Chapter 2 Rizal

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19th century Philippines was largely medieval, although sign of
progress or change were noted in certain sectors and its social
and economic structure were based on the old feudalistic
patterns of abuse and exploitation of the Indio.

Was precipitated by three great revolutions around the

world: (Industrial Revolution in England, French Revolution and
American Revolution)
Late 18th century – the time when the political and economic change began to
affect Spain, Ph and its other colonies. The gradual elimination of Monopoly –
was the important stimulus to trade.

New Class – Was the result of the growth of commercial agriculture

Public Education in Ph and even the Church controlled the curriculum
Also, the time when the sons of wealthy families were sent to Europe to study
Nationalism and a passion for reform blossomed in the liberal atmosphere
Propaganda Movement – Arose out of the talented group
of overseas Filipino students.
Jose Rizal, this movements most brilliant figure produced two political
Noli Me Tangere (1886; Touch Me Not)
El Filibusterismo (1891; The Reign of Greed)
La Liga Filipina was founded by Rizal

Andres Bonifacio
Self-educated warehouse

Was dedicated to the expulsion of the Spanish from islands, and prepa
ration were made for armed revolt.

The longest running shipping line of its time which existed for roughly
150 years.

The Last Galleon arrived in Manila in 1815 and by mid - 30’s Manila was ope
n to foreign merchants almost without restriction. The demand for Philippine
sugar and abaca (hemp) grew, and the volume of exports to Europe expand
even further after the completion of the Suez canal in 1869.

Profile of Manila Galleon Trade

Manila Galleons 1565 – 1815 were large Spanish ships that sailed across the
pacific between new spain (Mexico) and the Philippines. They allowed Spain
to trade with east asia without using Portuguese trade routes. They brought
Asians to arrive in North America after colombus.
1994, Pope Alexander VI issued “inter caetera” dividing the Americas bet
ween Portugal and spain.

In 1521, Magellan discovered a westward route

1565, Andres Urdaneta discovered the eastward route

These discoveries led to Manila Galleon Trade.

Most Manila Galleons were built in the Philippines and manned by Filipino
crews. Chinese merchants would also board ships, sometimes bringing
goods from Mexico back to china.

Goods from Asia bound for Europe.

Nick Joaquin
- Noted first medium to reduce the world village
Almacenes Reales
- Items from all over the globe docked in Manila
- Fort Santiago, Intramuros
Fray Andres De Urdaneta
- A well-known circumnavigator before his stint as an Augustinia
n priest, The galleons, (one at a time) PH to Mexico
- Discovered the east ward route
November 21, 1564
The day they left Mexico
San Pedro along with San Pablo, San Lucas and San Juan
They noticed something about our country that we had fantastic trading

Benito Legarda
Cited that during Galleon trade, ninety percent of goods arriving in PH
were Mexican.
-Piece of Gold in China was equivalent to 6 to 8 pcs of silver.
-Piece of Gold in Europe was equivalent to 13 pcs of silver.
Declared as the center commerce in the east

Manila – Acapulco
250, 000 pesos worth of goods, spending 90 days at sea.

Acapulco – Manila
500,000 pesos worth of good, spending 120 days at sea.

Spice Islands
Eastern Indonesia
• One of the most important water ways in the world. (1859 – 1869)
• It connects Mediterranean Sea and Red sea and shortens the road
between south Asia and Europe significantly.
• It was a dream of Napoleon and Muhammad Ali of Egypt

In Europe sues canal is very important for the oil and trade with Asia becaus
e it reduces its distance from this country, therefore, companies reduce fuel
payment, spend fewer days in the transport of their products and as a result
growing world economies. On the other hand, US needs the Suez Canal for
transporting troops and military equipment to Afghanistan.

Filipinos with money and Education
Social Structure
During the 19 Century
Social Structure

Feudalistic – the results of the Peninsulares

Spanish landholding system imp
osed upon the country with the
arrival of the conquistadores. Insulares

Master-Slave Relationship

Spanish Peninsulares
Limpieza de Sangre (Pure Blood)
The Spaniards born in Spain occupying the highest position in the social
structure together with other Europeos on non-Spanish Europeans.

Spanish Insulares
Hijos del Pais (Sons of the Country)
Spaniards born in the PH from full blooded Spanish parents.

Spanish Mestizos
Offspring of Spanish father and Indio Mother

Mestizo de Sangleyes
Offspring of Spanish-Chinese parents.

Mestizos Indios
Offspring of Chinese-Indio Mixtures
– Native Country
Indio Natural
Originated from Malay race and considered as Filipino today
- Plain Indios – those natives who had converted to Roman Catholicism and settled
in a town under the bajo las Campanas (under the sound of the bell)
- The Highest position available to plain indios is Gobenadorcillo
- Infieles – refers to the pagans who resisted the indoctrination and lived outside
the Spanish control maintaining their culture, religion and lifeways.
• Indio Sangleye
pure blooded Chinese or Japanese who arrived in PH to trade and escape the hege
mony of dynasties and Shoguns. Lowest within the social structure.
Educational Decree of 1863
Marked a milestone in the history of education in the PH under Spain

Moret Decree of 1870

Which intended to secularize higher education in the colony.
Ministro de Ultramar (Ministry of Colonies)
It helped governed the Ph through centralized government in

Governador Heneral
Appointed by the King to head the central administration. King’
s Representative.
Also acted as the Vice-Royal Patron Over the Religious matter –
Gave him the prerogative to nominate priests to ecclesiastical p
ositions and control the finances of the mission.
Alcaldias (Provincial Government)
Led by Alcaldes Mayores (civil governors)

Cabildo or Ayuntamiento – City Government administered by 2 Alcaldes

en Ordinario (Mayor and Vice Mayor) were both
executive and chief judicial magistrate.
Pueblo - The local Government Unit
- Composed of Barangay
Gobernadorcillo - Capitan (Chief executive and chief judge of
pueblo. Highest position in the government to which the native could be
Barangay or Barrio – it is the smallest unit of government.
Headed by the cabeza de barangay (Filipino and Chinese

Guardia Civil - Corps of pueblo

Their duty is to serve as nights sentries in town or as watchman of casa

Royal Audiencia - Highest Judicial body

Acted as auditor of finances of government
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
Was first to order the payment of tribute, both in the Visayas and Luzon.

Direct Taxes
- Income tax and Personal Tribute

Indirect Taxes - Customs duties

bandala taxes (special taxes collected from the natives) – it is an annual
enforced sale or requisitioning of goods, particularly of rice or coconut oil,
in the case of tayabas. Monopolies of special crops (rentas encantadas)
Buwis collected from the natives both in:

Specie – gold or money

Kind – rice, cloth, chicken, coconut oil, abaca etc.

Cedula Personal – (Personal Identity Paper)

Resembles with the present community residence or residence tax today
which replaces the tribute.

The tribute collectors who often abuse their offices by collecting

more than the law required and appropriating the difference:
Alcaldes, Mayors, Encomenderos, Gobernadorcillos, Cabezas
ENCOMIENDA - Comes from the Spanish word encomendar which
means to “entrust”

It is a grant of inhabitants living conquered territory which Spain gave

to Spanish colonizer as a reward from his services.
A gesture of gratitude but it is not a land grant but a grant to exercise
control over a specific place
Two kinds

Royal Encomiendas
which consisted of big cities, seaports and inhabitants of regions rich
in natural resources were owned by the king.

Private Encomiendas
Were owned by private individuals or charitable institutions

• POLO (Forced Labor)

Is actually a corruption of the tagalog word “Pulong” which originally
means meaning of persons and things or community labor.
King Ferdinand VII
Violently opposed the liberal reforms granted by the French provincial

The 35-year by Queen Isabella II marked five by successive military

Baldomero Espartero – Moderate
Ramon Ma. Narvaez – cruel and vindictive reactionary
Leopoldo O’Donnell – Moderate and Reactionary Tendencies
Francisco Serrano and Juan Prim – Both Liberal
Governor General Carlos Ma. De la Torre
Was appointed by the provisional government in Spain as Governor
General of the Philippines. His greatest achievement was the
peaceful solution to the land problem in Cavite. (due to the Filipino
tenants who lost their land had been oppressed by Spanish Landlords

Eduardo Camerino
local hero that led to Agrarian uprisings
Bourbons Reforms

- also known in Castilan as Reformas Borbonicas

- were a series of economic and political changes that the Spanish
Crown under the House of Bourbon made during 18th century.
- Promotes economic and political development.
Pedro Perez De Tagle and Jose Manuel Coretto.
The 1st Philippine delegates who took their oath of office in Madrid.

Cadiz Constitution
Established principles of:
• Universal male suffrage
• National sovereignty
• Constitutional Monarchy and Freedom of the Press
• Land Reform and Free Enterprise.
It also embodied in this constitution was the exemption if the natives from
paying tributes and rendering public services based on its equality cause.
Don Ventura De los Reyes

- A wealthy merchant and member of the Royal Corps of Artillery of Manila,

as deputy
- Born in Vigan
- Son of poor Ilocano Parents
- took part in Ilocos Revolt led by Diego Silang.
Of Chapter 2

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