Control Valves &safety Valves

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Control valves and safety valves

Control valves
• Any Hazard that finally goes to disastrous event it should cross all the above
independent protection layers . Control valves comes under basic process
control systems and safety valves comes under physical protection(relief
What is control valve?
 control valve Performs a special task ,controlling the flow of fluids so a process
variable such as fluid Pressure, fluid level and fluid temperature.
 In addition to these control valve may be used to shut off flow.

 It is a valve with powered actuator that responds to an external signal, that signal
usually comes from controller.
Control valve
Control valve working
Basic Terminology
 :The flow Coefficient  
 :liquid pressure recovery coefficient

 Choked flow

 Cavitation

 Flashing
Flow coefficient (:  
 Dimensionless quantity related to valves flow Capacity. It technically defined as
volume of water at 60F that flow through the valve per minute with a pressure
drop of 1Psi across the valve.

 Value increases if the flow rate increases or if the pressure drop decreases.
liquid pressure recovery coefficient
 When a fluid passes though the vena contracta(point at which cross sectional area is
minimum),velocity is at maximum.
 By conservation energy since the kinetic energy reaches to maximum, potential energy
in the form of static Pressure, must decrease to minimum.
 Down stream of vena contracta fluid starts decelerates consequently pressure
increases or recovers.
 =
 If is 1,the vena contracta pressure would be same as the valves outlet pressure and
there would be no recovery.
 As the valve smaller the vena contracta pressure decreases to a lower value and the
valve is more likely to cavitate.
Choked flow :
 The linear relationship between flow rate and pressure drop does not always true as
the pressure drop increased by lowering the downstream pressure, flow rate at one
point will increase and it will be constant.
 when the pressure at the vena contracta is slightly below the vapor pressure of
liquid, it starts vaporizing.
 When the additional decrease in down stream pressure cause more bubbles are
 These vapour bubbles restrict the flow of liquid until the liquid is filly choked
with vapour.
 This condition is “choked flow” or “critical flow”
 As the bubbles move down the stream, area of cross section increases, velocity starts
decreasing and pressure increases.
 Now we have the bubbles with internal pressure equal to vapor pressure and surrounded by
higher Pressure due to this bubbles will collapse making a popping sound.
 As the bubbles collapse they create shock waves that can cause severe damage to the
Cavitation will have four negative effects in control valves

 Restricts fluid flow

 Causes severe vibrations

 Erodes metal surfaces

 Generate high noise levels

 Downstream pressure does not recover above the fluid’s vapor Pressure, then the
bubbles do not collapse and becomes larger and remain in the fluid as vapor.
 Now the down stream will have two phases liquid and vapor. This is called flashing.
 Down stream of the flow consists of large volume of vapor so downstream velocity
reaches to several hundred feet per Sec. This will erode the valve parts.
Globe valves
 Globe valves restrict the flow of fluid by
altering the distance between a movable
plug and a stationary seat (in some cases, a
pair of plugs and matching seats).
 The globe valve design is one of the most
popular sliding-stem valve designs used in
throttling service.
Advantages Disadvantages
 Faster than gate, seat less  High pressure drop, require
wear and tear, high pressure considerable power to operate
drop for pressure control. (gears and levers), heavy.
 Minimizes disassembly for  Valves cannot be welded in-
maintenance. line since the valve body is
 Streamlined flow path with a required to be split.
minimum of parts and no
irregular cavities.
Diaphragm valve
 Diaphragm valves use a flexible sheet
pressed close to the edge of a solid dam to
narrow the flow path for fluid. These
valves are well suited for flows containing
solid particulate matter such as slurries.
 This diaphragm completely separates the
valve trim from the fluid flowing through
the valve. This means that the fluid does
not contact the trim and the stem does not
need any gland packing.
Diaphragm valve
Advantages Disadvantages

 Valve components can be  The diaphragm becomes worn

isolated from the process more easily and regular
maintenance is necessary.
fluid.  These types of valves are
 Valve construction prevents generally not suited for very
leakage of the fluid without high temperature fluids and
the use of a gland seal are mainly used on liquid
(packing) .
Gate valve
 Gate valves work by inserting a dam
(gate) into the path of the flow to
restrict it, in a manner similar to the
action of a sliding door.
 Gate valves are more often used for
on/off control than for throttling.
Application:Stop valves, high pressure and temp, not for slurries, viscous

Advantages Disadvantages

 low pressure drop when fully  vibration when partially open,

open, tight seal when closed, slow response and large
free of contamination actuating force
Ball valve
 In the ball valve design, a spherical ball with a passageway cut through the
center rotates to allow fluid more or less access to the passageway. When the
passageway is parallel to the direction of fluid motion, the valve is wide open;
when the passageway is aligned perpendicular to the direction of fluid motion,
the valve is fully shut (closed).
Pneumatic Ball valve
Flow control, pressure control, shutoff, corrosive fluids, liquids gases, high temp.

Advantages Disadvantages

 Low pressure drop, low leakage, small,  Seat can wear if used for throttling,
rapid opening. quick open may cause hammer.
 Low cost and weight relative to globes as  Over sizing
size increases  High cost in large sizes compared to
 High flow capacities (2 to 3 times that of butterfly valves.
globe valves)
 Tight shutoff
 Low stem leakage
 Easily fitted with quarter turn actuators
Butterfly valves

 The “butterfly” element is a disk that rotates perpendicular to the path of fluid
flow. When parallel to the axis of flow, the disk presents minimal obstruction;
when perpendicular to the axis, the disk completely blocks any flow.
 Butterfly valves are simple and take up little space. This makes them especially
good for use in large pipelines or where there is not much space.
 Operating a butterfly valve can take a lot of force as you have to push it against
the fluid pressure. Larger valves usually have geared actuators to make operation
Butterfly valves
Low pressure, large diameter lines where leakage is unimportant.

Advantages Disadvantages

 Low pressure drop, small and  High leakage, high actuation

lightweight. forces so limited to low pressures.
 Low cost and weight relative to  Over sizing
globes as size increases
 High flow capacities
 Low stem leakage
Characteristics of control valve
 Relationship between flow capacity and valve stem travel is known as flow
characteristic of valve
 Characterised valve plugs
Quick opening characteristics
 Large increase in flow with a small change in valve stroke.
 Used for frequent on-off service.
 Used for processes where "instantly" large flow is needed (i.e. safety
systems or cooling water systems).
Linear characteristics
 Flow capacity increases linearly with stem travel.
 Used in liquid level or flow loops.
 Used in systems where the pressure drop across the valve is expected to
remain fairly constant (i.e. steady state systems).
Equal characteristics
 Flow Capacity increases exponentially with valve trim travel.
 Used in processes where large changes in pressure drop are expected.
 Used in processes where a small percentage of the total pressure drop is
permitted by the valve.
 Used in temperature and pressure control loops.
Selection guide(Characteristic Curve & Body type)

Gate valve:
Best suited control : Quick opening
Globe valve:
Best suited control : linear and equal percentage
Ball valve:
Best suited control : Quick Opening , linear
Butterfly valve:
Best suited control : linear and equal percentage
Valve failure modes
Control valve failure means the loss of the source of the actuating power
supplied to the valve body .
Valve failure modes
Safety valves
What is safety valve?
 Safety Valve is a type of valve that
automatically actuates when the pressure of
inlet side of the valve increases to a
predetermined pressure, to open the valve
disc and discharge the fluid.
 Safety valve is an automatic mechanical
device which can work in abnormalities like
power, air, utility failure.
Basic Terminology
Safety valve :A pressure relief valve actuated by inlet static pressure and
characterized by rapid opening or pop action .
Safety valves are primarily used with compressible gases and in particular for
steam and air services.
Relief valves :A pressure relief device actuated by inlet static pressure having
a gradual lift generally proportional to the increase in pressure over opening
Relief valves are commonly used in liquid systems, especially for lower
capacities and thermal expansion duty. They can also be used on pumped
systems as pressure overspill devices.
Safety relief valve (SRV): An automatic system that relieves by static
pressure on both gas and liquid.
Basic Terminology
Back Pressure : Static pressure existing at the outlet of a pressure relief device
due to pressure in the discharge system.
 Super imposed back pressure: Static pressure that exists on the outlet side of
closed valve.
 Built-up back pressure: Additional pressure generated on the outlet side
when the valve is discharging. This is because there Head/friction loss
(Pressure drop) in the pressure relief system
Pressure Terminology
Codes and standards
API RP 510. Pressure Vessel Inspection Code.
Part 1 : Sizing selection and installation of
API 520 Part 1. pressure relieving .
API 520 Part 2. Part 2 Installation.
 Guide for pressure relieving and de-
API 521.
pressurising systems.
API 526 Flanged steel pressure relief valves.
API 527. Seat tightness of pressure relief valves.

Guide for Inspection of Refinery Equipment

API IRE C16. Chapter XVI-Pressure-Relieving devices.

API Standard 2000. Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage

API RP 576. Inspection of Pressure Relief Devices.
Safety relief valve design
Conventional spring loaded safety relief
valve:The spring housing is vented to the
discharge side, hence operational
characteristics are directly affected by
changes in the backpressure to the valve.
Safety relief valve design
Conventional spring loaded valve

 Most reliable type if properly sized and operated
 Versatile- can be used in many services.

 Relieving pressure affected by back pressure
 Susceptible to chatter if built up back up pressure is too high
Safety relief valve design
Balanced bellow safety relief valve:A
balanced valve incorporates a means of
minimizing the effect of backpressure on
the operational characteristics of the valve.
Safety relief valve design
Balanced bellow safety relief valve
 Relieving pressure not affected by back pressure
 Can handle higher built back up pressure
 Protects spring from corrosion

 Bellows susceptible to fatigue/rupture
 May release flammable/toxics to atmosphere
 Requires separate venting system
Safety relief valve design
Pilot operated safety relief valve:The major relieving device is combined
with, and is controlled by, a self-actuated auxiliary pressure relief device.
 Relieving pressure not affected by backpressure.
 Can operate at up to 98% of set pressure
 Less susceptible to chatter (some models)

 Pilot is susceptible to plugging.
 Limited chemical and high temperature use by “O-ring” seals
 Vapor condensation and liquid accumulation above the piston may cause
 Potential for back flow
 Chattering is rapid ,alternating opening and closing of PR valve.
 Resulting vibration may cause misalignment, valve seat damage and if
prolonged ,can cause mechanical failure of valve internals and associated
 Chatter may occur in either liquid or vapour services.
Principal causes
 Excessive inlet pressure drop
 Excessive built up back up pressure
 Oversized valve
 Valve handling widely differing rates
Inlet line considerations:
 Inlet line size must be at least equal to PRV inlet flange size

 Inlet piping should slope continuously upward from vessel to

avoid traps
 Inlet piping should be heat traced if freezing or congealing of
viscous liquids could occur
 A continual clean purge should be provided if coke/polymer
formation or solids deposition could occur
Outline considerations
 Discharge line diameter must be at least equal to PRV outlet flange size
 Maximum discharge velocity should not exceed 75% of sonic velocity

 For flammable releases to atmosphere, minimum velocity should be no less than

100 ft/sec
 Atmospheric risers should discharge at least 10 ft above platforms within 50 ft
 Radiant heat due to ignition of release should be considered
Outline considerations:
 No check valves, orifice plates or other restrictions permitted
 Atmospheric discharge risers should have drain hole

 Piping design must consider thermal expansion due to hot/cold release

 Auto refrigeration and need for brittle fracture resistant materials
 Closed discharge piping should slope continuously downward to header to
avoid liquid traps
Rupture Discs
A rupture disc is a thin diaphragm (generally a solid metal disc) designed to
rupture (or burst) at a designated pressure. It is used as a weak element to
protect vessels and piping against excessive pressure (positive or negative).

There are five major types available

 Conventional tension-loaded rupture disc
 Pre-scored tension-loaded rupture disc
 Composite rupture disc
 Reverse buckling rupture disc with knife blades
 Pre-scored reverse buckling rupture disc
Rupture discs
They are often used as the primary pressure relief
 Very rapid pressure rise situations like runaway
 When pressure relief valve cannot respond quick

They can also be used in conjunction with a pressure

relief valve to:
 Provide corrosion protection for the PRV.
 Prevent loss of toxic or expensive process
 Reduce fugitive emissions to meet environmental
Rupture Discs
When compared with PR valves, rupture discs have:

 Reduced fugitive emissions - no simmering or leakage prior to bursting.
 Protect against rapid pressure rise cased by heat exchanger tube ruptures or
internal deflagrations.
 Less expensive to provide corrosion resistance.
 Less tendency to foul or plug.
 Provide both over pressure protection and depressurizing.
 Provide secondary protective device for lower probability contingencies
requiring large relief areas
 Don’t reclose after relief.
 Burst pressure cannot be tested.

 Require periodic replacement.

 Greater sensitivity to mechanical damage.
 Greater sensitivity to temperature
Relieving Scenarios
All viable scenarios shall be considered in sizing of relief valves:
 Blocked outlet, including overfill
 External fire
 Control valve malfunction/ gas blow by
 Exchanger tube ruptures
 Instrument air failure
 Electrical power failure (partial and total)
 Steam failure
 Abnormal heat input
 Thermal expansion
 Loss of cooling/heating
 Column reflux or pump around failure
 Inadvertent valve opening
 Check valve leakage or failure.
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