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• On board the streamer Zafiro, Rizal left manila for Hong Kong. He arrived in the
British colony on February 8, 1888. While in Hong Kong, Rizal took time to inform
Blumentritt of what had happened to him during his six-month stay in his hometown,
in his letter dated February 16,1888 (National Centennial Commission, 1961).
• Rizal was met by Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio, and other exiles in Hong
Kong. He was depressed by the colony of Filipinos in the island because they were
prohibited by the colonial government from returning to Manila. He became
acquainted with important Spaniards based to Hong Kong. One of hem was
Barranda, Terreros secretary.
• Barranda and other Spaniards accompanied Rizal in his visit to Macao.
1. The celebration of the Chinese New Year was quite very noisy due to the continuous
explosion of firecrackers on the streets.
2. Chinese theaters are usually animated due to the different percussion instruments
used by the participants, in addition to the noise created by the audience.
3. The lauriat party, wherein the guests were served as variety of dishes, shows
lavishness and hospitality among the Chinese.
4. The Dominican order, the richest religious order in Hong Kong, had millions of dollars
deposited in various banks earning very high interests.
5. The graveyards for Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims were well maintained.
• Rizal arrived in Japan on February 28,1888. He entered the country through Yokohama and
stayed at Tokyo Hotel for a few days. Later on he stayed at the Spanish Legation for almost
a month. It was during tthis period that he visited Japanese provinces, learned Nippongo or
the Japanese language, and dedicated himself to the study of Japanese art and culture.
• Some of Rizal’s favourable impressions of Japan, based on Lanuza and Zaide’s account.
• The scenic beauty of the country
• The cleanliness, politeness, and industry of the people
• The picturesque dress and simple charm of the Japanese women
• The existence of few thieves in Japan
• The beggars rarely seen the streets of the city
• Rizal’s romance with O-Sei-San began in the early spring of March. After moving
the Spanish Legation. Rizal saw her walking near the gate of the legation.
Charmed by her beauty, he tried to find a way by which to meet and know her.
• Through the serious inquiry that Rizal undertook, he learned from the gardener of
the legation that the beautiful lady was Seiko Usui, called fondly by her friends as
• Rizal and the gardener waited for Seiko to pass the legation gate, one afternoon.
He came to know the Japanese lady. In Seiko, Rizal saw the ideals of
womanhood, namely: beauty; charm; intelligence; and modesty. The
aforementioned ideals made Rizal too much attracted with Seiko.
• The friendship established between Rizal and Seiko developed into a love
• O-Sei-San loved Rizal sincerely and Rizal responded by his sincere
affection. They spent joyful and unforgettable days visiting temples, shrines,
and castles and even watched Kabuki plays. There was a even a time when
O-Sei-San invited Rizal to a cha-no-yu (Tea Ceremony), a social tradition of
the Japanese people.
• Rizal felt that he had other duties to fulfil for his country, so he left Japan.
His loved for O-Sei-San can be gleaned from the diary he wrote on the eve
of his departure from Japan.
Rizal left Japan by the middle of April 1888. He arrived in the United States on April 28,
1888 on board the English streamer Belgic. Rizal and the other passengers, however, were
not allowed to disembark until May 4, 1888. Later, Rizal discovered the reason for the
quarantining of their ship.
Rizal stayed at Palace Hotel when in U.S. After two-days, he left for Oakland and passed
through Sacramento, Reno, Ogden, Omaha, Chicago, Albany bound to New York City.
Good Impressions:
1. The material progress of the country
2. The drive and the energy of the American people
3. The natural beauty of the land
4. The high standard of living
5. The opportunities for better life offered to poor immigrants

Negative Impressions:

1. Non-existence of true civil liberty, as a Negro cannot marry an

American and vice-versa
2. The existence if racial prejudice, as shown in their hatred of the
Chinese, Japanese, and Negroes
3. The valuing of money over human life.

Rizal resided in London from May 1888 to March 1889. he opted

to stay in the city and make if his second home for 3 reasons:
1. To improve his knowledge of the English language
2. To study and annotate Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
3. To carry on his fight against Spanish tyranny safely.
Good and Bad News From Home

1. Persecution of the Filipino patriots who signed the Anti-Friar Petition of 1888
addreesed to the Queen Regent requesting the expulsion of the friars, including
Archbishop Pedro Payo
2. Persecution of Calamba tenants, including Rizals family and relatives for their courage
to petition the government for reforms
3. Exile of Manuel T. Hidalgo to Bohol, the husband of his sister Saturnina, on the order of
Governor Valeriano Weyler w/o due process
4. Furious Attacks on Rizal by Senators Salamanca and Vida in the Spanish Cortes
5. Arrest and Incarceration of Laureano Vida, a medical student of UST for finding copies
of the Noli in his residence
6. Rev. Vicente Garcia’s defense of the Noli against the attacks of the friars.

Gertrude who was known by her nicknames Tottie and

Sissie and smaller than Rizal and chubby just like Segunda
Compared to Leonor, Gertrude was not that Beautiful.
Two things that attracted her to Rizal:
1. Proponquity
2. Happy Family
Three purposes for Rizal’s Annotation of the Sucesos
1. To awaken the consciousness of the Filipinos of their glorious or dignified ways of the past
2. To correct what has been distorted and falsified about the Philippines prior to Spanish conquest
3. To prove that the Filipinos were civilized, even before the coming of the Spaniards

Rizal spent four months for research and writing and one year to have his manuscript printed. The
salient points emphasized by Blumentritt:
1. That the Spaniards have to correct their erroneous conception of the Filipinos as children of
limited intelligence
2. That Rizal’s comments on Spanish government were unique as they were given from the point of
view of the victims of the colonialism
3. That there existed three kinds of Spanish delusions about the Philippines
a. That the Filipino were an inferior race
b. That the Filipino were not ready for parliamentary representation and other reforms
c. That denial of equal rights can be compensated by strict dispensation of justice

Three main propositions in Rizal’s new edition of Morga’s Succesos, namely:

1. That the people of the Philippines had a culture of their own before the coming of the
2. That the Filipinos were decimated, demoralized, exploited and ruined by Spanish
3. The present state of the Philippines was not necessarily superior to its past.
Founding of Asociation La
Asociation La Solidaridad – established on December 31, 1888. The officers of this
patriotic society were the ff:
President – Galiciano Apacible
Vice President – Graciano Lopez – Jaena
Secretary – Manuel Sta. Maria
Treasurer – Mariano Ponce
Accountant – Jose Ma. Panganiban

On February 15, 1889, Rizal was also informed about the founding of the organ of the
Propaganda Movement by Graciano Lopez – Jaena. This came to be called La
Founding of Asociation La
The aims of this fortnightly organ of Philippine opinion were the ff:
1. To work peacefully for political and social reforms
2. To portray the deplorable conditions of the Philippines for Spain
to remedy them
3. To oppose the evil forces of reaction and medievalism
4. To advocate liberal ideas and progress
5. To champion the legitimate aspiration of the Filipino people to
life, democracy and happiness.
Short Visit to Paris and Madrid

• Rizal went to Paris early in September 1888 in search for historical

materials in the Bibliotheque Natioanal. Juan Luna and Paz Pardo de
Tavera – Luna acted as his host in the gay city. After his intensive search
for manuscripts and old books, he returned to London.

• He went to Madrid and Barcelona on December 11, 1888. Rizal took

time to contact his fellow expatriates and assessed the extent of their
agitation for reforms. He got acquainted with Marcelo H. Del Pilar and
Mariano Ponce, with he vowed cooperation for the struggle for reforms.
Other Writings in London
• Rizal wrote the essay entitled La Vision del Fray
Rodriguez, in reply to the attacks made by Fr. Rodriguez
on the Noli Me Tangere.

• It was also in London where he wrote the famous “Letter to

the Young Women in Malolos”. It was written by Rizal upon
the request of Marcelo Del Pilar to commend the young
women of Malolos for their courage to establish a school.
Goodbye London
• Rizal left London for Paris on March 19, 1889. Some opined that he
left London for Gertrude to forget him. Before leaving the city, he
curved fine and realistic sculptural works, namely: Prometheus Bound;
Triumph of Death over Life; Triumph of Science over death and the
composite carving of the heads of the Beckett sisters.

• Rizal reminisce the beautiful and memorable experiences he had as

he crossed the English Channel on his way to the gay city of Paris.
Goodbye London! Goodbye Gertrude!

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