Water Recycling Purposes

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Water Recycling


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Purposes of water recycling
Uses for recycled water
Public parks
Golf course irrigation
Cooling water for power plants and oil refineries
Industrial process water for such facilities as paper mills
and carpet dyers
Toilet flushing
Dust control
Construction activities
Concrete mixing
Artificial lakes
Advantages of water recycling
 Reduce water bills

 Use fewer water resources

 Irrigate the garden during drought or water


 Cut down the amount of pollution going into


 Help save money on new infrastructure for

water supplies and wastewater treatment

 Decrease demand on infrastructure for

sewage transport, treatment and disposal,
allowing it to work better and last longer.
Water recycling in Malaysia
• Malaysia receives plenty of rainfall throughout the year and because
of that Malaysia experiences a wet equatorial climate regime. In fact,
there is no distinct dry season in any part of the country (Weng et al.,
• Extreme climate events such as drought and flood happened
frequently nowadays because of the global weather change.
• The prolonged dry period due to global weather change can be
considered as another factor effecting water supply. The available
water resources are limited.
Benefits of water recycling in Malaysia
• Previously in 1998, Malaysia facing the serious water crisis because of
the drought from climate changes (El Nino Phenomena). This event
affected the water resources utilization for various purposes.
• Due to this, Lembah Klang is one of the top critical places having the
water crisis.
• Government has listed some of the effort that can be used for water
shortage; rainwater harvesting system is a part of it (Mohd.Shawahid
et al., 2007).
Benefits of water recycling in Malaysia
• The Malaysian economy has gone through rapid structural change
since independence in 1957. In global arena, Malaysia is often
considered as a ‘develop’ country.
• The impacts of the rapid economic growth and industrialization have
put excessive demands on water supply and water resources.
• The number of population also has increase. Malaysia has a few cities
with high density of population such as Lembah Klang, Pulang Pinang
and Johor Bahru. These cities required more demands on water
supply than other cities in Malaysia.
Benefits of water recycling in Malaysia
• Sandakan are using rainwater as water
recycling method for all the non-potable
uses. The rainwater harvesting approach
satisfied the people demand on water
resource (Sandakan Municipal Council, 2008).
• Sandakan was among the early place that did
not get enough treated water supply from its
water supply authority since 1984.
• Reduce the dependence on treated water
and provides a convenient buffer in times of
emergency or a shortfall in the water supply.
Benefits of water recycling in Malaysia
• Currently there is no information on the area of food crops irrigated
with wastewater as the Government of Malaysian has yet to have a
policy on the reuse of wastewater whether treated or untreated, for
• The average annual rainfall is more than 2,800mm and the estimated
annual total surface water is 566 billion cubic meters, of which only
10% is readily available to satisfy the demands of agriculture,
domestic, industry and power sectors (Mohd. Azhari, et.al.)
Water recycling in Global
I • SBWR is a recycled Water program in San Jose, California
• SBWR was introduced due to high amount of water discharge that impact the South Bay marsh environment
• SBWR comprises a north-south artery across San Jose and an east-west artery from mid-Mipitas down
t through eastern side of Santa Clara
r • Has 140 miles of pipeline and growing, 5 pump stations, 3 above-ground storage reservoirs that has storage
o capacity of 9.5 million gallons

Purpose • Can satisfy water demand

• Can saves water source, energy
• SBWR started as and remains as wastewater
source, and money
diversion program, but now also serves as
• Reduce the volume of wastewater
region’s water supply in providing non-
going to septic system and
potable water
treatment plant, and increases
• Irrigation at public parks, theme parks, golf
infrastructure capacity for new
courses, business landscape
users (from 130m gallon to 70m
• Industrial cooling towers and 4 power
gallons in 2015)
• Can protect the habitat of
• Toilet/urinal flushing in dual-pump benefits
vulnerable plant and animal in
at commercial and municipal buildings
San Francisco bay
• In 2010, they build advance facility to test
operation of advanced water purification
I • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) approached Health Canada regarding the development
n of guidelines for household reclaimed water in response to the growing interest in water conservation
t • A compact, fully automated water recycling system that help reduce indoor water consumption by as much
as 25% in a family home
• Advantage of the system: Simple installation, cost effective, minimal maintenance
• It can help in conserving regional
Purpose water supplies
• Canada has the world's third largest • Creates water efficient community
per-capita freshwater reserve especially in area that has limited
• Used water from showers and water resources
bathtubs is captures, treats it to a • Reduce stormwater flows to
near potable quality and provides combined and separate sewer
clear, odor free water for toilet system and storm drain
flushing demands. • Also contributes to a sustainable
water managements strategy for
community and helps homeowners
save money on water and sewer
• Abu Dhabi currently reuses only five per cent of its treated wastewater while the emirate uses 60 per cent
groundwater and 35 per cent desalinated water - Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD)
• Minimize both the use if treated
Purpose water for housing activities and the
• 80% of water wells are being utilised capacity of the sewage treatment
and 20& has been dried up plants
• To use the treated greywater for • Minimize the use of chemicals and
cooling towers, irrigation and toilet electrical energy
flushing • The treated water could be re-
injected into ground without causing
• Minimize the required size of the
greywater collecting reservoirs
• Drinking treated sewage has concern government, and was key reason desalination plants were built in
many capital cities
t • But for a regional cities like Goulburn where desalination plants aren’t an option, they are very close to
r having to build recycle water plant to cover this problem
• Much easier and cheaper to recycle
Purpose water from wastewater compare to
• To answer the increasing demand for make new infrastructure
water need • Long term water security and
• More new dwelling to be built in resilience
2036 in west, but the population will • Reduce drinking water use that
move from away from the source from fresh water
desalination plants • No water restriction
• Difficult to built the plant where the • Improves the environment
population growth
• Transporting water is really
inefficient and expensive
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