Parts and Wholes II

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Parts and Wholes II

Alan Rector & CO-ODE/NIBHI

University of Manchester
Informatics [email protected]
With acknowledgements to Semantic Web Best Practice
Working Group (SWBP) and Stefan Schulz and Udo Hahn

© University of Manchester
Parts & Wholes,
connection and adjacency –
common sense merology
► Standard lexical semantic versions motivated by history
Many philosophical versions motivated by topology
► This version motivated primarily by anatomy and engineering
► Classic knowledge representation work is
► Odell, J. J. (1994). "Six different kinds of composition." Journal of
Object Oriented Programming 5(8): 10-15.
► A short readable summary
► Not complete nor completely up to date
► Winston, M., R. Chaffin, et al. (1987). "A taxonomy of part-whole
relations." Cognitive Science 11: 417-444.
► Merology – the study of parts and wholes
► A quick glance at Google…

© University of Manchester
Parts & wholes:
Some examples
► The leg is part of the chair
► The left side of the body is part of the body
► The liver cells are part of the liver
► The ignition of part of the electrical system of the car
► The goose is part of the flock
► Manchester is part of England
► Computer science is part of the University

© University of Manchester
Five families of relations
► Partonomic
► Parts and wholes
► The lid is part of the box
► Constitution
► The box is made of cardboard
► Membership?
► The box is part of the shipment

► Nonpartonomic
► Containment
► The gift is contained in the box
► Connection/branching/Adjacency
► The box is connected to the container by a strap

© University of Manchester
Some tests
► True kinds of part-of are transitive and
A fault to the part is a fault in the whole
► The finger nail is part of the finger is part of the hand is part of the upper extremity is part of the body
► Injury to the fingernail is injury to the body
► The tail-light is part of the electrical system is part of the car
► A fault in the tail light is a fault in the car

► Membership is not transitive

► The foot of the goose is part of the goose but not part of the flock of geese
► Damage to the foot of the goose is not damage ot the flock of geese

► Containment is transitive but things contained are not necessarily parts

► A fault (e.g. souring) to the milk contained in the bottle is not damage to the bottle
► Some kinds of part-whole relation are questionably transitive
► Is the cell that is part of the finger a part of the body?
► Is damage to the cell that is part of the finger damage to the body?
► Not necessarily, since the cells in my body die and regrow constantly

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Structural parts
► The leg is a component of of the table
► Discrete
► connected,
► clear boundary,
► specifically named
► may be differently constituted
► Can have metal legs on a wooden table or vice versa

► The left side is a subdivision of the table

► ‘Side’, ‘Lobe’, ‘segment’, ‘region’,…
► Arbitrary, similarly constituted,
► components typically fall into one or another subdivision;
► defined in relation to something else;
► sensible to talk about what fraction it is: half the table, a third of the table, etc.

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Propagates_via /
► Components of subdivisions are components of the whole, but
subdivisions of components are not subdivisions of the whole
► A the left side of the steering wheel of the car is not a subdivision of the left
side of the car (at least not in the UK)

► No consistent name for this relation between properties

► We shall call it propagates_via or transitive_across
► Also known as “right identities”
► Not supported in most DLs or OWL directly
► Although an extension to FaCT to support it exists
► Heavily used in medical ontologies (GRAIL and SNOMED-CT)

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No simple solution:
Here’s one of several nasty kluges
► Component_of_table is defined as a component of table or any subdivision of
► Must do it for each concept
► A Schema rather than an axiom
► No way to say “same as”
► No variables in OWL
► or most DLs

Components_of_X ≡
isComponentOf someValuesFrom
(X or (someValuesfrom isSubDivisionOf X))
► Tedious to do
► Schemas to be built into new tools

© University of Manchester
Functional parts
► Structural parts form a contiguous whole
► May or may not contribute to function
e.g. decorative parts, vestiges such as the human appendix, “spandrels”1,
accidental lumps and bumps

► The remote control is part of the projection system

► May or may not be physically connected to it
► Part of a common function

► Biology examples:
► The endocrine system
► The glands are not connected, but form part of a functioning system communicating
via hormones and transmitters
► The blood-forming system
► Bone marrow in various places, the spleen, etc.

1 See Stephen J Gould

© University of Manchester
If something is both a
structural and functional
► Must put in both restrictions explicitly
► Can create a common child property but this gets
complicated with the different kinds of structural parts
► Better to put syntactic sugar in tools
►But syntactic sugar has not arrived, so for this course you have
to do it by hand!
►Coming Real Soon Now (RSN)

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So far we have
► isPartOf
► Many other varieties
► Layers, surfaces, …
► Many other constraints, e.g.
► Dimensions must match
► 3-D things can only be structural parts of 3-D things
► boundaries have one less dimension than the things they bound
► surfaces bound volumes, lines bound areas
► layers of subdivisions are subdivisions of layers of the whole
► the skin of the finger is a subdivision of the skin of the upper hand

► Can add isSubprocessOf –

► similar to isComponentOf

© University of Manchester
What about containment

► X is_contained_in Y is_structural_partOf Z 
X is_contained_in Z
► Rigorous version needs analogous schema to subdivision
►Contained_in_X ≡ Contained_in someValuesFor
(X or (someValuesFor is_structural_part_of X))

► Weak approximation
►make contained_in a super-property of is_structural_part
►Not right – implies all structural parts are contained in the whole
►A “kluge”

© University of Manchester
Detailed Property Hierarchy

© University of Manchester

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