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Strategic Management and

Business Policy 15e, Global Edition

Chapter 2


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Role of the Board of Directors
• Corporation
- a mechanism established to allow different parties to
contribute capital, expertise and labor for their mutual
- the corporation is fundamentally governed by the board
of directors overseeing top management, with the
concurrence of the shareholders.

• Corporate governance
- refers to the relationship among the board of directors,
top management, and shareholders in determining the
direction and performance of the corporation.
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Responsibilities of the Board
1. Effective board leadership including the processes, makeup, and
output of the board
2. Strategy of the organization
3. Risk vs. initiative and the overall risk profile of the organization
4. Succession planning for the board and top management team
5. Sustainability

• Due care
– the board is required to direct the affairs of the corporation but not to
manage them.
– If a director or the board as a whole fails to act with due care and, as
a result, the corporation is in some way harmed, the careless
director or directors can be held personally liable for the harm done.

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Role of the Board in Strategic Management

• Monitor developments inside and outside the corporation.

• Evaluate and Influence management proposals, decisions and
• Initiate and Determine the corporation’s mission and specify strategic

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Board of Directors Composition
• Inside Directors
– typically officers or executives employed by the corporation
• Outside Directors
– may be executives of other firms but are not employees of the
board’s corporation
• Affiliated directors
– not employed by the corporation, handle legal, or insurance work
• Retired executive directors
– used to work for the corporation, partly responsible for past
decisions affecting current strategy
• Family directors
– descendants of the founder and own significant blocks of stock

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Board of Directors Composition

• Agency theory
– states that problems arise in corporations because the agents (top
management) are not willing to bear responsibility for their
decisions unless they own a substantial amount of stock in the

• Stewardship theory
– proposes that, because of their long tenure with the corporation,
insiders (senior executives) tend to identify with the corporation
and its success

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Nomination and Election of Board Members
• 97% of large U.S. corporations use nominating committees to identify potential
board members

• Staggered boards
– only a portion of board members stand for re-election when directors
serve more than one-year terms

Main reasons individuals serve on a board:

• Interested in the business—79%
• Make a difference—65%
• Stay active in business community—50%
• Recruited by friend on the board—25%
• Compensation—14%
• Networking opportunities—11%
• Notoriety/prestige—9%
• Recruited by friend, not on the board—4%

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Organization of the Board
• The size of a board in the United States is determined by the
corporation’s charter and its by-laws, in compliance with state laws.
• Although some states require a minimum number of board members,
most corporations have quite a bit of discretion in determining board
• The average large, publicly held U.S. firm has ten directors on its
• The average small, privately-held company has four to five members.
• The most effective boards accomplish much of their work through
• Although they do not usually have legal duties, most committees are
granted full power to act with the authority of the board between board

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Organization of the Board

• Lead director
– consulted by the Chair/CEO regarding board
affairs and coordinates the annual evaluation of
the CEO

• 96% of U.S. companies that combine the

Chairman and CEO positions had a lead director.

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Evaluating Governance
S&P Corporate Governance Scoring System
researches four major issues:
1. Ownership structure and influence
2. Financial stakeholder rights and relations
3. Financial transparency and information
4. Board structure and processes

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Trends in Corporate Governance
• Boards shaping company strategy
• Institutional investors active on boards
• Shareholder demands that directors and top management own significant
• More involvement of non-affiliated outside directors
• Increased representation of women and minorities
• Boards evaluating individual directors
• Smaller boards
• Splitting the Chairman and CEO positions
• Shareholders may begin to nominate board members
• Society expects boards to balance profitability with social needs of society
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The Role of Top Management

• Top management responsibilities

– getting things accomplished through and with

others in order to meet the corporate objectives

– multidimensional and oriented toward the

welfare of the total organization

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Executive Leadership and
Strategic Vision
• Executive leadership
– directs activities toward the accomplishment of
corporate objectives
– sets the tone for the entire corporation
• Strategic vision
– description of what the company is capable of
• Transformational leaders
– leaders who provide change and movement in an
organization by providing a vision for that change

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Executive Leadership and
Strategic Vision
Three key characteristics of effective
1. Articulate a strategic vision for the corporation.
2. Present a role for others to identify with and
3. Communicate high-performance standards and
also show confidence in the followers’ abilities to
meet these standards.

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Managing the Strategic Planning Process

• Strategic planning staff

– charged with supporting both top management and
the business units in the strategic planning process

– Identify and analyze company-wide strategic

issues, and suggest corporate strategic
alternatives to top management

– Work as facilitators with business units to guide

them through the strategic planning process

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