5 - Auditor's Responsibility
5 - Auditor's Responsibility
5 - Auditor's Responsibility
Auditor’s Responsibility
Responsibilities of Management and Auditor
• 1. Error
• 2. Fraud
• 3. Noncompliance with Laws and Regulations
Misstatements in the Financial Statements
• Example:
• Motivation – employee’s financial problem
• Opportunity – there is no proper segregation of
duties (e.g. Bookkeeper same as Collections clerk)
Responsibility of Management and those
Charged with Governance
Effects on
Planning Testing Completion
Phase Phase Phase
Planning Phase
2. The auditor should assess the risk that fraud or error may cause
the financial statements to contain material misstatements
Adjust Financial
Error Statements for
material errors
Consider effect
to assertions
Misstatements Non Material –
refer the matter
to management Discuss with
Fraud management (1
lvl up)
Obtain evidence
of existence and
Suggest to
consult legal
Completion Phase
Responsibility for internal control that are designed to prevent and detect fraud and erro r
Immaterial misstatements
Individual and in aggregate are immaterial, summary are included in the written representation
Full disclosure
Disclosed to the auditor all significant facts relating to any frauds or suspected frauds
Results of risk assessment
Consider the Effect on the Auditor’s report
Request Or Express a
When auditor
management Qualified or
believes that material
to revise the Adverse
error or fraud exists
FS Opinion
Consider the Effect on the Auditor’s report
Effects on
Planning Testing Completion
Phase Phase Phase
Planning Phase
Failure to
display and Non
communica financial
History of
Motivation te manageme High Strained
securities Corporate
to engage appropriat nt turnover of relationshi
law governanc
in e attitude participate manageme p between
violations e structure
fraudulent regarding s in nt, counsel manageme
or is weak or
financial internal selection or board nt and
manageme ineffective
reporting control of members auditor
nt fraud
and the FR accounting
process principles
Industry Conditions
New accounting,
statutory or Rapid changes in the
High degree of Declining industry
regulatory industry, such as high
competition or with increasing
requirements that vulnerability to
market saturation, business failures and
could impair the rapidly changing
accompanied by significant declines in
financial stability or technology or rapid
declining margins customer demand
profitability of the product obsolescence
Operating Characteristics and Financial Stability
Inability to Significant
generate cash related party A threat of Unrealistically
Especially high
flows from transactions imminent aggressive sales
vulnerability to
operations while which are not in bankruptcy, or profitability
changes in
reporting the ordinary foreclosure or incentive
interest rates
earnings and course of hostile takeover programs
earnings growth business
Susceptibility of Assets to Misappropriation
auditor’s work
• New technological Industry Conditions Controls
development which could
render the product obsolete
Characteristics and
Financial Stability