Cyber Crime in Nepal (Banking) Final

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BBM Faculty

Cyber Crime In Nepal

Prepared By:
Sapana Gurung
Sunita Guragain
Khusboo Chimariya
BBM-5Th Sem
Table of Contents
• Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Statement of Problem
1.2 Objectives of Field Work
• Chapter 2 Literature Review
• Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Field Work Design
3.2 Source of Data
3.3 Field Work Instrument
3.4 Data Analysis
3.5 Data Analysis Tools
• Chapter 4 Results & Discussion
• Chapter 5 Conclusion & Implications
• Annexes
• Bibliography

Cyber Crime comprises any criminal act dealing with

computers and networks.

Cyber crime is an act of creating, distributing, altering,

stealing, misusing and destroying information through the
computer without the use of physical force and against the
will or interest of the victims.
1.1Statement of Problem
 Nepal’s cyber world is ruled by Electronic Transaction
Act (ETA) 2063 that protects users online against cyber
crimes. Though the cyber law is present but due to lack
of proper monitoring and updates it serves little use in
protecting users online.

 The major problems of cybercrime can be stated below:

• Lack of proper monitoring and updates in Nepal;
• Limited policies and regulations in Nepal;
• Increment in online threat in Nepal;
• Ups and downs in technology in Nepal.
1.2 Objectives of Field Visit
 To identify the major cyber crime in Nepal;
 To find out the emerging concept of cyber crime related
to banking sector;
 To identify the involvement of different age group in
Cyber crime;
 To identify the factors that are responsible for cause of
cyber crime in Nepal;
 To find out what sorts of roles is played by government
to minimize cyber crime in Nepal;
 To identify the laws and rules made for minimizing cyber
crimes in Nepal.
Literature Review
2.1 Literature Review :
Title: Cybercrime in Nepal
Researcher’s Name: Prabin Subedi (Author)
Date of Research: 2014
Objective: To determine the major forms of cyber crimes in
Method: The dissertation is substantially based on secondary
resources such as scholar's article, books, and data from
police, annual report of court and informal unstructured
discussion with personnel from relevant authorities.
Finding: With the rapid change in technology there is rise in
people’s involvement in cyber crime.
2.2 Literature Review
Central Investigation Bureau : The Central Investigation
Bureau (CIB) is the national investigation agency of Nepal
which is run under Nepal Police. It aims to sweep away
organized crime from the country within a few years, it runs
under the Nepal government.

 To facilitate crime investigating units with available human
resources and technology or whatever is possible;
 To formulate central policy for crime control;
 To provide security assurance to the people by effective
crime prevention and investigation;
 To help in implementing community policing effectively;
 To investigate the cases unresolved by others bodies.
Chapter 3
Methodology implies the basic method to be carried out
through the entire study. It includes field work design, field
work instrument , nature and sources of data, selection site,
data collection, data analysis tools, and data presentation.

3.1 Field Work Design

In this survey , both descriptive and explorative design
have been used . This study is descriptive in the sense that the
data interpretation followed by the explanation of Criminal
Investigation Departments(CID). As well as explorative in the
sense that it explores more information about cyber crime in
Nepal. Data will be both quantitative as well as qualitative.
3.2 Sources of Data
Methodology can be different in every research. Research is
based on data which is analyzed and interpreted to get
information. Data sources are broadly classified into primary
and secondary sources of data. We have used both types of
methods i.e. primary and secondary sources of data for our
research study. Primary sources of data in the sense that area
of the study was selected from Metropolitan Crime Division,
Teku(Kathmandu) which is first hand information along with
this we have used secondary sources of data to collect
information about cyber crime found in Nepal through Google,
Websites, Facebook, library, journal, newspaper, etc.
3.3 Field Work Instrument
The instrument used in this field work study are questionnaire
and interview form to collect data through administering the
questionnaire to the sample population .
The questionnaire survey form fixed response alternate
question that involve the respondents to select from a fixed
set of answer to every question. This type of survey method
is most common and popular technique of primary data
3.4 Data Analysis
Data analysis is the process of inspecting , cleansing ,
transforming and modeling data with the goal of discovering
useful information. The interview was design to collect two
Sets of data. The first sets cover general information. Similarly
second sets include more specific aspect of information.. The
interviewed data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics.

3.6 Data Analysis Tools

According to research planning and design , the data will be
represented systematically with the help of table, excel and
figure to make the report more clear and scientific. The data
will be presented in quantitative ratio to measures level of
cyber crime found in Nepal.
Results and Discussions
This chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of data.
The collected data were analyzed according to the
objectives of study.
Table :1 2075/2076, Poush 30th (Number of Victims)
S.N Month Female Male Total
1 Shrawan 109 32 141
2 Bhadra 110 47 157
3 Ashwin 86 35 121
4 Kartik 92 49 141
5 Mangsir 107 48 155
6 Poush 120 59 171
Source: Metropolitan Crime Division
Table :2 F/Y 2072/2073 to 2075,Poush 30th
3 Years 2072/2073 2073/2074 2074/2075 2075 to Poush 30th

Social 17 22 50 17
Illegal Data 0 1 0 0
ATM 1 1 0 0

SMS Threat 0 1 11 9
SMS Lottery 0 0 3 0
Phising 0 0 0 5

You Tube 0 0 2 3

Source: Metropolitan Crime Division

Table:3 2075/2076, Poush 30th
(Number of cases filed by victims)

Types of shrawan Bhadra Ashoj Kartik Mangsir Poush

Youtube 4 - - 3 3 1
ATM 1 - - - - -
Messenger 7 6 2 22 9 3
Facebook 122 147 111 110 140 164
Fake ID
Emo 3 4 - 1 - 1
Instagram 1 - 4 1 1 1
E-mail 1 - 1 2 - -

Source: Metropolitan Crime Division

Types of Cyber Crime Prevailing
in Nepal
1. Hacking : Probably the most known and one of the
most common forms of cybercrimes in Nepal.
 It is the process of getting access to a website,
programme, server, service or other system using
someone else’s account for financial gain or to damage
the reputation of an individual.
 The person who is consistently engaging in hacking
activities, and has accepted hacking as a lifestyle and
philosophy of their choice, is called a hacker.
Types of Cyber Crime Prevailing
in Nepal
2. Spams and Phishing
 Spam is the electronic equivalent of
the ‘Junk mail’ that arrives on users

 Phishing is a type of internet fraud that

involves defrauding users by acting as a legitimate
companies or organizations in order to obtain sensitive
information such as passwords, credit card numbers,
Bank account details and other confidential information.
Types of Cyber Crime Prevailing
in Nepal
3 Cyber stalking
 Cyber stalking is a cybercrime in which the attacker stalks a
victims using electronic communication, such as e-mails or
messages posted to a Web site or a discussion group.
Types of Cyber Crime Prevailing
in Nepal
4 Piracy Related crime
 Any Content which has been copied to make a
duplicate copy is considered as Piracy.

 Using unauthorized trademarks and copying source

code without having the License to use it is considered
Piracy Crime.
Types of Cyber Crime Prevailing
in Nepal
5 Trade of Restricted Materials
 Illegal trading of materials and services like drugs or drinks
is also a cyber crime.
 It is a business involving the buying and selling of illegal or
restricted materials through internet using chat rooms,
bulletin boards and websites.
Rules Regarding Cyber crime
Nepal’s Cyber world is ruled by Electronic Transaction Act
(EAT) 2063 that protects users online against cyber
crimes. Cyber Law is the part of legal system that deals
with the internet, cyberspace and other legal issues. The
cyber law encompasses a wide variety of legal issues which
includes intellectual property, privacy, freedom of
expression, jurisdiction, access to and usage of the Internet.
Prior to 2063 B.S., cyber crimes were dealt under
the Public Offence Act. Later Electronic Transaction Act
(ETA) 2063 was formulated.
According to Chapter-9 (Offence Relating To
Computer) Section 44 Pirate, Destroy or
Alter computer source code :-

 If any person, knowingly or with mollified intention, pirates,

destroys or alters computer sources code to be used for
any computer, computer programme, computer system or
computer network or cause, other to do so.

 He/she shall be liable to the punishment with imprisonment

not exceeding three years or with a fine not exceeding
two hundred thousand Rupees or with both.
According to Chapter-9, section 45:
Unauthorized Access in Computer Materials

 If any person with an intention to have access in any

programme, information or data of any computer, uses
such a computer without authorization of the owner or even
in the case of authorization, performs any act with an
intention to have access in any programme or information;

 Such person shall be liable to the punishment with the fine

not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Rupees or with
imprisonment not exceeding three years or with both
depending on the seriousness of the offence.
According to Chapter-9, section 46: Damage
to any Computer and Information System

 If any person knowingly and with a mala fide intention to

cause wrongful loss or damage to any institution destroys,
damages, deletes, alters, disrupts any information of any
computer source by any means or diminishes value and utility
of such information;

 Such person shall be liable to the punishment with the fine

not exceeding Two thousand Rupees and with
imprisonment not exceeding three years or with both.
According to Chapter-9 section 47: Publication
of Illegal Materials in Electronic Form

 This section states that it is an offense to publish or display

any material in the electronic media, including the internet,
which may be contrary to public morality or decent behavior,
or which is prohibited to publish or display by prevailing law.

 The penalty for this offense is a fine of 1, 00,000 Rupees

and/or up to five years imprisonment.
According to Chapter-9 section 52
To Commit Computer Fraud

 If any person, with an intention to commit any fraud or any

other illegal act, or otherwise provides digital signature
certificate or acquires benefit from the payment of any bill,
balance amount of any one's account, any inventory or ATM
card in connivance of or otherwise by committing any fraud;

 Such person shall be liable to the punishment with a fine not

exceeding one hundred thousand Rupees or with an
imprisonment not exceeding two years or with both.
Conclusion and Implication
Conclusion: Cybercrime is one of the most dangerous social
offenses in the world. If cyber users are careful, it can be reduced
radically. Most of the cybercrime happens due to poor authenticity.
So, users must have a good knowledge of strong password
technique. In this way, most of the cases are related with poor
authenticity, so both users and service providers should be careful
of using authentication. The Nepal government recently announced
the concept of digital signature, but it is not practically
implemented till now. Even if the government implemented this
digital signature, our resources are not secure if we have not good
knowledge about the authenticity security system. The level of
security in the case of password such as poor to strong is a
dictionary word. We need to combine lower and upper case
letters, alphanumeric characters and alphanumeric characters with
special symbols while using authentication.
Although the law is present, it does not address all the issues of
cybercrime. The law has not been adequately amended as a
need of time. The elements and dynamics of the cybercrime
has been changing over time whereas the ETA remains
constant. So firstly, Electronic Transaction Act 2063 must be
amended to address all the issues of cybercrime. Besides
police, other agencies should be formulated that will have
primary authority to investigate and prosecute cybercrime in
Nepal. Awareness should be spread on general public to
prevent and combat cyber crime.
Whoever is accessing the net should keep in mind following
 Safety and privacy activation on social networking site is
must to keep yourself safe and stranger at bay;
 Be careful to never enter private or financial data into
websites that don’t show proof of security;
 Maintain your security setting on your email and social
networking pages and install security software;
 Never provide your credit card number or identifying
information as a proof of age to access to a website run by
company with which you are unfamiliar;
 Cybercriminals frequently use known exploits, or flaws, in
your software to gain access to your system so keep your
software updated;
 Stay informed and pay attention to news sources to learn
about recent threats and websites that have been attacked;
 If problems occurs, don’t be afraid to contact your local
Annex 1:
Date: …….. Place: …….. Interviewer’s Name: ……………..
Interviewee’s Name: ………….. Sex: M/F Age:…..Years
Education: Educated/Uneducated Religion: ………….
Language: ………………
Employment: Employed (Government, Private, other)/Unemployed
General Information:
S.N Name Remarks
Annex 1:
1) What are the major cyber crimes found in Nepal?

2) What are the major cyber crimes related to banking sector?

3) What are the factors that are responsible for causing cyber crime in
4) Which age group are more involved in committing cyber crimes?

5) What are the prevailing laws regarding cyber crime?

6) Does the law helped to control cyber crime?

7) What sorts of role is played by Government of Nepal to minimize such


8) What are the punishment regarding cyber crimes?

Lastly, if there is anything you want to say?

Annex 2:
Annex 2:
Annex 2:



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