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Transformative Leadership
Sr. Carolina Agravante
Patricia Santos & Alysza Delos Reyes
Sr. Carolina Agravante, SPC, RN, PhD

Sr. , SPC, RN, PhD

• She finished her secondary education at St. Paul University -
Manila (formerly St. Paul College - Manila) as class salutatorian.
• In 1964, earned BS Nursing degree in the same school as magna
cum laude. In the same year, she passed the nurse licensure
• From 1967 to 1969, studied Master’s Degree in Nursing
Education at Catholic University of America as a full-fledged
• In 2002, earned Doctoral Degree in Philosophy at University of
the Philippines Manila - the same year her theory was published.

Sr. , SPC, RN, PhD


Sr. , SPC, RN, PhD

The theory “CASAGRA Transformative Leadership” is a psycho spiritual model.
It is coined after the name of the investigator: Sr. CArolina S. AGRAvante

The model is a Three-Fold Transformation Leadership Concept rolled into one comprising
of the following elements:
a. Servant-Leader Spirituality
b. Self-Mastery expressed in a vibrant care complex;
c. Special Expertise level in the nursing field one is engaged in.

These elements rolled into one make-up the personality of the modern professional nurse
who will challenge the demands of these crucial times in society today.
Three-Fold Transformation Leadership Concept
I. The Servant-Leadership Spirituality here is prescribed to run parallel to the
generic elements of the transformative leadership model.
This formula consists of a spiritual exercise the determination of the
vitality of the care complex in the personality of an individual and finally a
seminar workshop on transformative teaching.
The servant-leader formula prescription includes a spiritual retreat that
goes through the process of awareness, contemplation, story telling, reflection, and
finally commitment to become servant-leaders in the footsteps of Jesus.
Three-Fold Transformation Leadership Concept
II. The Self-Mastery consists of a vibrant care complex possessed to a certain
degree by all who have been through formal studies in a care giving profession
such as nursing.
III. The Special-Expertise level is shown in a creative, caring, critical,
contemplative and collegial teaching of the nurse faculty who is directly involved
with the formation of the nursing
The CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Theory is classified as a Practice Theory basing on the
characteristics of a Practice Theory stated by McEwen (2007), which are the following:
Sr. , SPC, RN, PhD
Complexity / Abstractness, Scope - Focuses on a narrow view of reality, simple and straightforward
b. Generalizibility /Specificity - Linked to a special populations or an identified field of practice
c. Characteristic of Scope – Single, concrete concept that is operationalized;
d. Characteristic of Proposition – Propositions defined
e. Testability – Goals or outcomes defined and testable
f. Source of Development – Derived from practice or deduced from middle range theory or grand
Strengths Sr. , SPC, RN, PhD
• It provided the task of the formation of the nurse leaders at the baccalaureate level
so that the profession assured the graduates possess the mind and heart of a nursing
leader who is of the nursing profession.
• -It can also be use in other educational settings not just on nursing profession.

• CASAGRA transformative leadership limits only on Roman Catholic and Christians
nursing educators; it did not consider other religion to this study. In the Philippines we
have a variety of religion present. Every religion has its own traditions and practices to
be considered.
• According to the study, the control and study groups were selected from the same
faculty in the two schools, it is highly possible that experience could have been
discussed casually in faculty room and in some way must contaminated the
• One of the common roles taken by the nurse practitioner is the leadership role which is
one of the topics discussed in the CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model by Sr.
Carolina S. Agravante.
• In our shifts, it is important that one of the nurses will take on the lead, in our institution,
it is the charge nurse who takes on this role. The charge nurse will serve as the captain of
the ship, so it is vital that he or she take on the job with outmost care and compassion.
• The servant-leader formula can be a useful tool to charge nurses as this will enable them
to become leaders and educators while following the footsteps of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
• For nurse educators, they can apply this concept by being passionate about
their craft. They can also show willingness to impart their acquired
knowledge to their students and colleagues in a selfless way.
• These educators, contemplate first by attending a vareity of workshops
regarding new trends in nursing, applying evidenced- based practices
through patient simulation, and cascading it to the target learning group.
This concept was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf, and in the later years, Larry S. Spears
added that in order to accomplish this concept, a servant leader should have the
following important characteristics:

1. Listening 6. Conceptualization
2. Empathy 7. Foresight
3. Healing 8. Stewardship
4. Awareness 9. Commitment to the growth of people
5. Persuasion 10. Building community

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