Construction Safety

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When used in this Rule, the following shall have their meanings except
when otherwise provided:
 "Sheathing" shall mean the vertical member of shoring and timbering
which directly resists pressure from side of an excavation.
 "Wale" shall mean the longitudinal member of shoring and timbering
which directly resists pressure from sheating.
 "Strut" shall mean the transverse member of shoring and timbering
which directly resists pressure from sheating or wales.
 "Scaffold" shall mean a temporary structure of timber or metal work
with a platform used in the construction, alteration or demolition of a
building, or other maintenance work used to support workers or to
allow the hoisting and lowering of workers, their tools and materials.
 "Standard or Upright" shall mean the vertical member of scaffold
transmitting the load to the ground or to a base plate.
 "Ledger or Stringer" shall mean a scaffold bracing, which extends
horizontally from standard to standard forming right angles with the
putlogs and forms a tie between the standards.
 "Putlogs " or "Bearer" shall mean a scaffold member spanning
between a ledger and a building wall or between two ledgers upon
which the platform rests.
 "Brace" shall mean a scaffold member that holds standards or
uprights in a fixed position to prevent any lateral movement.
 "Single Scaffold" shall mean a platform supported by a single row of
uprights or standards tied along the wall, connected horizontally by a
ledger and supporting putlogs which rests on ledger on one side and
in holes left in walls on the other.
 "Double Scaffold" shall mean a platform supported on two rows of
uprights or standards parallel to the wall of a building connected by
horizontal ledgers and is independent from the building wall.
 "Suspended Scaffold" shall mean a scaffold suspended by means of
ropes or chains capable of being lowered or raised by winch, pulley,
block or such other means.
 "Trestle Scaffold" shall mean scaffolds in which the supports for the
platform are step ladders, tripods or similar movable contrivances.
 "Hoist" shall mean a lifting machine with a carriage, platform or cage
which moves on guides.
 "Lifting Appliance" shall mean a crab, winch, pulley block or gin wheel
used for raising or lowering a hoist crane, sheer legs excavators,
draglines, pile driver, or pile excavators.
 "Lifting Gear" shall mean a chain sling, rope sling, ring, link, hook,
shackle, swivel or eyebolt.
 "Mobile Crane" shall mean a crane capable of traveling under its own
 "Plant or Equipment" shall include any plant equipment gear,
machinery, apparatus or appliances, or any part thereof.
General Provisions:
 Health and Safety Committee: At every construction site there shall
be organized and maintained a Health and Safety Committee
conforming with Rule 1040 and a medical and dental service
conforming with Rule 1960.
 Alternative Methods and Materials: In the application of this Rule, the
construction, composition, size, and arrangement of materials used
may vary provided that the strength of the structure is at least equal
to that herein prescribed.
 Electrical: Before any construction is commenced, and during the
construction, steps shall be taken to prevent danger to the workers or
operating equipment from any live electric cable or equipment either
by rendering the cable or apparatus electrically dead or by providing
barriers to prevent contact.
 Machine Guarding: All moving parts of machinery used shall be
guarded in accordance with the requirements of Rule 1200.
General Provisions:
 Fire Protection: -
(1) Fire Protection equipment shall be, provided in accordance with
the requirements of Rule 1940.
(2) Permanent stand pipe installed in a construction site shall:
a. be installed progressively as the construction work proceeds.
b. be provided with a valve at every hose outlet.
c. have a hose outlet to which is connected a hose that is:
i. at least 4 cm. (1 1/2 in.) in diameter,
ii. equipped with a combination straight stream and fog nozzle,
iii. installed in all storeys in locations where every part of the
budding shall be protected by a hose having a length of not more than
25 m. (75 ft.)
General Provisions:
d. have a connection of the size used by the local fire department:
i. located on the street side not more than 1 m. (3 ft.) and not
less than 0.33 m (1 ft.) above the ground level.
ii. to which there must be a clear access at all times, and
iii. protected from mechanical damage.
 Lighting of Work Areas: Every work-area and approach thereto, every
place where raising or lowering operations with the use of a lifting
appliance are in progress, and all openings dangerous to workers,
shall be lighted with the minimum requirements provided in Rule
 Lifting of Weights: For continued lifting, a male worker shall not be
made to lift, carry or move any load over fifty kilograms (50 kgs.) and
female workers over twenty-five kilograms (25 kgs.). Weights over
these shall either be handled by more than one worker or by
mechanical means.
General Provisions:
 Pipelines: Repair work on any section of a pipeline under pressure
shall not be undertaken until the pipeline is released of the pressure
or the section under repair is blocked off the line pressure to ensure
that no worker will be endangered.
 Protection of the Public: A safe covered walkway shall be constructed
over the sidewalk for use by pedestrians in a building construction
work less than 2.3 m. (7 ft.) from a sidewalk or public road.
 Protection from Falling Materials:
(1) Steps shall be taken to protect workers from falling materials,
such as the provision of safety helmets and safety shoes.
(2) Tools, objects and materials (including waste materials) shall
not be thrown or tipped from a height, but shall be properly lowered by
crane, hoist or chutes. If such is not practicable, the area where the
material is thrown or lowered shall be fenced and no person allowed in
the fenced area.
General Provisions:
 Protruding Nails and Loose Materials:
(1) Material or lumber with protruding nails shall not be used in any
work or be allowed to remain in any place where they are a source of
danger to the workers.
(2) Loose materials shall not be placed or left on working platforms,
gangways, floors or other workplaces but shall be removed, stacked or
stored not to obstruct passage. Materials shall not be stacked in a manner
causing danger to the workers or overload and render unsafe any platform,
gangway, floor, roof or other part of a building or structure.
 Protection against Collapse of Structure:
(1) All temporary structure shall be properly supported by the use of
guys, stays, and other fixings necessary for stability during construction.
(2) Where construction work will likely reduce the stability of an
existing or adjacent building shoring shall be undertaken to prevent the
collapse or fall of any part of the structure.
General Provisions:
 Safe Means of Access: Safe means of access and egress shall be
provided and maintained to and from every place where work is
 Storage of Materials:
(1) Building materials and equipment shall not be placed or
stored on a permanent or temporary structure exceeding its safe load
carrying capacity.
(2) Lumber structural steel and similar building materials shall
be properly stored and secured against collapsing or tipping. Cross
pieces shall be used in a pile of lumber more than I m. (3 ft.) high.
(3) Pipes and reinforcing steels shall be stacked in racks or
frames supported to prevent movement. 127
(4) Gangways and platforms shall not be used as storage for
materials and tools.
General Provisions:
 Storage of Cylinders: Compressed gas cylinders shall be stored in
upright position protected against heat and overturning and when not
in use, the control valves shall be covered by protective caps screwed
to proper positions.
 Traffic Control.. In construction sites where a worker's safety is likely
to be endangered by a vehicular traffic, flagmen, warning signs,
barriers or lane control devices shall be installed.
 Vehicular Loading: No person shall remain on or in a vehicle during
loading or unloading except those required to be there and only when
all necessary protection against hazards are provided.
 Vehicle Driving: No person shall operate any vehicle or equipment in
a construction site unless he has adequate training and experience to
operate such vehicle or equipment and is authorized by his
immediate supervisor.
General Provisions:
 Internal Combustion Engine: No internal combustion engine shall be
operated in an enclosed area unless:
(1) the exhaust gases or fumes are discharged directly outside to
a point where the discharge gases or fumes cannot return to the
(2 ) the place is ventilated to protect workers from exhaust
 Personal Protective Equipment: Personal Protective equipment as
required in Rule 1080 shall be provided the workers.
 Other Standards: The provisions of this Rule are minimum
requirements and any other regulation of other government authority
of the same nature but with higher numerical values prevail.
 Shoring and Timbering:
(1) The walls of every excavation over 1 m. (3 ft.) deep shall be
supported by adequate shoring and timbering to prevent collapse,
provided that this shall not apply to an excavation:
a. in which a worker is not required to enter for any purposes.
b. cut in solid rock.
c. the walls are sloped to forty-five degree (45) angle from the
vertical or cut to the angle of repose. d. in which a worker is engaged in
timbering or other work for the purpose of compliance with this Rule if
precautions are taken to ensure his safety.
(2) Shoring or timbering in excavation over 6.6 m. (29 ft.) deep and
those installed to prevent the movement, collapse of an adjacent
structure shall be designed by a structural engineer and approved by the
proper authority.
(3) No excavation in an adjacent building or structure shall be
undertaken unless steps are taken to prevent danger to workers.
(4) Before shoring or timbering, the walls of an excavation shall be
stripped of loose rocks or other materials that might slide, roll or fall on
(5) Every excavation over 1 m. (3 ft.) shall be kept free of water at all
 Minimum Berm:
(1) Excavated material shall be kept from the edge of the excavation to
provide a clear berm of a distance not less than one third of the depth of
the excavation.
(2) Where the disposal area is limited, a berm of reduced width of not
less than 1 m. (3 ft.) may be allowed, provided the materials being
excavated are stable, the shoring is designed to carry the additional load,
and barriers are provided to prevent roll back of the excavated materials.
 Tools Materials and Machinery:
(1) Tools or materials shall be kept a minimum of I m. (3 ft.) away from
the edge of the excavation to prevent their being knocked down into the
(2) No vehicle or other machinery shall be driven, operated or located
near the edge of an excavation at least a distance one-third (1/3) of its
 Provision for Barricades. The top of the walls of an excavation more than
2.0 m. (6 ft.) deep shall be barricated to a height of at least I m. (3 ft.) to
prevent the fall of workers.
 Means of Access and Escape:
(1) Every excavation over I m. (3 ft.) deep shall be provided with means
of access and escape in case of flooding or collapse of the excavation work.
(2) Every excavation shall have at least one (1) ladder in every
16.6 m. (50 ft.) of length or fraction thereof, of a length, which shall
extend at least 0.83 m. (2'6") above the top of the excavation to provide
a firm handhold when stepping on or off the ladder.
 Inspection and Examination of Excavation: Every part of an
excavation over 2 m. (6 ft.) deep where workers work shall be
inspected by the person in charge at least once everyday.
 Supervision and Execution of Timbering and other Work:
(1) Timbering or support for any excavation shall be erected,
added, altered or dismantled only under the direction of the project
(2) Timbering and other support for any excavation shall be of
good construction, sound materials, and of adequate strength for the
purpose for which it is used and properly maintained,
(3) All struts and bracings shall be properly secured to prevent displacement.
(4) Timber giving off toxic saps or substance soluble in water shall not be used
for timbering.
 Harmful Dust, Gases, Fumes:
(1) When harmful dusts, gases and fumes are present in an excavation to
such a degree hazardous to the safety and health of the workers, all measures
shall be taken either by exhaust ventilation or by other means to free the area of
such contaminants.
(2) Internal combustion engine shall only be operated in an excavation when
provision is made to ensure that the exhaust gases and fumes are rendered
harmless or discharged to a point away from the excavation.
 Sizes and Spacing of Members: Sheating shall not be less than 5 cm. x 15 cm.
(2" x 6") in section, wales not less than 10 cm. x 15 cm. (4" x 6") in section and
struts not less than 10 cm. x 15 cm. (4" x 6") in section; the length, section and
spacing of timbering members shall be designed considering the nature of soil,
depth and the surroundings.
(1) Every scaffold shall be of good construction of sound materials and
strength for the purpose for which it is intended.
(2) Timber used for scaffolds shall be in good condition, the bark completely
stripped off, and not painted or treated in any manner that defects cannot be
easily seen.
(3) All materials and parts of scaffold not in use or intended for re-use shall be
kept under good condition and separate from other materials unsuitable for
(4) Timber/bamboo scaffoldings shall be limited to a height of 20 meters from
the ground or base provided that, over a height of 10 meters, the scaffolding and
all other installations constructed over the scaffolding shall be designed by a
structural engineer and duly approved by the appropriate authority.
(5) At heights over 20 meters, structural metals should be used designed by a
structural engineer and duly approved by the appropriate authority;
(6) Structural steel when used as load bearing members of scaffolding shall be
destressed at welded or bent joints and design construction approved by the
proper authority.
 Maintenance of Scaffolds:
(1) All scaffolds shall be properly maintained and every part shall be kept,
fixed and secured in position to prevent displacement.
(2) No partly dismantled scaffold shall be used unless it is rendered stable,
strong and safe for the purpose.
(3) Scaffoldings left standing for four
(4) months shall not be used until damaged members are replaced and the
whole structure returned to its original strength.
 Supervision and inspection of Scaffolds:
(1) Scaffold shall be erected, added, altered or dismantled only under the
supervision of the person in charge of the construction.
(2) All materials used in any scaffold shall be inspected before use.
(3) Lumber with two (2) nail holes aligned crosswise or four
(4) nail holes along its length shall not be used as horizontal load bearing
member of scaffolds.
 Strength and Stability of Scaffolds: Every scaffold shall:
(a) be capable of supporting twice the maximum load to which it may be
subjected without exceeding the allowable unit stresses of the materials used;

(b) have all standards diagonally and horizontally braced to prevent

lateral movement; and
(c) have no splices between the points of support of horizontal members
and secured to prevent lateral movement.
 Construction of Timber Scaffolds:
(a) In single scaffold, the standard shall be placed at 1.18 to 2.43 meters
(4 to 8 ft.) apart at a distance of 1 m. (3 ft.) from the wall, connected horizontally
by ledgers spaced vertically at 1.51 m. (5 ft.) to 1.81 m. (6 ft.) on centers.
Putlogs shall be placed in the holes left in the walls.
(b) The size of the standard shall not be less than 8.9 cm. (3 in.) in
diameter or its equivalent and when it is necessary to extend a standard, the
overlaps shall not be less than 60 cm. (23 in.),
(c) In double scaffold, the outer row shall be at a distance of 1.22 to 1.32
m. from the wall. The putlogs shall rest entirely on the ledgers. In addition to
the diagonal braces, inclined supports shall be provided to prevent the scaffold
from leaning away from the wall. The supports shall be strutted at intermediate
heights against the standards.
(d) The size of the standards for double scaffold shall not be less than 10
cm. in diameter or its equivalent and when it is necessary to extend a standard
the overlap shall not be less than 15 cm.
(e) Ledgers, standards and putlogs shall be securely fastened by bolts,
dogs, or ropes.
(f) The distance between two consecutive putlogs shall be designed with
due regard to anticipated load and the nature of the platform flooring. As a
minimum rule, the spacing shall be as follows: for 3.2 cm. thick planks, spacing
shall not exceed I m. for 3.8 cm. thick planks spacing shall not exceed 1.5 m.
(g) The displacement of the foot of the standard shall be prevented either
by sinking it into the ground or by fixing it on a base plate.
Types of Scaffolding:
(1) Traveling scaffold shall ;
(a) be of stable construction and weighted at the base to prevent
(b) be used only on firm and even surface,
(c) be securely braced,
(d) not be moved when any worker is on the scaffold, (c) be moved only
from or near the base,
(2) Suspended scaffold shall not be uses unless:
(a) the fixed support or outriggers to which it is attached are capable of
supporting at least four (4) times the maximum load to which they may be
subjected without exceeding the allowable unit stresses of the material used;
(b) the platform is at least 25 cm. wide, suspension points shall not be
more than 3 m, apart, and provided with devices to keep the platform at a
distance from the wall to allow working in sitting position.
Types of Scaffolding:
(c) when suspended scaffold is raised or lowered, it shall have
rope pulls equipped with pulley blocks, and mechanical hoisting
equipment with a positive device to prevent the scaffold from falling
(3) cantilever, jib, figure and bracket scaffolds:
(a) every cantilever or jib scaffold shall be properly supported,
fixed and anchored on opposite side of the supports, have outrigger of
designed strength and properly strutted or braced to ensure rigidity and
(b) Figure or bracket scaffold shall not be supported or held by
dogs, spikes or similar fixing devices that will pull out.
(4) Skips, brackets, boatswain chair:
(a) Skip, bracket, basket and boatswain chair shall not be used
as substitute for a suspended scaffold unless the work is of such short
duration and the work is under the supervision of the person responsible
for the construction.
Types of Scaffolding:
(b) No skip, bracket, or basket shall be used as a suspended scaffold
unless it is:
i. at least 76 cm. deep and
ii. either constructed of metal or carried by two strong bands of metal
fastened around the sides and bottom.
(5) Ladder Scaffolds or Ladder jack Scaffolds: A ladder scaffold shall be
used only when:
(a) the work is of such light nature and the material required for the
work is light and can be hung on the ladder.
(b) the distance between the ladders of the scaffold is less than 3 m.
(6) Trestle Scaffolds:
(a) Trestle scaffolds shall not be used if the working platform is more
than 5 m. from the ground or floor or other surface upon which the scaffold
is erected.
Types of Scaffolding:
(b) A trestle scaffold shall not be erected on a scaffold platform
i. the platform is sufficiently wide for the transport of
ii. the uprights are firmly attached to the platform and
braced to prevent displacement, and
iii. designed by structural engineer and approved by the
proper authority if erected on a scaffold 10 meters or over in height.
(c) No trestle scaffold shall be erected on suspended scaffold.
(7) Outrigger Scaffold: An outrigger scaffold shall have:
(a) its platform within 8 cm. from the wall and
(b) shall have outrigger secured against horizontal and vertical
Types of Scaffolding:
(8) Bamboo Scaffold: Bamboo scaffold may be used for painting or
light construction work constructed and maintained.
(a) the material and construction shall be sufficient to carry at
least four (4) times the imposed load,
(b) only one worker shall be allowed in any one span;
(c) the maximum span between posts shall be 266 cm. (8 ft.)
(d) when the height or fall is over 6.6 in. (20 ft.), the use of
safety belt shall be required;
(e) when erected over a height of 10 meters (30 ft.), the design
shall be by a structural engineer approved by the proper authority and
construction shall be under expert supervision, and
(f) the maximum height allowed is 20 meters (60 ft.)
Types of Scaffolding:
 Platform, Runways, Ramps and Stairs:
(1) All working platforms, runways and ramps from which workers are
liable to fall a distance of more than 2 m. (6 ft.) shall be:
(a) for platform with minimum width of 70 cm. (28 in.) the runways
and ramp shall be 45 cm. (18 in.) and if runways are used for the passage
of materials, the width shall not be less than 70 cm. (28 in.).
(b) provided with strong guard rails up to a height of 91 cm. (35 in.)
above the working surface and toe boards of at least 20 cm. (8 in.) in
(2) The following shall be the minimum width of platform for various
types of scaffolds:
(a) When the platform is not more than 2 m. (6 ft.) above the ground
i. for painters, decorators and similar types of workers, 30 cm. (12 in.);
Types of Scaffolding:
ii. for men, tools, materials and vehicles, 1.5 m. (5 ft.)
(3) Every platform, runway, ramp or stairs shall be kept free
from any obstruction, materials, rubbish and projecting nails. When they
become slippery due to the nature of work, steps shall be taken by way
of sanding, cleaning or by any other means to roughen the surface.
(4) Supporting members used in the construction of platforms,
runways, ramps and stairs shall be securely fastened and braced. The
supporting members shall be placed in a firm and rigid foundation to
prevent lateral displacement.
(5) The uniformly distributed minimum design load of platform,
runway, ramp or stair shall be 650 kg./sq. m. (133 lbs./sq. ft.). The stress
due to concentrated loads at any point in the floor shall not exceed
those 133 caused by the uniformly distributed load used in the design.
Planking used shall not be less than 3 cm. (2 in.) thick.
Types of Scaffolding:
(6) A scaffold platform shall not project beyond its end support
to a distance exceeding four (4) times the thickness of the plank, unless
secured to prevent tipping.
(7) All planks, platforms, runways and ramps shall be fixed and
supported to prevent sagging and moving.
(8) Slope of runway or ramp shall not exceed 2 in 3.
(9) When the slope of runway or ramp requires additional
foothold using stepping laths, they shall:
i. have a minimum section 5 x 8 cm. (2 in. x 3 in.) placed at
maximum intervals of 46 cm. (18 in.) on centers;
ii, extend to the full width of the runway or ramp except that
they may be interrupted over a width of not more than 10 cm. (4 in.) to
facilitate the passage of barrows.

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