Purposive Communication Lesson 1

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JULIUS C. ESTRELLADO, LPT 09653822261 superjulicious024@

(PROFESSOR) gmail.com
What is a
• Language is commonly defined (simply) as
“ a means of communication”, but if it is
defined so, there will be no difference
between human communication and
animal communication. The reason is
because, both animal and human do have
means to communicate.
What is a
• To be more specific, a language can be
defined as:
“An arbitrary system of creative
vocal symbols used as means of
communication among human beings”
What is a
• Let us see what is meant by arbitrary
system, vocal symbol , creative and means
of communication as the characteristics or
properties of human language.
A. Language is
• A language is arbitrary because the
relationship between a vocal symbol (in
form, in the sense of linguistics) and the
entity, state, event, or action (meaning) of
the vocal symbol cannot be proved
A. Language is
• For example, the question of: “why the
following entity is called “birds” in
English” and not “monkey” or “money”
for instance cannot be answered.
B. Language is Vocal Symbols

• Considering a language as a construction

of vocal symbols, we actually want to
distinguish oral from written language. A
language is originally oral/spoken (vocal
symbols). In other words we can say that
spoken language is the origin of a
B. Language is Vocal Symbols

Children growing up learning and
speaking a language (orally) before
learning to write. Even in this modern
age, some people still cannot write but
they can communicate with a language.
B. Language is Vocal Symbols

• On the other hand, writing or written language is

the best thought of as a written representation of a
• One of the differences (in characteristics) between
oral and written language is that written language
tends to be prescriptive (what one thinks it/ the
language ought to be) but oral/spoken language is
not prescriptive.
C. Language is Creative

• No matter how well a dictionary of a language is

designed and written, it will never contain all
possible sentences that a human being (the speaker
of a language) can make and use for
communication. Once we speak a language (say, our
mother tongue/native or language) the components
and rules of the language enables us to create
infinite number/unlimited number of sentences
C. Language is Creative

• It enable us to put words together to make phrases,

put phrases together to make sentences, and so
• As illustration, the same word can be employed in
so many words different infinite numbers of
sentences, as exemplified with the following
C. Language is Creative

1. I eat rice. You eat bread.

2. The goats eat bread and cheese. (Have you ever
created or heard this possible sentence before?)
3. They eat grass.
4. I eat rice, you eat bread, the goats eat cheese,
they eat grass, ……… eat , ……….. eat ……..
And so on. (How many times you can repeat the
word “eat” in the last sentence? How long you
can make the sentence? The answer is infinite.
C. Language is Creative

• Indeed, we create and heard new sentences in our

language all the time in our everyday
communication. Even we may have created and
heard a sentence that had never been spoken or
heard before, but we did not realize it. This is
because a language is creative.
D. Language is a Means of

• Language is only one among another means of

communication, but it is the most perfect means of
communication possessed by human beings. The
use of a language as a means of communication is
what distinguished animal communication from the
communication among human beings.
D. Language is a Means of

• In most societies (or cultures) there are fables, legends,

etc., where we are told that animals do play speaking
role, not only among themselves but also with human
beings. But can the fables, or legends provide evidence
that animals do speak and have language?
• While human beings communicate with language; it is
believed that animals simply communicate with their
instinct; but this belief has not been proved empirically.

• Linguistics - is the study of

• The subject matter of linguistics
is language.
What is “Linguistics”

• Traditionally, linguistics studies a language as formal

system consisting of four main branches, known as
“micro linguistics”.
• Besides, the linguistics studies which are supposed as
the interdisciplinary field of studies that identify,
investigate and offer solutions to language-related real
life problems, called “macro linguistics” or “applied
linguistics”; and
• There are also some other linguistics branches.
What is “Linguistics”
What is “Linguistics”

• Futhermore, we will merely discuss about micro

linguistics, which are related to pure language studies
such as:
• Phonology - the study of speech sound and their
• Morphology - the study of words and word
• Syntax – the study of sentence structure; and
• Semantics – the study of meanings
• A language is described as an abstraction based on
the linguistics behavior of its users.
• All normal children of all races learn to speak the
language of their community, so speech has often been
seen as the primary medium of language.
• The abstract system which is language can also be
realized as writing. However, although speech and
writing have much in common, they are not be equated
or hierarchically ordered.
Between Language and it’s
Main Differences Between
Speech and Writing

• Review for 10 minutes

• Get a one half cross-wise paper, write down
your names and year/block, also the date.
• General Directions: Any form of erasures or
alliteration of answers is considered incorrect.
Use black pen ink only.

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