Case Presentation CKD

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Case Presentation

Felix Hansen (1015101)

Amanda Padma (1015058)
Indra Josua (0715092)
Identity of Patient
Name : Tn. R
Age : 35 years old
Gender : Male
Occupation : Not working
Status : Single
Room/Bed : Gideon/4
Date : 09-06-2014
Diagnose : CKD Stage 5 on Hemodialysis
+ Acites
A male 35 years old came with pain in all
parts of abdomen. The pain wasn’t
radiate and patient also complained having
breathless because of fluid in abdomen
that press the chest. Patient confessed
having treatment with the kidney
disease and had hemodialysis for
almost a year. Patient also complained
having swolen in pair of feet.
Past medical history : UTI on 2010 =>
progress to renal disease on 2012 =>
having hemodialysis since then, asthma
(-), diabetes mellitus (-), hypertension (-)
Family medical history : -
Allergic history : -
Physical Examination
Vital Signs
BP : 120/80 mmHg
Heart rate : 120 x/minute
Respiration : 32x/minute
Temperature : 36,9°C
Skin : cyanosis (-), jaundice (-)
Eye : Conjunctiva anemic (+/+), sclera jaundice (-/-)
ENT : secretions (-)
Neck : lymph node not palpable, trachea
Heart : heart sound S1S2 regular, murmur (-)
Pulmo : move symetric, vbs (+/+), ronchi (-/-),
wheezing (-/-)
Abdomen : raised, soepel, gut sound (-), palpable
(-), shifting dullness (+), fluid wave (+)
Extremities : swolen in pair of feet, non pitting,
muscle atrophy in pair of feet.
Lab Result (09-06-2014)
Hb : 9,4 gr/dl (<<)
Ht: 28,5 % (<<)
Leucocyte : 6.560 / mm3
Thrombocyte : 340.000 / mm3
Erythrocyte : 3.8 million / mm3 (<<)
MCV : 75 fl (<<)
MCH : 25 pg/ml
MCHC : 33 gr/dl
USG (03-06-2014)
Smaller with length around 70mm, uneven
surfaces, thin parenchym, higher
Smaller with length around 77mm, thin
parenchym, higher echogenesity
Intraperitoneal free fluid
Minimal pleural effusion
Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 + Acites +
Follow up
BP: 120/80 mmHg Breathless (+), fluid Bed rest, nasal
HR: 120x/minute intraperitoneal (+), cannule O2 5
RR: 32x/minute abdominal pain (+) litres/minute,
T : 36,9°C prepare for ascites

BP: 110/80 mmHg Breathless (-), fluid Ascites punction +-
HR: 100x/minute intraperitoneal 2-2,5 litres
RR: 22x/minute minimal, abdominal
T : 36,4°C pain (-)
Chronic Kidney Disease
Is define as abnormalities of kidney
structure or function, present for more than
3 months with implication for help
Staging of CKD
Why CKD??
Because the patient having abnormalities
structure (from the USG imaging)
The patient having history of hemodialysis
for 2 years so we assume he had
abnormality of renal function more than 3
Why stage 5??
We assume he had CKD stage 5 because
dialysis is typically initiated when eGFR
falls bellow 10mL/minute/1,73 m2 but in
this patient we didn’t have the last result of
eGFR but he had hemodialysis twice a
week for 2 years
Why Ascites??
The etiology of ascites is still uncertain. The pathogenesis
seems to be multifactorial:

1. Chronic fluid overload with hepatic congestion resulting

in increased hepatic vein hydrostatic pressure is usual
2. Change in the permeability of the peritoneal membrane
have been shown in patients receiving CAPD
3. Impaired lymphatic peritoneal reabsorption was
proposed as a pathogenic mechanism and confirm by
lymphatic flow rate studies. The fact that the rate of
removal is much slower in ureamic patients compare to
non ureamic
4. Contributing causes include hypoproteinemia, congestive
heart failure, or liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension
Why Anemia??
CKD leads to normocytic anemia due to
inadequate renal production of
3.2.1: Diagnose anemia in adult and
children > 15 years with CKD when Hb
Concentration is < 13 g/dl in males and
<12 g /dl
In Patient Hb is 9,4 g/dl
Management CKD
Hemodialysis 5 hours three times a week
If possible to doing renal transplant
Refer to nephrologist
Management of anemia
In general, erythropoiesis stimulating
agents are used to maintain a hemoglobin
level of 11 to 12 g/dl.
In patient receiving this treatment, iron
stores should be assessed and replenished
as needed to avoid apparent erythropoietin
Daftar Pustaka
KDIGO 2012 Clinical Pratice Guideline for
the Evaluation and Management of Chronic
Kidney Disease. Kidney Disease
Improving Global Outcomes. 1, January
2013, Vol. 3.
  Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.
Franz, M. and Horl, W.H. 1997.

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