SAP Cloud Infra - Business Case
SAP Cloud Infra - Business Case
SAP Cloud Infra - Business Case
• Why Cloud?
• Infrastructure as Service
• To meet all the expectations from the business and to influence the technology in the business growth
• To work on highly scalable state of the art infrastructure
• Say No to huge investments on the IT Infrastructure
• To meet all the compliance requirements for our IPO Project
• Our Infra is scaled up to the maximum and we are unable to upgrade the infra further due to EOL
• The present infrastructure may become a stumbling block for the organization growth plans
• We are already started seeing performance issues in the regular transactions /reports and our average system response time
is not even near to the industry standard. (Our SAP average transaction response time is 2.5 Ms., but, the Industry Standard
is below 1Ms.)
• Huge Productivity loss due to the sluggish response from SAP at times while transacting from cloud applications like
Salesforce, Care, SCP etc..
• We are worried about the infra downtime if in case the servers go down at peak hours, which intern impact our business
• Our present leased lines are signed with 99.5% SLA but there are planned downtimes which will not be covered in the said
• Continuous complaints from the business on the performance issues, we are unable to resolve them due to hardware
Why Cloud?
Description On Premise Cloud (IaaS)
Availability Depends on installed hardware HA by H/W Failover, Power Failover , Cooling Failover
SLA Based on our infrastructure and support system 99.995% (Infra), 99.5% (App) -Tier-4 SLA
Security /Compliance No Specific Certifications PCI DSS, ISO 27001,SOC-1, SOC-2 (SSAE16),NIST (CSF)
Processes No Specific Process Followed ITIL, COBIT , ITSM, PMP, NIST, ISO, Six Sigma
System Mgmt. Manual H/W set-up and Configuration Automated OS, S/W Installation and provision
Complexity Complex and need to follow-up with multiple teams Simple
Usability Requires on-site operation Coordination with Cloud team, Web based UI
Skilled and Certified Resources and no individual
Staff Dependency on one Skilled Resource
Investment High Capex No Capex, Only Opex
Deployment Speed With dedicated servers, the lead time is vey high Lead Time for Deployment is low
X86 Hardware which is suitable for next five years of Work load with 3 Years 24/7 Support ₹ 1,12,85,000.00 ₹ 1,20,15,000.00
Additional Charges for 6 CTR Support for 3 Years ₹ 35,00,000.00 ₹ 41,50,000.00
15 KVA UPS with Failover for Data Centre with 3 Years Support ₹ 10,00,000.00 ₹ 10,00,000.00
Air Conditioners ( 2 Ton X 2 ) with 3 years Support ₹ 1,50,000.00 ₹ 1,50,000.00
2 Numbers of L3 Core Switches with 3 years Warranty ₹ 7,20,000.00 ₹ 7,20,000.00
Total Expenses for Next 3 Years ₹ 1,66,55,000.00 ₹ 1,80,35,000.00
Net Cost per Annum ₹ 55,51,666.67 ₹ 60,11,666.67
Pros Cons
We Will get an Asset Depreciation ( 16.66% per Annum) No Committed SLA
We will get tax input one time (18 % GST) Huge one time investment & We have a space issue in existing Data centre
With in our own Data Centre (No worry on data Security) Complete dependency on one single input power source
With in our LAN and completely in our control Manageability is bit challenging
Dependency on the single resource for managing infrastructure
Dependency on the multiple vendors to make the data Centre up & running
No Proper fire safety measures which may lead to data loss
Dependency on network SLA for cloud integrations ( Salesforce, SCP etc..)
DB management (Db2)
Provide DC facility
Core Router
Core Switches Our solution architects can help you create a
Load Balancer IAAS stack grounds-up by sizing the right BOM
based on your App benchmark
UTM/ Firewall Helping you build your IT infrastructure stack
Pre-stocked Log Analyzer
infra VPN on a ‘Pay as you go’ model right from servers,
components network, security, storage etc.
and ready to
deploy IAAS
Compute Comprehensive review of our client adherence
CISC: X86 to various compliance standards and support
03 RISC: Power/ Sparc third party audit
EPIC: Itanium
Bid Model Fixed Bid per Annum Fixed Bid Per Annum Variable based on the usage
Managed Services Yes part of the proposal Not Included in the Proposal NA
Ease to reach
Easy Bit Hard Easy