
O Rational – seeks personal benefits, more
predictable attack
O Active or passive
O Active: Generates packets, participates in
the network
O Passive: Eavesdrop, track users
Classification of attacks
Description Attacks Involved
1 Network attack  Denial of service Attack, Node Impersonation Attack.
 Black hole attack, Sybil attack, Masquerading attack.
 Brute force attack, Distributed Denial of service Attack
 GPS spoofing attack, Worm hole attack

2 Application attack  Bogus information attack

 safety application attack
 non safety application attack
 broadcast tampering attack
 Illusion attack
 Message alteration attack

3 Timing attack  Peer to peer timing attack

 Timing attack for authentication
 Extended level timing attack

4 Social attack  Social engineering attack

5 Monitoring attack  Man in the middle attack

 Traffic analysis attack
Literature Survey
Year of
Journal Name Publication Extraction
Rajdeep Kaur 2018 Types of Security attacks and Architecture.
Security Issues in Vehicular
Ad-hoc Network (VANET)
Sushil Kumar (ICACTM – 2019) Describes that the nodes which are
Prevention of DoS
responsible for attacking the network are
Attacks by Detection of detected on the basis of frequency and
velocity. Both the irrelevant packets as well
Multiple Malicious as genuine packets are detected by this
Nodes in VANET’s algorithm. The algorithm is able to detect
multiple nodes which are attacking the
network rather than the single node as by
the existing algorithms. By detection of
attacker nodes well in time, the lifetime of
the network is increased. Other
performance parameters also show
effective difference in their values which
proves that the proposed algorithm is
improved version of existing packet
detection algorithms.
Author Year of
Journal Name Publication Extraction
Kiho Lim, Kastuv M. CCNC– 2019 they introduced the preliminary work to detect the
Detecting Location Tuladhar, Hyunbum attacks related location spoofing and also explored the
Spoofing using ADAS Kim different types of location related attacks and
proposed a detection mechanism by leveraging the
sensors in VANETs on-board ADAS sensors.

C.Kalaiarasy,N.Sreen ICCCI-2019 In the wireless communication medium, vehicles are

Location Privacy ath A. Amuthan, prone to many types of threats and attacks. Therefore,
Preservation in VANET securing VANETs is a great challenge compared to
another network. This paper deals with the review of
using Mix Zones – A various pseudonym strategies and mix zone
establishment techniques for privacy preservation.
Alia Mohammed IEEE– 2019 review study that selected recent studies in this field
Machine Learning Alrehan from the security perspective on VANET focusing
Techniques to Detect DDoS more on DDoS attacks. In addition, this paper studied
the usage of ML to provide security providing security
Attacks on VANET System: solutions for different attacks in VANET.
A Survey
Yutong Liu, Kai Shi 2018 IEEE The simulation results show that the packet loss rate
Analysis of Packet Loss of VANETs varies significantly with the vehicle
Characteristics in density, and the vehicle moving speed is far lower
than the propagation speed of radio waves, which is
VANETs not the main reason for packet loss.

Roshini T V ICETIETR-2018 The hierarchical pseudonym-based scheme is not fully

An Efficient Privacy secure and does not provide proper privacy during
Preserving Scheduling in collision. In overall, in an open-access environment,
the master secrete are not always secured in single
VANET using NS-2 TAs and heavy certificate management is a real
burden for large scale deployment of vanet.
Year of
Journal Name Publicatio Extraction
Name n
Secured Routing in VANETs D. Kiruba IEEE–2019 The performance analysis of the proposed
Sandou scheme exhibits high security, less network
Using Lightweight delay and better packet delivery ratio compared
Authentication and Key to the existing protocol and also it incurs is
lightweight and incurs low computation cost and
Agreement Protocol. communication cost.

Merged technique to prevent Salman Ali Syed IEEE-2019 Merging the two methods had given a great
result and prevents the data and fake
SYBIL Attacks in VANETs. information from the attackers. Still there is
much research need to be done for future.
Xiao Dong IEEE– 2018 The architecture includes three layers, namely
A Security Architecture of Zhang perception layer, edge computing layer and
Vanet Based on service layer. The perception layer ensures the
security of VANET data in the transmission
Blockchain and mobile process through the blockchain. The edge
Edge Computing. computing layer provides computing resources
and edge cloud services for the perception
layer. The service layer uses the combination of
traditional cloud storage and blockchain to
ensure the security of data.

Severity-Based Prioritized Ala Al-Fuqaha, 2019 IEEE The problems is formulated as a PMKP, which
Senior Member, is proved to be NP-Hard. Due to the complexity
Processing of Packets with of the PMKP, a polynomial time algorithm based
Application in VANETs. on a relaxed version of the PMKP formulation is
proposed to perform the desired prioritization in
real-time. The proposed heuristic is tested
against the PMKP solution and a baseline non-
prioritized processing approach.
Year of
Journal Name Author Name Publicatio Extraction
Verification Based A. Asline Celes (IEEE –2018) Simulation is done and the obtained results
and N. Edna show that this type of verification system
Authentication Scheme for Elizabeth effectively reveals the nodes spreading false
Bogus Attacks in VANETs information and thus reduce spreading of
for Secure Communication. false information about their position. This
technique will not entirely prevent the bogus
attack but will reduces the spreading of false
position information.

A Novel Sybil Attack Marwane Ayaida (IEEE –2019) they presented an algorithm that detects the
Sybil attack using the CAM messages
Detection Mechanism for C- provided by neighbors. This algorithm allows
ITS. to estimate the speed of the vehicle using the
fundamental diagram of the road’s segment.

Harsha Vardan IEEE – 2019 the pioneering methods available to achieve

Fuzzy Logic Based
Maddiboyina better transportation and avoid attack issues
VANETS: A Review on Smart with GA, PSO, ANN, and AIS techniques
using Fuzzy.
Transportation System.

Realistic Scenario Taskeen Zaidi*, 2018 IEEE Working of SUMO simulator and analysis
Shubhang Giri, using NS3.
Based VANET Analysis 11
through Sumo and NS3,
Problem Statement
O An innovative Sybil attack detection technique is presented in this project
for the protection of anonymity and location privacy through the exploitation
of trajectories for the identification of vehicle. For the identification purpose,
vehicles obtain authorized message from RSU. Simple usage of authorized
message affects the privacy. Hence proposed technique involves signer
ambiguous signature scheme which results in location-hidden authorized
message. Using the authorized messages from multiple RSUs proposed
technique forms trajectory of the vehicle. Footprint mechanism detects the
Sybil trajectories through the similarity definition of two trajectories. A
protection scheme is proposed against corrupted RSUs.
O To Prevent this Sybil attacks, creating a dynamic tables in
cloud-computing which stores recent communicated
information and location, and which is used to estimate the
distance from current location.
O Attack is accurately detected by the location and speed
information provided by the vehicle.
O Simulation is conducted using Network Simulator (ns-2) for the
evaluation of the efficiency of the proposed technique.
Problem Statement
O The proposed system is an efficient broadcast authentication scheme called
Prediction-based Authentication (PBA) to not only defend against computation-
based DoS attacks, but also resist packet losses caused by high mobility of vehicles.
Certain vehicular applications may require receivers to verify urgent messages
immediately. To support instant verification, it exploits the property of predictability
of a future beacon, constructing a Merkle Hash Tree (MHT) to generate a common
public key or predication outcome for the vehicle movements. With the prediction
outcome known in advance, receivers can instantly verify the incoming beacon. If the
mechanism brings a large storage burden, an attacker would initiate memory-based
DoS attacks where an On-Board Units (OBUs) is overwhelmed by storing a large
number of unverified signatures. To defend against such attacks, PBA records
shortened rekeyed Message Authentication Codes (MACs) instead of storing all the
received signatures.
O An attacker can easily disrupt the normal function of VANETs by injecting bogus
messages. Therefore, vehicles should broadcast each message with a digital
signature. However, the current VANET signature standard using Elliptic Curve
Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) would cause high computational overhead on
the standard OBU hardware, which has limited resources for cost constraints. PBA
aims at improving the efficiency of authentication.
O Network Module : Infrastructure Construction
O Sybil Attack.
O Generating Location hidden Trajectory.
O Cloud-computing
O Online Sybil attack Detection.
O IP2DAP-Sybil Attack Detection: Distance based
O Performance Evolution.
Software Requirements
O OS : Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit.

O Simulator : NS 2.35.

O Language : C++, TCL.

O Road Topology Generator : SUMO.

VANET applications
Safety-related applications Non Safety-related applications

• Navigation O Weather information
• Cooperative collision
• Lane-changing O Instant messaging
• Speed limit O Online games
• Work zone info
Warning O Internet access
• Post-crash
• Obstacle
• Road condition warnings O Advertisement
VANET Applications

Co-operative Collision Warning Lane Change Warning Intersection Collision Warning

Approaching Emergency vehicle Rollover Warning Work Zone Warning

Coupling/Decoupling Inter-Vehicle Communications Electronic Toll Collection

Raya et Hubaux (2007) characterise an attacker by (Membership.Motivation.method.Scope).

O Insider or outsider
O Insider – valid user
O Outsider – Intruder, limited attack options
O Malicious or rational
O Malicious – No personal benefit, intends to harm other users
O Rational – seeks personal benefits, more predictable attack
O Active or passive
O Active: Generates packets, participates in the network
O Passive: Eavesdrop, track users
O Local or Extended
O Local: Control several entities (vehicles and base stations) in a confined
O Extended: Control several entities scattered across the network.
• [ 1 ]. R. Oliveira, C. Montez, A. Boukerche, and M.S. Wangham, “Reliable data dissemination protocol
for VANET traffic safety applications,” Ad Hoc Networks, Vol 63, 30 – 44, 2017.

• [ 2 ]. Rajdeep Kaur, Tejinder Pal Singh, Vinayak Khajuria,” Security Issues in Vehicular Ad- hoc
Network (VANET)” (ICOEI 2018) IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-

• [ 3 ]. C. Kalaiarasy, N. Sreenath, A. Amuthan, “Location Privacy Preservation in VANET using Mix

Zones – A survey” (ICCCI -2019), Jan. 23 – 25, 2019.

• [ 4 ]. Kiho Lim, Kastuv M. Tuladhar, Hyunbum Kim, “Detecting Location Spoofing using ADAS
sensors in VANETs” (CCNC – 2019).

• [ 5 ]. Sushil Kumar, Kulwinder Singh Mann, Prevention of DoS Attacks by Detection of Multiple
Malicious Nodes in VANETs, (ICACTM – 2019).

• [ 6 ]. Yutong Liu, Kai Shi, Guangping Xu, Sheng Lin and Shuangxi Li, “Analysis of Packet Loss
Characteristics in VANET” (©2018 IEEE).
• [ 7 ]. Roshini T V, Greeshma T P, Dr kamlaraj Subramnian.” An Efficient Privacy Preserving scheduling In
VANET using NS-2,” ((ICETIETR-2018)

• [ 8 ]. D. Kiruba Sandou1, N. Jothy2, and K. Jayanthi3,” Secured Routing in VANETs Using Lightweight
Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol” (©2018 IEEE).

• [ 9 ]. Salman Ali Syed , B.V.V.S Prasad “Merged technique to prevent SYBIL Attacks in
VANETs” (IEEE – 2019)

• [ 10 ]. A Security Architecture of Vanet Based on Blockchain and mobile Edge Computing ,XiaoDong Zhang
(IEEE- 2018)

• [ 11 ]. Severity-Based Prioritized Processing of Packets with Application in VANETs, Ala Al-Fuqaha, Senior
Member, IEEE(IEEE-2019)

• [ 12 ]. Verification Based Authentication Scheme for Bogus Attacks in VANETs for Secure Communication, A.
Asline Celes and N. Edna Elizabeth (IEEE – 2018)

• [ 13 ] . Realistic Scenario Based VANET Analysis through Sumo and NS3 Taskeen Zaidi*, Shubhang Giri, Kavita ,
Srivastava and Shivam Chaurasia (IEEE – 2018)

• [ 14 ]. Tsvetan Marinov, Maria Nenova and Georgi Iliev, “Message Transmission Protocol in VANET” Proc. X
National Conference with International Participation "Electronica 2019", May 16 - 17, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria
• [ 15 ]. Esmaeil Amiri, Reza Hooshmand “Improving AODV with TOPSIS Algorithm and Fuzzy
Logic in VANETs”, 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2019)

• [ 16 ]. Cherifa Boucetta, Oumaya Baala†, Kahina Ait Ali‡ and Alexandre Caminada,
Performance of topology-based data routing with regard to radio connectivity in
VANET”, (©2019 IEEE)

• [ 17 ]. Maha Kadadha, Hadi Otrok, Hassan Barada, Mahmoud Al-Qutayri,

Yousof Al-Hammadi,” A Cluster-Based QoS-OLSR Protocol for Urban Vehicular Ad
Hoc Networks”, (©2018 IEEE)

• [ 18 ]. Yutong Li, Yutong Liu, Kai Shi,” Performance Study of AODV Protocol with Ant
Colony Algorithm in VANETs”, (©2019 IEEE)

• [ 19 ]. Zannatul Naim, Md. Imran Hossain, “Performance Analysis of AODV, DSDV And
DSR in Vehicular Adhoc Network(VANET)”, (©2019 IEEE)

• [ 20 ]. Hassan Hadi Saleh, Saad Talib Hasson” A Survey of Routing Algorithms in

Vehicular Networks”( ©2019 IEEE)


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• [ 22 ]. Hammouche Yassine, Merniz Salah, ” VANET Cross-Layer Routing”, (IEEE – 2019).



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