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Desk Audits

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2019 Desk Audits


• Universal K-12 Desk Audit

• The purpose of the desk audit is to provide a process for the continued accreditation of local education agencies (LEAs).
Accreditation monitoring requires a comprehensive desk audit of all accredited LEAs. Iowa Code 256.11(10)(a)(1)
• IDEA Part B Desk Audit
• The Part B Desk Audit is an examination of district wide data for students with disabilities ages 3-21. Historically, these data
were used for Part B Determinations of successful implementation of IDEA Part B. The Department will continue to make
Determinations, required by section 616 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as an integrated piece of
the Differentiated Accountability desk audit process. Performance and compliance data will be used to determine how
successfully a district is implementing IDEA Part B and the level of support to which the district will be assigned.
• Preschool Desk Audit
• Districts are required to provide evidence of implementation of selected criteria from the Iowa Quality Preschool Program
Standards listed below based on requirements to implement program standards as indicated in Iowa Code 256C.3(3)b, IAC
281--16.3, and 281—41.17 (256B,34CFR300).

• Due December 15th

• Completed by building administrator in conjunction with various stakeholders
• Broken into 7 subsections
• Board Policies
• Nondiscrimination Statement
• Elementary Requirements (Grades K-6)
• Junior High Requirements (Grades 7-8)
• High School Requirements (Grades 9-12)
• Attendance Center
• Additional Review

• Board Policies
• 1.a) Provide uploads or links to evidence that the board adopted policies that address the following content: Accessibility
and confidentiality of student records in compliance with FERPA (34 CFR §99), Iowa Code Chapter 22, and 281—IAC
• Nondiscrimination
• 2.a) Provide uploads or links to evidence of an annual nondiscrimination notification statement: annual notification in
newspaper, newsletter or website that goes to all community folks (EQD2). Section 504 34 CFR 104.8, Title IX 34 CFR
106.9, OCR Guidelines IV-O and V.C.
• Elementary Education
• 3.a) Provide uploads or links to a completed health matrix and master schedule for each grade that show health, physical
education, music and visual art are being taught in grades 1-6.

• Junior High Program

• 4.a) Provide uploads or links to a completed matrix (optional) and master schedule (required) for each grade that show health (including age-
appropriate and researched-based human growth and development), physical education, music, visual art and career exploration and
development are being taught in grades 7 and 8.
• High School Program
• 5.a) Provide uploads or links to master schedule and course description book as evidence that the follow are being taught in high school
• English-language arts, six units (HSPELA2) 281—IAC 12.5(5)(a)
• Social studies, five units (HSPSS2) 281—IAC 12.5(5)(b)
• Mathematics, six units 281—IAC 12.5(5)(c)
• Science, five units (HSPS2) 281—IAC 12.5(5)(d)
• Health, one unit (HSPH2) 281—IAC 12.5(5)(e)
• Physical education, one unit (HSPPE2) 281—IAC 12.5(5)(f)
• Fine arts, three units (HSPFA2) 281—IAC 12.5(5)(g)
• Foreign language, four units (HSPFL2) 281—IAC 12.5(5)(h)
• Career and technical education (CTE), three units (VED2) in at least four of the six service areas (VED1) Iowa Code 256.11(5)(h)

• Attendance Center & Course Enrollment Data

• 6.a) Provide uploads or links to minutes from a meeting where an annual review of attendance center and course
enrollment data disaggregated by race, national origin, gender, and disability (EQ4) took place. (EQ3). 281—IAC

• Additional Review
• The Department will review the following with no additional uploads required of district.
• Calendar
• Appropriate staff licensure

• Due December 15th

• Completed by district superintendent
• Broken down into the following:
• OSEP Compliance Indicators
• IDEA Part B Implementation Support Rubric
• IDEA Differentiated Accountability Support Level & Determination

• Data Source and Description

Data source indicated below. SRI is Student Reporting in Iowa and ISTAR is Iowa's System to Achieve Results.Additional
information about these calculations and the review of policies, practices and procedures are found on the Iowa
Department of Education’s website.
• B4A (SRI & ISTAR) – “Not Compliant” indicates that the district was found to have a discrepant number of students with
an IEP being suspended or expelled for more than 10 days. Department staff will contact the district to provide additional
information should further action be required.

• B4B (SRI & ISTAR) – “Not Compliant” indicates that the district was found to have inappropriate policies, practices
and/or procedures that resulted in a disproportionate number of students of a particular race or ethnicity with an IEP
being suspended or expelled for more than 10 days. "Review Required" indicates that district data has resulted in the
need for a review of policies, practices and procedures. Department staff will contact the district to provide additional

• B9 (SRI & ISTAR) – “Not Compliant” indicates that the district was found to have inappropriate policies, practices and/or
procedures that resulted in a disproportionate number of students of a particular race or ethnicity being identified for
special education services. "Review Required" indicates that district data has resulted in the need for a review of policies,
practices and procedures. Department staff will contact the district to provide additional information.

• Data Description and Source - SRI is Student Reporting in Iowa, FAST is Formative Assessment System for Teachers, ISTAR
is Iowa's System to Achieve Results, NSC is National Student Clearinghouse and IWD is Iowa Workforce Development.
• Identification (SRI) - Percent of enrolled students with an IEP.
• 3rd Grade Reading (FAST) - Percent of students with an IEP proficient on the district’s approved default literacy screening
• Removal Greater Than 10 Days (SRI) - Percent of students with an IEP with in or out of school suspensions or expulsions
totaling greater than 10 days.
• Transition (ISTAR) - Percent of students with IEPs aged 14 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable
postsecondary goals. Districts in universal and supplemental support levels are not required to review transition IEPs until the
next statewide sample. Data from the 2016-17 review period are therefor populated into subsequent years of data.
• Graduation (SRI) - Percent of students with an IEP graduating within five years.
• Dropout (SRI) - Percent of students with an IEP who dropped out in grades 7 through 12 and did not return.
• Post Secondary Outcomes (NSC & IWD) - Percent of students with an IEP at the time they left school, who one year later
were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school. Data for districts with
fewer than 2 students found to be competitively employed have been suppressed and are represented as "<2."

• IDEA Part B Determination

In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended in 2004, the Office of Special
Education Programs (OSEP) requires the Iowa Department of Education to make an annual determination for each
school district regarding compliance with, and implementation of, IDEA Part B requirements. The Director of Special
Education, administrative consultants, and the compliance monitoring team work together in a collaborative effort to
make these determinations.

A district may fall into one of four categories: meets requirements, needs assistance, needs intervention, or needs
substantial intervention. Determination categories are not necessarily linear or sequential. A district may be placed in
any of the four determination categories at any time.

• Completed by building principal in conjunction with preschool teacher/s.

• The Preschool Desk Audit is comprised of two parts.
• Part 1, Session ID Information, is open between August 1st and September 15th.
Submitted information is final on September 15th and cannot be changed.
• Part 2, Evidence of IQPPS Implementation, is open between September 15th and
December 15th and is not accessible before that time.

• Ensure evidence submitted demonstrates appropriate practices based on the ages of preschool children served by the
• Read the Guidance for each criterion carefully. Evidence at the District level is needed. Classroom level evidence will not be
• The submission should represent the District’s entire program (including its community partners) and describe variations as requested
within guidance for each criterion.
• Provide only the specific types and amount of evidence specified for each criterion.
• Unless specified, policy, program handbook excerpts, evidence representing adopted curricula, evidence representing
professional development attendance, or narrative alone is insufficient.
• A brief evidence description, as specified for each criterion, must accompany submitted evidence.
• It is strongly recommended for only District administrators to provide evidence in the Preschool Desk Audit.
• Clearly label each piece of evidence:
• Label each piece of evidence with the associated criterion number.
• The same evidence may be used to address more than one criterion; however, clearly label and describe how it represents each criterion.

• IQPPS Criterion: 1.5 - Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the criterion below is addressed.
• Teaching staff support children as they practice social skills and build friendships by helping them:
• a. enter into play,
b. sustain play, and
c. enhance play.
• IQPPS Criterion 2.6 - Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the criterion below is addressed.
• The schedule
• a. provides children learning opportunities, experiences, and projects that extend over the course of several days and incorporates time
b. play,
c. creative expression,
d. large-group,
e. small-group, and
f. child-initiated activity.

• IQPPS Criterion 2.14Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the criterion below is
• Children have multiple and varied opportunities to write:
• a. Writing materials and activities are readily available in art, dramatic play, and other learning centers.
b.Various types of writing are supported including scribbling, letter-like marks, and developmental spelling.
c. Children have daily opportunities to write or dictate their ideas.
d. Children are provided needed assistance in writing the words and messages they are trying to communicate.

• Children are given the support they need to write on their own, including access to the
• e. alphabet and
f. to printed words about topics of current interest, both of which are made available at eye level or on laminated cards.
g. Children see teaching staff model functional use of writing and are helped to discuss the many ways writing is used in daily life.
• IQPPS Criterion 2.21Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the criterion below is
• Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to learn key content and principles of science such as:
• a. The difference between living and nonliving things (e.g. plants versus rocks) and life cycles of various organisms (e.g. plants, butterflies,
b. Earth and sky (e.g. seasons, weather, geologic features, light and shadow, sun, moon, and stars).
c. Structure and property of matter (e.g. characteristics that include concepts like hard and soft, floating and sinking) and behavior of materials
(e.g. transformation of liquids and solids by dissolving or melting).

• IQPPS Criterion 3.13 - Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the criterion
below is addressed.
• Teaching staff help children understand spoken language (particularly when children are learning a new language) by using:
• a. pictures,
b. familiar objects,
c. body language, and physical cues.

• IQPPS Criterion 4.7 - Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the criterion
below is addressed.
• Teaching teams meet at least weekly to interpret and use assessment results to align curriculum and teaching practices to the
interests and needs of the children
• IQPPS Criterion 5.5 - Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the criterion below is addressed.
• For children who are unable to use the toilet consistently, the program makes sure that:
• a. For children who require cloth diapers, the diaper has an absorbent inner lining completely contained within an outer covering made of
waterproof material that prevents the escape of feces and urine. Both the diaper and the outer covering are changed as a unit.
b. Cloth diapers and clothing that are soiled by urine or feces are immediately placed in a plastic bag (without rinsing or avoidable handling)
and sent home that day for laundering.
• Staff check children for signs that diapers or pull-ups are wet or contain feces
• c. at least every two hours when children are awake and
d. when children awaken.
e. Diapers are changed when wet or soiled.
f. Staff change children’s diapers or soiled underwear in the designated changing areas and not elsewhere in the facility.
g. Each changing area is separated by a partial wall or at least three feet from other areas that children use and is used exclusively for one
designated group of children. For kindergartners, the program may use an underclothing changing area designated for and used only by this
age group. h. At all times, caregivers have a hand on the child when being changed on an elevated surface.
• In the changing area, staff
• i. post changing procedures and
j. follow changing procedures
k. These procedures are used to evaluate teaching staff who change diapers.
l. Surfaces used for changing and on which changing materials are placed are not used for other purposes, including temporary placement of
other objects, and especially not for any object involved with food or feeding.
m. Containers that hold soiled diapers and diapering materials have a lid that opens and closes tightly using a hands-free device (e.g., a step
n. Containers are kept closed and
o. are not accessible to children.
p. Staff members whose primary function is preparing food do not change diapers until their food preparation duties are completed for the

• IQPPS Criterion 7.7 - Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure
the criterion below is addressed.
• Program staff use established linkages with other early education programs and local elementary schools to help families prepare
for and manage their children’s transitions between programs, including special education programs. Staff provide information to
families that can assist them in communicating with other programs.
• IQPPS Criterion 8.1 - Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the criterion
below is addressed.
• Program staff maintain a current list of child and family support services available in the community based on the pattern of needs
they observe among families and based on what families request (e.g., health, mental health, oral health, nutrition, child welfare,
parenting programs, early intervention/special education screening and assessment services, and basic needs such as housing and
child care subsidies). They share the list with families and assist them in locating, contacting, and using community resources that
support children’s and families’ well-being and development.
• IQPPS Criterion 10.15 - Provide one piece of evidence illustrating there is a process in place to ensure the
criterion below is addressed.
• The program offers staff and families opportunities to assist in making decisions to improve the program. Collaborative and
shared decision making is used with all participants to build trust and enthusiasm for making program changes. Staff and families
meet at least annually to consult on program planning and ongoing program operations

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