Imogene King
Imogene King
Imogene King
is the capacity to use resources in organizations to achieve
is the process whereby one or more persons influence
other persons in a situation….
is the ability to use and to mobilize resources to achieve
Status is “the position of an individual in a group or a
group in relation to other groups in an organization” and
is identified that status is accompanied by “privileges,
duties, and obligation.”
Interaction is a process of perception and communication between
person and environment and between person and person represented by
verbal and nonverbal behaviors that are goal-directed.
Transaction is a process of interactions in which human beings
communicate with the environment to achieve goals that are valued;
transactions are goal-directed human behaviors.
Perception is “each person’s representation of reality.”
Communication is defined as “a process whereby information is given from
one person to another either directly in face-to-face meetings or indirectly
through telephone, television, or the written word.”
Role is defined as “a set of behaviors expected of persons
occupying a position in a social system; rules that define rights and
obligations in a position; a relationship with one or more individuals
interacting in specific situations for a purpose.”
Stress is “a dynamic state whereby a human being interacts with the
environment to maintain balance for growth, development, and
performance… an energy response of an individual to persons,
objects, and events called stressors.”
Growth and Development
Growth and development can be defined as the “continuous
changes in individuals at the cellular, molecular, and behavioral
levels of activities… the processes that take place in the life of
individuals that help them move from potential capacity for
achievement to self-actualization.”
Time is “a sequence of events moving onward to the future… a
continuous flow of events in successive order that implies a change,
a past and a future… a duration between one event and another
as uniquely experienced by each human being… the relation of
one event to another.”
Space exists in every direction and is the same in all directions.
Space includes that physical area called territory. Space is defined
by the behaviors of those individuals who occupy it
Theory of Goal Attainment and The Nursing