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Unit Circle!

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A full rotation around a

circle is 360 degrees.

In a the Unit circle only certain angles needs
to be remembered.
 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 135°, 150°, 180°,
210°, 225°, 240°, 270°, 300°, 315°, 330°, and
How can All these certain angles be
m =tep one: Draw a circle with a cross going
through it.
m =tep two: We have learned
that a circle starts from 0 and
ends at 360, so that can be put at start.
m =tep three: The circle is cut into 4ths , so at the
black dot is ¼ of the angle from the circle is
used. ¼ of 360 is 90. At the blue dot is ½ of the
angle from the circle is used. ½ of 360 is 180.
AT the purple dot is ¾ of the angle from circle
is used. ¾ of 360 is 270.
m =tep four: Lets Just use ¼ of the circle!
m =tep five: The red point is
½ of the angle of 90 is 45.
The yellow point is 1/3 of
the angle of 90 is 30. The
green point is 2/3 of the
angle of 90 is 60. 0

m OK! Almost Done with angles!

90 60
m =tep =ix: Quadrant 2·s
angles are just reflections

180 0
of Quadrant 1, but plus 360
90 (because it passes 90).  
30+90=120 45+90=134
60+90=150 . The same with 270
Quadrant 3, but add 180. 30+180= 210
45+180=225 60+180=240. One more time with
Quadrant 4 using 270! 30+270= 300
45+270=315 60+270=330.
m No need to fret. The radians
of the unit circle are
equivalent to the degrees.
m In a full rotation of a circle
(in radians) equals 2 Ǒ.
m Ǒ/6, Ǒ/4, Ǒ/3, Ǒ/2, 2 Ǒ/3, 3Ǒ/4, Ǒ, 7 Ǒ/6, 5 Ǒ/4,
4 Ǒ/3, 3 Ǒ/2, 5 Ǒ/3, 7 Ǒ/4, 11 Ǒ/6, 2 Ǒ.
m How can ALL those radians be
memorized !?!
m emorizing the Degrees is important in finding
the radians that corresponds to that particular
m The formula for converting the
angle measurement is: lj°
lj° X(Ǒ/180) radian at lj°
m Example: 30 ° X(Ǒ/180) Ǒ/6
m †ut«if you forget the formula or
m the corresponding angles.. That·s ok
m Just use the technique that was
used for angles.
m =tep one: Draw a circle with a cross going
through it.
m =tep two: We have learned
that a circle starts from 0 and
ends at 2Ǒ, that can be put at start.
m =tep three: The circle is cut into 4th , so at the
black dot is ¼ of the radian from the circle is
used. ¼ of 2Ǒ is Ǒ/2. At the blue dot is ½ of the
radian from the circle is used. ½ of 2Ǒ is Ǒ. At
the purple dot is ¾ of the radian from circle is
used. ¾ of 2Ǒ is 2Ǒ/3.
m =tep four: Lets Just use ¼ of the circle!
m =tep five: The red point is
½ of the radian of Ǒ/2 is Ǒ/2.
The yellow point is 1/3 of
the radian of Ǒ/2 is Ǒ/6. The
green point is 2/3 of the
radian of Ǒ/2 is Ǒ/3. 0

m OK! Almost Done with Radians!

Ǒ/2 Ǒ/3

m =tep =ix: Quadrant 2·s Ǒ/6

radians are just reflections

of Quadrant 1, but plus Ǒ 0

Ǒ/2(because it passes
Ǒ/2 ). Ǒ/6+Ǒ/2=2 Ǒ/3  
Ǒ/4+Ǒ/2=3 Ǒ/4 Ǒ/3+Ǒ/2=5Ǒ/6.
The same with Quadrant 3, but 3Ǒ/2 add Ǒ.
Ǒ/6+Ǒ =7 Ǒ/6 Ǒ/4+Ǒ/=5 Ǒ/4 Ǒ/3+Ǒ=4Ǒ/3.
One more time with Quadrant 4 using3Ǒ/2!
Ǒ/6+3Ǒ/2=5 Ǒ/3 Ǒ/4+3Ǒ/2=7 Ǒ/4
Ǒ/3 +3Ǒ/2=11Ǒ/6 .
m The points might look
a little intimidating at first,
but applying a one unit
radius circle to a graph
makes it much easier.
m (X,Y) coordinates are corresponding points
t on the circumference of
t the circle to the angles
a and radians you just
a learned.
m HOW?!?
m =tep one: Draw a circle with a cross going
through it.
m =tep two: Imagine the
circle (with a radius of
one)on a graph with
the midpoint at (0,0).
m =tep three: That would
make start (1,0), the black dot (0,1), the blue
dot (-1,0), and the purple dot (0,-1).
m =tep four: Lets Just use ¼ of the circle!
m =tep five: memorize the
numbers.(¥ 3/2) (1/2) (¥ 2/2)
for these are the only other
numbers you need.
m =tep six: On the yellow dot the x
coordinate is the longest out of all
of them, and the largest number
you memorized is (¥ 3/2). The y
coordinate is the shortest of all of
them, and the smallest number you memorized is
(1/2).The yellow dot·s full coordinate is ((¥ 3/2),(1/2) ). The
red dot·s x and y coordinates are both in the middle, and
the middle you memorized is (¥ 2/2). The red dot·s full
coordinate is ((¥ 2/2), (¥ 2/2)). That also leaves you to
figure that the green dot·s coordinate is ((1/2),(¥ 3/2)).
(1/2),(¥ 3/2)

(¥ 2/2), (¥ 2/2)

m =tep seven: Quadrant 2·s (¥ 3/2),(1/2)

coordinates are just mirror

reflections of Quadrant 1, -1,0 1,0

with the exception that
Q2 causes the X coordinates
to become negative.  
(-(1/2),(¥ 3/2)) (-(¥ 2/2), (¥ 2/2))
(-(¥ 3/2),-(1/2)). Q3 coordinates
reflect directly from Q2, with the 0,-1
exception that Q3 causes both X and Y coordinates
to be negative. (-(1/2),-(¥ 3/2)) (-(¥ 2/2), -(¥ 2/2)) (-(¥
3/2),-(1/2)). Q4 coordinates reflect directly from Q3,
with the exception that Q4 cause only the Y
coordinate to be negative. ((1/2),-(¥ 3/2)) ((¥ 2/2), -
(¥ 2/2)) ((¥ 3/2),-(1/2)).
1 = radius





  Ê Ê
Ê  ÊÊ  
Ê Ê Ê 
 tanlj =Y and Y= Y= sinlj and X=X=coslj
X 1 Remember 1
the radius
 cot lj= X equals one

Y Cotangent is just the Reciprocal

Identity of Tangent which is next
1 = radius

csclj= 1 sinlj= 1 seclj= 1
sinlj csclj coslj
coslj= 1 cotlj= 1 tanlj= 1
seclj tanlj cotlj
Reciprocal Identities is the inverse of the sign.
 sinlj= Y or Y. vÊ the sign to 1 = csclj = 1 Remember
1 Y sinlj the radius
equals one
coslj=X or X . vÊ the sign to 1 = seclj = 1
1 X coslj
 tanlj= Y. vÊ the sign to X = cotlj= 1
X Y tanlj
1 = radius
sin²lj+cos²lj =1 1-tan²lj = sec²lj
1+cot²lj =csc ²lj 
No need to fear! Interpret it to the X

Pythagorean theorem. x² + y² = r²
sin²lj= x² and cos²lj= y². =o that fits directly in with the Pythagorean
theorem x² + y² = r². sin²lj+cos²lj =1². 1²= 1
1= 1²= r² and tan²lj= O² . =o rearrange the Pythagorean theorem to
r²- y² = r² . 1-tan²lj = sec²lj. sec²lj= r² = 1² = 1
x² x² x² x² x²
 1= 1²= r² and cot²lj= Ò² . Again rearrange the theorem to r²+ x² = r²
O² O² O²
1+cot²lj =csc ²lj. csc ²lj= r² = 1² = 1
O² O² O²
1 = radius
In Degrees
sin(90° lj)=coslj cos(90° lj)=sinlj tan(90° lj)=cotlj
cot(90° lj)=tanlj sec(90° lj)=csc lj csc(90° lj)=seclj
A triangle has 180º. The right angle takes up
half. While 90º remains. NOTICE THE CONNECTION OF THE
The measures of the angles lj LETTERS C & O:
and ǃ add to 90º.These angles FUNCTIONS

are complementary angles. FUNCTIONS


 lj+ǃ=90º{ ǃ=90º-lj} or {lj =90º-ǃ} * COMPLEMENTARY

sin lj=cosǃ{ sinlj-cos(90º-lj)} or{ cosǃ-sin(90º-ǃ)}

To make in to radians; just switch 90° with Ǒ/2.
sin( lj)= sinlj cos( lj)=coslj tan( )= tanlj
csc( lj)= csclj sec( lj)=seclj cot( lj)= cotlj
The easiest way to remember this is:
If the angle is negative then so is the sign
If the angle is positive then so is the sign
««..but does not apply to cosine and secant

> >
sin(lj+ǃ)=sinljcosǃ+cosljsinǃ sin(lj ïǃ)=sinljcosǃïcoslj sinǃ
cos(lj+ǃ)=cosljcosǃïsinljsinǃ cos(ljïǃ)=cosljcosǃ+sinljsinǃ
Notice: In the sine formulas, + or ï on the left is also + or ï on the
right. =ine also has a pattern of sin cos cos sin. †ut in the cosine formulas,
+ on the left becomes ï on the right. Cosines pattern is cos cos sin sin
and; and vice-versa.
tan(lj+ǃ)=tan lj+tanǃ tan(lj-ǃ)=tan lj-tanǃ
1-tanljtanǃ 1+tanljtanǃ
Notice: In the tangent formulas, + or on the left is also on the right top,
while the bottom right is not. Also that tangent is the only sign used.
sin2A=2sinAcosA cos2A=cos²A sin²A
cos2A=1-2sin²A cos2A=2cos²A-1
tan2A= 2tanA
Ê Ê  
 Ê Ê 

Ê     Ê Ê 
sin2A=sin(A+A). Use the sine of sums identity sinAcosA+cosAsinA
Which equals 2sinAcosA.
Half angle identities come from the double angle identities.
sin²A=½(1-cos2A) cos²A=½(1+cos2A) tan²A=½(1-cos2A)
take the double angle formula you memorized (cos2A=1-
change the 2A=a, so it changes to a/2. cosa=1ï2sin2 (ǂ/2)
Leave only sin2 (ǂ/2) to solve for.
Giving us sin²A=½(1-cos2A).

Taking the same steps for cosine and tangent as well.

These or for oblique triangles!! (not right triangles)
a = b = c
sinA sin† sinC c a
When solving for oblique A C
Triangles, at least one side is needed
and two other parts that can be either sides or angles.
sinA= h/c ; h=csinA asinC = csinA
=inc+h/a; h=asinC sinAsinC sinAsinC
asinC=csinA a = c
sinA sinC
m Any two angles and any side!
m =AA or AA= or A=A †

c a
sinA=60° sin C= 75° A C
b= ¥ 2 b

m<†= 180 °-(60 °+ 75 °)=45 °

a = b a = ¥2 a = ¥2 a= ¥ 3
sinA sin† sin60 sin45 ¥ 2/3 ¥ 3/2
a = c ¥3 = c ¥3= c c=3.549
sinA sinC sin60 sin75 ¥ 2/3 .9659
m Any two angles and any side!
m =AA or AA= or A=A †

c a
sinA=58° sin †= 64° A C
c= 12 b

m<C= 180 °-(58 °+ 64 °)= 58°

a = C a = 12 a = 12 a= 12
sinA sinC sin58 sin58 .848 .848
a = b 12 = b 12 = b b=12.7
sinA sin† sin58 sin64 .848 .899
If <A, a, b are given

and <A is acute:

Possible triangles are and<A is obtuse:
2: (h<a<b) (0<sin†²<1) Possible triangles are
1: (right angle) (sin†=1) 1: (a>b) (0<sin†<1)
(a<b) (a=h) (a> b) 2: (a<b)(sin†>1)
0: (a<h)
m An angle and two sides!
m ==A †

c a
sinA=55.6° A C
A=8.44cm b= 25.1cm b

a = b 8.44 = 25.1 8.44 = 25.1

sinA sin† sin 55.6 sin† .825 sin†

sin†= 2.45 sin-1 (2.45)= ERROR NO TRIANGLE!!

m An angle and two sides!
m ==A †

c a
a=10.7cm c= 7.3cm C
a = C 10.7 = 7.3 10.7 = 7.3 =inC= 27.9
sinA sinC sin43.5 sinC .688 =inC
180-27.9=152.4 152.4+43.5= OVER 180€
(Not possible for 2nd triangle) Only one
m<†= 180 °-(43.5 °+ 27.5°)= 109
a = b 10.7 = b 10.7 = b b=14.7cm
sinA sin† sin43.5 sin109 .688 .946
The square of a side is
Equal to the sum of the square of the other two
sides minus two times the product of those
two side and the cosine of the inclined angle.
These are also for oblique triangles!
Needs any two sides but and angle that does not
correspond to the sides.
m An angle and two sides! Or All three sides
m === or =A= †

Find sidea c a
cosA=42.3° A C
b=15.4cm c= 12.9cm b

m An angle and two sides! Or All three sides
m === or =A= †

Find A c a
a=37.6 b=42.9 c= 62.7 A C
a²=b²+c²-2bc(cosA) b

Rewrite: -a²+b²+c² = cosA

-62.7²+37.6²+42.9² = cosA
cosA= .2099 cos-1 (.2099)= 77.89
Radian measure of lj = m

-The circumference of a circle is
an arc length.
-The ratio of the circumference to the
diameter is the basis of radian measure.
(why it is not in degrees!!)
Theorem~ In any circle the same ratio of arc length to radius
will have the same central angle measurements.
Proportions!~ s1 = s2 ONLY IF!! lj1= lj2
r1 r2
A person moves a wheel that·s
radius is 10 meters, and found 
herself 8 meters from where she r
began. What is the central angle
(degrees) the wheel has moved?
lj = s = 8 = .8 (radians answer)
r 10
(degrees)lj = 180(radians) lj = 180(.8)
(degrees) lj= 144/ Ǒ
There are two gears touching one
another. One has a radius of 10cm

and has rotated 8cm around. What
is the rotation and the central angle
of the other gear if the radius is 5cm?
lj = s = 8 = .8 (radians answer)
r 10 s
(degrees)lj = 180(radians) lj = 180(.8)
Ǒ Ǒ 
(degrees) lj= 144/ Ǒ r
lj=45.84 °
(The gears a porpotional!)
lj = s1 = s2 .8= 8 = s2 s2= 4cm
r1 r2 10 5
The area of a sector of a circle can be
calculated by degrees or radians. A

(radians) lj (r²)= Area r

(Degrees) lj (Ǒ)(r²)= Area
Theorem~ The area of the circle is proportional to 360Ý
Area of sector = Angle of sector
Area of circle 360 or (2Ǒ)
rs. Parker ordered a large chesse
pizza. The radius of the pizza was 5 ft.
she made a bet with that class she
could eat a slice of pizza with a central 

Angle of 60 degrees. How much pizza r

Did she consume?
Area of sector = Angle of sector
Area of circle 360
Area of sector = 60
Ǒ5² 360
Area of sector = 60 (25Ǒ)
That·s a lot of
Area of sector= 13.09ft²
rs. Parker baked a circlar brownie. Her
neighbor wanted 35.4cm² of the brownie A
pie. About what angle(radians) did rs.

Parker cut her brownie, if the radius was
Area of sector = Angle of sector
Area of circle 2Ǒ
35.4 = Angle of sector
Ǒ6² 2Ǒ
Angle of sector = 35.4 (2)
Angle of sector= 1.967(radians)

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