Flexor Tendon Injuries

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Abdulaziz Al-Ahaideb
• Anatomy • C/I of primary repair
• Nutrition • Zone I
• Healing • Zone II injuries
• Diagnosis • Partial lacerations
• Techniques • Post op rehab
I Distal to
sublimis “No

II No man’s Man’s

IV carpal

V proximal
to carpal tunnel
• Early in the flexor
sheath, the FDS
divides and passes
around the FDP
tendon, the two
portions of the FDS
reunite at “Camper’s
• FDS tendons usually arise from single
muscle bundles and act independently
• There is often a common muscle origin
for several FDP tendons with the result
that there is simultaneous flexion of
multiple digits
Blood Supply
• From segmental branches of the paired
digital arteries which enter the tendon
– long and short vincula
– at the osseous insertions
• Synovial fluid diffusion
Excursions of FDP & FDS
Up to 9 cm of flexor tendon
excursion may be required
to produce composite wrist
and digital flexion, while only
2.5 cm of excursion is required
for full digital flexion with the wrist
stabilized in neutral position
Flexor tendon healing
• 2 forms:
– Intrinsic healing: occurs without direct
blood flow to the tendon
– Extrinsic healing: occurs by proliferation
of fibroblasts from the peripheral
epitendon; adhesions occur because of
extrinsic healing of the tendon and limit
tendon gliding within fibrous synovial
Phases of Intrinsic healing

1.Inflammatory (0-5 days) : strength of the

repair is reliant on the strength of the
suture itself
2.Fibroblastic (5-28 days) : or so-called
collagen-producing phase
3.Remodelling (>28 days)
Loss of strength after repair
2500 Bunnell
2000 Kessler
0 5 10 15 20
Adhesions formation
• Healing that is largely based on intrinsic
cellular activity will result in fewer , less dense
• Factors that influence the formation of
– Trauma to the tendon and its sheath from the
initial injury and reparative surgery
– Ischemia
– Tendon immobilization
– Gapping at the repair site
– Sheath resection
• Alteration in the normal resting posture
of the fingers
• Functional tests of FDS and FDP
• Lacerations on the palmar aspect of the
fingers almost always injure the FD
before FDS
• A careful sensory evaluation is
Preoperative planning
• Severed flexor
tendon ends will
retract well
away from the
laceration site ,
esp. when the
digit is in flexion
at the time of
Flexor tendon repair
Contraindications of primary
• When there are severe multiple tissue
injuries to the involved fingers or palm
• When the wounds are badly
contaminated by potentially infecting
• When there has been significant skin
loss over the flexor system
• Inability of patient to cooperate with
Cont’ Contraindications of
primary repair
• Concomitant fractures or neurovascular
injuries are NOT necessarily C/I to
primary or delayed primary repair
• Flexor tendon repair is not a surgical
emergency. It is proved that equal or
better results can be achieved by
delayed primary repair.
• Better to repair both FDP & FDS
tendons rather than FDP alone
Surgical Incisions
• Incisions should not compromise the
viability of the skin flaps and when
healed, will not create contractures or
cosmetically unsightly scars
• Zigzag (Bruner) or midaxial incisions
Ideal repair
• Easy placement of the sutures in the tendon
• Secure suture knots
• Smooth juncture of tendon ends
• Minimal gapping at the repair site
• Minimal interference with the vascularity
• Strong enough to stand early motion stress
What can we provide?
• Minimal dissection and handling
• Tendon apposition without gapping
• Early protected mobilization
Core Suture Techniques

Bunnell stitch Crisscross stitch

Robertson and Al-Qattan

Mason-Allen stitch Interlock stitch
Kessler stitch Modified Kessler

Tajima modification
Of kessler stitch with
double loop at repair
Sheath repair
• Conflicting lab and clinical studies
• Advantages:
– barrier to the formation of extrinsic
– quicker return of synovial nutrition
– better tendon-sheath biomechanics
Sheath repair
• Disadvantages:
– technically difficult
– may narrow and restrict tendon gliding
Suture Materials
• Core Non-absorbable 4/0 suture
• Different configurations
• 6/0 monofilament running epitenon
• As noted by Singer MD et al. 1998, 3-0
prolene or mersilene suture may be
suture of choice
• The strength of the a tendon repair is
proportional to the number of the suture
strands that cross the repair site
• The number of the suture knots in the
repair site should be minimized
• Repairs are stronger when the core
sutures are placed dorsally
Zone I injuries
• Direct repair: if laceration is more than
1 cm from FDP insertion
• Tendon advancement: if the laceration
is less then 1 cm from insertion. In this
case, a pull thru technique is used.
Direct repair
• There is usually little difficulty in finding the
proximal tendon end, which is retained in the
finger by its vinculum and can usually be
located in the proximal phalanx or at the level
of the PIP
• When exposing the distal stump, the entire
A4 annular pulley should be preserved
• The proximal tendon is retrieved and passed
underneath A4 pulley
Tendon advancement
• When the distal stump is insufficient to
hold a suture, the proximal FDP stump
may be reattached by first elevating an
osteoperiosteal flap from the base of the
distal phalanx and then drilling an
oblique hole beneath the flap, directed
so as to penetrate the dorsal cortex just
beneath the proximal fingernail.
• A doublearmed (straight needles) 3-0
suture is placed in the proximal tendon
stump and passed through the bone
hole. Tie the suture over felt and a
• Another alternative is to use suture
anchors (but they are weaker than the
button as noticed by Silva et al 1998)
• When possible, the tendon attachment
should be supplemented by sutures
through the adjacent sheath or
Zone II Injuries
No man’s land
• Dissection proceeds with identification
and protection of the digital nerves and
• It is necessary to open either the C1
(between A2 and A3) or C2 (between
A3 and A4) cruciate-synovial sheath
• Always restore the normal relation
between the two tendons
Proximal Tendon Retrieval
1. Try to milk the tendon with the wrist
2. Morris and Martin (J. Hand Surg. Br. 1993; 18: 33-34) :
single skin hook is carefully inserted into
sheath, then the hook is then turned
toward the tendons and when it is
secured to the tendon, withdrawal of the
hook should retrieve both tendons
Proximal Tendon Retrieval
3. Sourmelis and McGrouther (J. Hand Surg. Br.
1987; 12:109-111) :
a small catheter is passed into the sheath
and is delivered proximally into a small
wound in the palm, just proximal to the
A1 pulley, the catheter is sutured to both
tendons 2 cm proximal to A1 pulley,
which is then pulled distally to deliver the
tendons into the synovial window
Partial laceration
• Partially severed tendon should not be
repaired if at least 40% of the tendon
remains intact
• J Hand Surg 2000;25A:1118-1121 :
– over a 5-year-period 15 patients with zone II partial flexor
tendon lacerations that were larger than half the width of the
tendon were treated conservatively without tendon suturing
– if present, the cause of triggering was determined and
eliminated by trimming any beveled tendon edge
– early protected mobilization was started the first day after
injury using a dorsal splint
– the results were excellent in 93% of cases and good in the
remaining 7%
Postoperative Management
Different Methods
1. Active Extention-Rubber Band Flexion
Method: e.g. Kleinert , and Brooke-
2. Controlled Passive Motion Methods:
e.g. Duran’s protocol
3. Controlled Active Motion Methods
Kleinert Protocol
• Combines dorsal extension block with
rubber-band traction proximal to wrist
• Originally, included a nylon loop placed
thru the nail, and around the nail is
placed a rubber band
• This passively flexes fingers, & the
patient actively extends within the limits
of the splint
Kleinert Protocol
Duran protocol
• At surgery, a dorsal extension-block
splint is applied with the wrist at 20-30°
of flexion, the MCP joints at 50-60° of
flexion, and the IP joints straight
Duran protocol
• Joint contracture
• Adhesions
• Rupture
• Bowstringing
• Infection
• Meticulous technique
– Minimal handling
– Appropriate suture configuration
– Minimal resection of tendon sheath
• Postoperative mobilization
• Supervision!
Complications &
Late reconstruction of
Flexor tendon injury
Nov 3/04

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