20200204043907health Care Quality Risk Regulatory Compliance Assessment 4 Balance Scorecard Template Revised 3

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Balance Scorecard

Hagar Duku Osei

Assessment 4
MHA-5014 FP
Grace Healthcare System (GHS)
GHS facilitates management, financing, and delivery of health care services delivery
to the communities.

GHS recognizes various issues facing organizations with regards to quality care and
operational efficiency.

GHS has proposed the integration of a health care quality risk regulatory
compliance framework to maximize benefits and reduce costs with regards to health care
services delivery.

GHS has also implemented a Balance Score Card to evaluate performance and
improve various crucial health organization elements.
Structure, Mission, Vision Analysis
Balanced Score Card analysis strategy at GHS covers four elements:
GHS acknowledges the significance of financial performance evaluation in its
Balanced Score Card strategy.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis has depicted the effectiveness of the quality risk
regulatory framework in maximizing profits, minimizing costs, and attracting huge
patient traffic.

According to the CBA, the adoption of a regulatory framework will generate $8.88
billion worth of annual profits.
Structure, Mission, Vision Analysis cont…
Internal Organizational Processes
It will investigate the ability of the framework to promote workflow efficiency
and speed and minimize operational costs.

It will determine the regulatory framework’s influence on innovation and

teamwork adoption with the workplace.

The new technologies considered includes Electronic Health Records (EHR)

and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
Structure, Mission, Vision Analysis cont…
Learning and Growth
The CBA analysis of health care quality and risk regulatory framework
implementation depicts GHS's commitment to training and enhancing the skills of its

Balance Score Card investigates the process of development of a corporate

culture including teamwork, technology competence, leadership, and innovation
development in the workplace.

The annual funding allocation for training and development of the workforce
within the mandated control area of GHS is seven million dollars.
Structure, Mission, Vision Analysis cont…
Customer Satisfaction

The regulatory framework adoption in GHS aligns with its mission of

maximizing the welfare of its clients and the community.

Balance Score Card will enable GHS to determine its ability to maximize
community and patient welfare by tracking their experience and the quality of
awareness programs.

Balance Score Card will allow GHS to accomplish its projected annual
patient welfare benefits (monetized CBA) of $1 million.
Recommendations on Each Facet of the
Balanced Score Card
• Developing a link between resource allocation and implementation strategy of the
regulatory framework.

• Promoting financial accountability to reduce operation costs.

• Ensuring that the price of health care services matches their quality.
Internal Processes
• Maintaining progress growth in leadership in the GHS system.

• Ensuring progressive development in teamwork strategies.

• Integrating new technologies and ideas to maximize operation speed and efficiencies.
Recommendations on Each Facet of the
Balanced Score Card cont…
Learning & Growth
• Ensuring continuity in the skills development.

• Promoting the sharing of knowledge and skills.

• Regular update in the leadership strategies.

• Holding regular technological training sessions to handle the high technological


• Sensitization of cultural competence strategies of maximizing the welfare of

globalized societies.
Recommendations on Each Facet of the
Balanced Score Card cont…
Customer Satisfaction
• Maintaining the patient level of satisfaction at 90 percent and above.

• Reducing the average admission duration per patient at an annual rate of 25


• Educating communities and patients to facilitate self-management of chronic

Balance Score Card Concepts
Performance Indicators & Measures
Financial KPIs Category
• Streamlined cash flow

• Revenue growth

• Increase in the net profit and gross profit margin

Balance Score Card Concepts
Performance Indicators & Measures cont…
Operational KPIs Category
• Increased employee satisfaction

• Quick and efficient problem-solving and decision-making processes

• Increased productivity

• Reduced operational costs

Balance Score Card Concepts
Performance Indicators & Measures cont…
Learning & Growth KPIs Category
• Increased technological competence

• Leadership development
Customer Satisfaction KPIs Category
• Increased patient retention

• Growth in the health care market share

• A higher score in the net promotion rating

• Increased community and patient welfare


Balance Score Card appears to be an effective tool of aligning ideas linked to

the adoption of health care quality risk regulatory compliance with the vision and
mission of GHS.

It is an effective tool for controlling the rate of the framework integration

hence balancing resources with strategies.

The tool will also ensure that problems associated with the adoption of the
framework are addressed on time.
• Behrouzi, F., Shaharoun, A. M., & Ma'aram, A. (2014). Applications of the balanced
scorecard for strategic management and performance measurement in the health
sector. Australian Health Review, 38(2), 208–217.

• Chavan, M. (2009). The balanced scorecard: A new challenge. The Journal of

Management Development, 28(5), 393–406.

• Enochson, H. (2020). 27 Examples of Key Performance Indicators. OnStrategy.

Retrieved from https://onstrategyhq.com/resources/27-examples-of-key-

• Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (1996). Linking the balanced scorecard to strategy.
California Management Review, 39(1), 53–79.

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