The Adventure of Odysseus

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The Adventure of Odysseus

From Odyssey
By Homer
• Is the hero of Homer’s epic the Odyssey.
• He was the best war strategist of his time.
• It was he who entered Troy in disguise and stole
the Palladium, a sacred image of the goddess
• It was he who devised the plan of using a wooden
horse to enter the city of Troy, thus bringing
about the fall of that city.
• King of Ithaca
• Ulysses in Roman Myth
Odysseus’ Adventures
1. Troy
After the victory of Troy, Odysseus and his men
begin their journey home.
2. The Island of Cicones
• After leaving Troy, they stop to raid this island
for supplies. The cicones attack on horseback
and Oddyseus lost 72 on his men.
3. The Island of the Lotus Eaters
• Odysseus sends his men to search for food
and has to recover them when they eat the
lotus flower.
• Is a plant that forces the eater to loses all grip
on reality. Once it is eaten, the person knows
nothing on reality nor cares anything other
than eating lotus.
4. The Island of the Cyclopes
• Here, Odysseus and his men find a Cyclopes’
cage lured by his cheese and wine. The
Cyclopes, Polyphemus, traps them inside the
cave. Odysseus and his men blind the
Cyclopes and sneak out under his heard of
• God of the wind
• Give Odysseus all the
bad winds so he can easily
sail home but his men
go against his orders and
open the bag and all of
the winds escaped.
5. Island of the Laestrygonians
• The giants ate many of Odysseus’ men and
destroyed 11 of his ships 12 ships by launching
rocks from high cliffs. Odysseus’ ship was not
destroyed as it was hidden.
• He makes Odysseus' journey home all the
more difficult. Hermes: Hermes is the
messenger of the
gods. Hermes helped Odysseus twice in
the Odyssey. He gave him the magical herb
Moly to protect him form Circe's witchery, and
he convinced Calypso to let him off of her
• Hermes gave this herb to Odysseus to protect
him from Circe's magic when he went to her
home to rescue his friends.
• is a goddess of magic or sometimes a nymph,
enchantress or sorceress in Greek mythology.
6. Circe’s Island
• Odysseus sends some of his men to scout the
area but when they do not return he became
• Finally, Circe tells him to go see Tiresias, a
blind prophet.
7. The Underworld
• Tiresias - A Theban prophet who inhabits the
underworld. He shows Odysseus how to get
back to Ithaca and allows Odysseus to
communicate with the other souls in Hades.
One of this soul is Odysseus’
mother who committed
8. The Sirens
• After Tiresias, Odysseus’ men go to the Sirens.
The Sirens sing a song that no man can resists
to passing ships.
9. Scylla
• 6 headed sea serpent

• Charybdis –
giant whirlpool
10. Island of the Sun God
• After leaving with the island of the sirens and
escaping scylla and charybdis, Odysseus and his
remaining men landed to the isle of the Sun God.
• The island was heavily populated with sacred
cattle that the Sun God held very dear.
• Odysseus cautioned by Circe and Tiresias to leave
this cattle alone.
• In spite of all the warnings, his hungry men killed
and eat the cattles.
11. Ogygia (Calypso’s Island)
• Odysseus fins this island after drifting in the
sea. It is an island of women with nymph
named Calypso, with whom Odysseus has a 7
year affair with. After 7 years, Hermes
convinces Calypso to let Odysseus build a new
ship so he could sail home.
• Odysseus finally arrives home and sees his
son, Telemachus, for the first in 15 years. He
and his son kill all the suitors, and Odysseus
takes his place again as a King along side with
his wife Penelope.

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