8 Centrifugal & Die Casting-2

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Centrifugal & Die Casting

Centrifugal Casting
• As its name implies, the centrifugal-casting
process utilizes inertial forces (caused by
rotation) to distribute the molten metal into the
mould cavities.
• In this process, the mould is rotated rapidly
about its central axis as the metal is poured into
• Because of the centrifugal force, a continuous
pressure will be acting on the metal as it
Centrifugal Casting
• The slag, oxides and other impurities being
lighter, get separated from the metal and
segregate towards the center.
• Spinning equipment can be expensive.
• There are three types of centrifugal casting:
1. True centrifugal casting,
2. Semi-centrifugal casting,
3. Centrifuging.
1. True Centrifugal Casting

1. True Centrifugal Casting
• In true centrifugal casting, hollow cylindrical
parts(such as pipes, gun barrels, bushings,
engine-cylinder liners, bearing rings with or
without flanges, and street lampposts) are
produced by the technique shown in Fig.
• In this process, molten metal is poured into a
rotating mould (300 to 3000 rpm).
• The axis of rotation is usually horizontal, but can
be vertical for short workpieces.
1. True Centrifugal Casting
• Moulds are made of steel, iron, or graphite and
may be coated with a refractory lining to
increase mould life.
• The exterior profile is usually round (as with gun
barrels, pipes, and tubes), but hexagons and
other symmetrical shapes are also possible.
• The inner surface of the casting remains
cylindrical, because the molten metal is
distributed uniformly by the centrifugal forces,
therefore no core is required.
1. True Centrifugal Casting
• However, because of density differences, lighter
elements (such as dross, impurities) tend to
collect on the inner surface of the casting.
• Consequently, the properties of the casting can
vary throughout its thickness.
• Castings with good quality, dimensional accuracy,
and external surface detail are produced by this

1. True Centrifugal Casting
• When rotation is about the horizontal axis, the
inner surface is always cylindrical.
• If the mould is oriented vertically, gravitational
forces cause the inner surface to become
• Wall thickness can be controlled by varying the
amount of metal that is introduced into the

1. True Centrifugal Casting


Rotation about horizontal axis

9 surface Rotation about vertical axis
1. True Centrifugal Casting
• During the rotation, the metal is forced against
the outer walls of the mould with considerable
force, and solidification begins at the outer
• Centrifugal force continues to feed molten metal
as solidification progresses inward.
• Since the process compensates for shrinkage, no
risers are required.
• Bi-metal castings are possible, example: create a
hard outer layer and ductile inner layer
2. Semi-Centrifugal Casting

2. Semi-Centrifugal Casting

2. Semi-Centrifugal Casting
• An example of semi-centrifugal casting is shown
in Fig.
• This method is used to cast parts with rotational
symmetry, such as a wheel with spokes.
• In this method, centrifugal force is used to
produce solid castings, rather than tubular parts.
• The moulds are designed with risers at the
center to supply feed metal.

2. Semi-Centrifugal Casting
• The rotational speeds are usually lower than for
true centrifugal casting.
• In general, the mould shape is more complex
than for true centrifugal casting, and cores can
be placed in the mould to further increase the
complexity of the product.
• Density of metal in the final casting is greater in
the outer sections than at the center of rotation.

2. Semi-Centrifugal Casting
• Common products include gear blanks, pulley
sheaves, wheels, impellers, and electric motor

3. Centrifuging Casting

3. Centrifuging Casting
• In centrifuging (also called centrifuge casting),
mould cavities of any shape are placed at a
certain distance from the axis of rotation.
• Moulds are located radially about a central
sprue or riser, which acts as the axis of
• The molten metal is poured from the center.
• Centrifugal force provides the pressure that
ensures complete filling of the mould cavities.
3. Centrifuging Casting
• Relatively low rotational speeds are required to
produce sound castings with thin walls and
intricate shapes.
• Centrifuging is often used to assist in the pouring
of multiple-product investment casting trees.

Permanent-Mould Casting
• Permanent-mould casting uses a metal mould
constructed of two sections that are designed for
easy, precise opening and closing.
• Mould are made from materials with high
resistance to erosion and thermal fatigue, such
as cast iron, steel, bronze, graphite, or refractory
metal alloys.
• Typical parts made are auto-mobile pistons,
cylinder heads, connecting rods, gear blanks for
appliances, and kitchenware.
Permanent-Mould Casting
• Parts that can be made economically generally
weigh less than 25kg, although special castings
weighing a few hundred kilograms have been
made using this process.
• Metals commonly cast in permanent moulds
include aluminium, magnesium, copper-base
alloys, and cast iron.
• However, cast iron requires a high pouring
temperature, 1250°C to 1500°C, which takes a
heavy toll on mould life.
Permanent-Mould Casting
• The very high pouring temperatures of steel
make permanent moulds unsuitable for this
metal, unless the mould is made of refractory


mould-release agent spray

(1) mould is preheated and coated; (2) cores (if used) are inserted,
and mould is closed

(3) molten metal is poured into the mould; and (4) mould is opened.
Finished part is shown in (5).
• The moulds are clamped together by mechanical
means and heated to about 150°to 200°C to
facilitate metal flow and reduce thermal damage
to the dies due to high-temperature gradients.
• Preheating the moulds in permanent-mold
casting is advisable in order to reduce the chilling
effect of the metal mold, which could lead to low
metal fluidity.
• After preheating, a refractory or mould coating is
applied to the preheated mould, and the mould
is clamped shut. 24
• The purpose of these coatings is to control or
direct the cooling, prevent the casting from
sticking, and prolong the mould life by
minimizing thermal shock and fatigue.
• Since the moulds are not permeable, special
provision must be made for venting.
• This is usually accomplished through the slight
cracks between mould halves or by very small
vent holes that permit the escape of trapped air
but not the passage of molten metal.
• The mould often incorporates special cooling
features, such as a means of pumping cooling
water through the channels located in the mould
and the use of cooling fins.
• Cores, both expendable sand or plaster or
retractable metal, can be used to increase the
complexity of the casting, and multiple cavities
can often be included in a single mould.

• The permanent moulds contain the
– mould cavity,
– pouring basin,
– sprue,
– runners,
– risers,
– gates,
– possible core supports,
– alignment pins, and
– some form of ejection system. 27
• Near-net shapes can be produced that require
little finish machining.
• The mould is reusable.
• Good surface finish is obtained if the mould is in
good condition.
• Dimensions are consistent from part to part, and
dimensional accuracy can often be held to
within 0.25 mm.
• Directional solidification can be achieved.
• The result is usually a sound, defect-free casting
with good mechanical properties.
• The faster cooling rates of the metal mould
produce a finer grain structure, reduced
porosity, and higher-strength products than
would result from a sand casting process.
• Labour costs are kept low through automation.

• On the negative side, the process is generally
limited to the lower-melting-point alloys, and
high mould costs can make low production runs
prohibitively expensive.
• The useful life of a mould is generally set by
molten metal erosion or thermal fatigue.
• When making products of steel or cast iron,
mould life can be extremely short

• Only simple part geometries can be made as
compared to sand casting (because of the need
to open the mould).
• Equipment costs can be high because of high
mould costs.

Die Casting
• Die casting is a permanent-mould casting
process in which the molten metal is injected
into the mould cavity under high pressure.
• Typical pressures are 7 to 350 Mpa.
• The pressure is maintained during solidification,
after which the mould is opened and the part is
• Moulds in this casting operation are called dies;
hence the name die casting.
Die Casting
• The use of high pressure to force the metal into
the die cavity is the most notable feature that
distinguishes this process from others in the
permanent-mould category.
• Moulds used in die casting operations are usually
made of tool steel, mould steel, or maraging
• Tungsten and molybdenum with good refractory
qualities are also being used, especially in
attempts to die cast steel and cast iron.
Die Casting
• Dies can be single-cavity or multiple-cavity.
• Ejector pins are required to remove the part
from the die when it opens, as in our diagrams.
• These pins push the part away from the mould
surface so that it can be removed.
• Lubricants must also be sprayed into the cavities
to prevent sticking.

Die Casting
• Because the die materials have no natural
porosity and the molten metal rapidly flows into
the die during injection, venting holes and
passageways must be built into the dies at the
parting line to evacuate the air and gases in the
• The vents are quite small; yet they fill with
metal during injection because of high pressure.
• This metal must later be trimmed from the part.
Die Casting
• Also, formation of flash is common in die casting,
in which the liquid metal under high pressure
squeezes into the small space between the die
halves at the parting line or into the clearances
around the cores and ejector pins.
• This flash must be trimmed from the casting,
along with the sprue and gating system.

• High production rates possible;
• There is almost a complete elimination of
subsequent machining;
• Economical for large production quantities;
• Close tolerances possible, on the order of ±
0.076 mm for small parts
• Good surface finish ;
• Rapid cooling provides small grain size and good
strength to the casting.
• Thin sections are possible, down to about 0.5
• Note that because of the high pressures
involved in die casting, wall thicknesses less than
those attainable by other casting methods are
Also, because of the high pressures, the velocity
of metal in the runners is higher than other
processes; small parts can be cast before the
runner solidifies.
• But there is a limit to the minimum thickness
which can be cast by die casting because of the
high thermal conductivity the metal dies exhibit,
there is a limiting thickness below which the
molten metal will solidify prematurely before
completely filling the mold cavity.
• It should be noted that small parts can also be
produced in processes such as investment
casting, but the smallest parts are in die casting
for these reasons. 39
• Risers are not used in the die-casting process since
the high injection pressures ensure the continuous
feed of molten metal from the gating system into
the casting.
• The porosity that is often found in die castings is
not shrinkage porosity; it is more likely to be the
result of either entrapped air or the turbulent mode
of die filling.
• This porosity tends to be confined to the interior of
castings, and its formation can be minimized by
smooth metal flow, good venting, and proper
application of pressure.
• Sand cores cannot be used in die casting because
the high pressures and flow rates cause the cores
to either disintegrate or have excessive metal
• As a result, metal cores are required, and
provisions must be made for their retraction,
usually before the die is opened for removal of
the casting.

• Die temperatures are usually maintained at
about 150° to 250°C below the solidus
temperature of the metal being cast in order to
promote rapid freezing.

Die Life
• Die life is usually limited by wear (or erosion), which
is strongly dependent on the temperature of the
molten metal.
• Surface cracking can also occur in response to the
large number of heating and cooling cycles that are
experienced by the die surfaces.
• If the rate of temperature change is the dominant
feature, the problem is called heat checking .
• If the number of cycles is the primary cause, the
problem is called thermal fatigue . 43
Types of Die Casting

1. Hot Chamber DIE casting

2. Cold Chamber DIE casting

1. Hot Chamber DIE casting
• In hot-chamber machines, the metal is melted in
a container attached to the machine, and a
piston is used to inject the liquid metal under
high pressure into the die.
• Typical injection pressures are 7 to 35 Mpa.
• Production rates up to 100 shots per minute can
be achieved.
• It has faster cycling time than cold chamber die
casting because there is no handling or transfer
of molten metal.
1. Hot Chamber DIE casting
• Hot-chamber die casting imposes a special
hardship/damage on the injection system
because much of it is submerged in the molten
• The process is therefore limited in its applications
to low-melting-point metals that do not
chemically attack the plunger and other
mechanical components.
• The metals include zinc(419.5 °C), tin(231.9 °C),
lead(327.5 °C).
1. Hot Chamber DIE casting


(1) with die closed and plunger withdrawn, molten metal flows into
the chamber (2) plunger forces metal in chamber to flow into die,
maintaining pressure during cooling and solidification. 47
1. Hot Chamber DIE casting

(3) plunger is withdrawn, die is opened, and solidified part is

ejected. Finished part is shown in (4). 48
2. Cold Chamber DIE casting
• In cold-chamber die casting machines, molten metal
is poured into an unheated chamber from an
external melting container, and a piston is used to
inject the metal under high pressure into the die
• Injection pressures used in these machines are
typically 14 to 140 Mpa.
• Compared to hot-chamber machines, cycle rates
are not usually as fast because of the need to
ladle the liquid metal into the chamber from an
external source.
2. Cold Chamber DIE casting
• Nevertheless, this casting process is a high
production operation.
• Cold-chamber machines are typically used for
casting aluminium(660.3°C), brass (900 to 940
°C), and magnesium alloys (650 °C +).

2. Cold Chamber DIE casting

(1) with die closed and ram withdrawn, molten

metal is poured into the chamber
2. Cold Chamber DIE casting

(2) ram forces metal to flow into die, maintaining pressure

during cooling and solidification
2. Cold Chamber DIE casting

((3) ram is withdrawn, die is opened, and part is ejected


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