Kepemimpinan 1

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Leadership Skills

Materi hari ini

Apa itu kepemimpinan?
Bagaimana sifat dan ketrampilan dari
pemimpin yang efektif?
Teori kepemimpinan yang penting
Peran tim leader
Otoritas dan keterbatasan tim leader
Mengembangkan potensi kepemimpinan
What is leadership?
Leading people
Influencing people
Commanding people
Guiding people

Kepemimpinan = “pengaruh”
Watak pemimpin Indonesia:
“ing ngarsa sung tuladha,
ing madya mangun karsa,
tut wuri handayani”
Leadership Skills

"Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having

a vision that is well communicated, building
trust among colleagues, and taking effective
action to realize your own leadership potential."
Prof. Warren Bennis
Uni of Souther California
Leadership Skills

Pemahaman tentang kepemimpinan

Apa itu kepemimpinan?
Mengapa kepemimpinan itu penting–
mengapa kita perlu pemimpin?
Leaders – born or bred?
Tipe Pemimpin
Leader by the position achieved
Leader by personality, charisma
Leader by moral example
Leader by power held
Intellectual leader
Leader because of ability to accomplish things
Manager & leader

Managers vs. Leaders

Managers Leaders
Focus on things Focus on people
Do things right Do the right things
Plan Inspire
Organize Influence
Direct Motivate
Control Build
Follows the rules Shape entities

Common Activities
Leadership Skills

Latihan berpasangan:
Diskusikan tentang bagaimana
kepemimpinan yang kuat dan lemah

Contoh bisa diambil dari lingkungan

terdekat kalian (RT/Himpunan/Osis) (keep
Leadership Skills

Teori Kepemimpinan
Awal teori:
Great Man Theories
Leaders are exceptional people, born with innate qualities,
destined to lead
Term 'man' was intentional - concept was primarily male,
military and Western

Trait Theories
Research on traits or qualities associated with leadership
are numerous
Traits are hard to measure. For example, how do we
measure honesty or integrity?
Leadership traits

Sifat kepemimpinan

Latihan dalam kelompok:

pilih pemimpin yang anda kagumi
Jelaskan personality-nya dan skill yang dimiliki?
Leadership Skills

Leadership Traits and Skills

Traits Skills
 Adaptable to situations
• Clever (intelligent)
 Alert to social environment
• Conceptually skilled
 Ambitious and achievement
• Creative
 Assertive • Diplomatic and tactful
 Cooperative • Fluent in speaking
 Decisive • Knowledgeable about group task
 Dependable • Organised (administrative ability)
 Dominant (desire to influence others) • Persuasive
 Energetic (high activity level) • Socially skilled
 Persistent Stogdill, 1974
 Self-confident Leaders will also use:
 Tolerant of stress Integrity, Honesty, Compassion,
 Willing to assume responsibility Humility
Leadership Skills

Teori kepemimpinan

Functional Theories (John Adair, Action Centred Leadership, 1970)

Pemimpin memperhatikan 3 bidang utama:
 Task/tugas – goal setting, methods and process
 Team – effective interaction/communication,
clarify roles, team morale
 Individual – attention to behaviour, feelings,
coaching, continued professional development (CPD)

Behaviourist Theories (Blake and Mouton, Managerial grid, 1964)

• Leaders behaviour and actions, rather than their traits and skills e.g.
production orientated or people orientated
• Different leadership behaviours categorised as ‘leadership styles’ e.g.
autocratic, persuasive, consultative, democratic
• Doesn’t provide guide to effective leadership in different situations

Leadership Theory
Situational/contingency Leadership (Hersey-Blanchard, 1970/80)
Gaya kepemimpinan berubah sesuai dengan situasi terkait dengan pihak yang

Competency Low competence Some High competence High competence


Low Variable Variable High

Motivation commitment/ commitment/ commitment/ commitment/
Unable and Unable but Able but Able and willing
unwilling or willing or unwilling or or motivated
insecure motivated insecure


(Telling) (Selling) (Participating) (Observing)

Teri Kepemimpinan yang baru

Transformational Theory (Bass and Avolio, 1994)

Pemimpin menginspirasi individu, mengembangkan
rasa percaya, menumbuhkan kreativitas dan
personal growth
Individu yang menumbuhkan a sense of purpose
kepada kelompok, organisasi yang melampaui batas
interest pribadi, penghargaan atau loyalitas.

Leadership Philosophies
Ethical Leadership
CSR, sustainability, equality, humanitarianism
Four P’s - Purpose, People, Planet, Probity (kejujuran)

Alan Chapman, 2006

Leadership Skills

How to improve your leadership skills

Temukan skill yang KALIAN perlukan sebagai pemimpin
dan buat action plan.
Minta masukan /feedback dari rekan, tutor, atau ‘atasan’
Berlatihlah! Ambil tanggung jawab(tugas kampus,
kegiatan mhs, clubs & organisasi sosial) serta perhatikan
performance kalian

chek SIFE -

To create a map for our development,
we need to know the categories
available to us. These classes include:
• Lines of Intelligence (also called Streams of Development)
• Skill Development
• Lifestyle Management
• Behavioral Change
• Personality Development
Lines of intelligence
The steps for creating your
Step 1: Learn the Human Potential Landscape
Step 2: Dream and Create Your Vision
Step 3: Select your Areas of Focus
Step 4: Discover Your Practices
Step 5: Establish Personal Development Goals
Step 6: Set Your Schedule
Step 7: Monitor your progress
Leadership Skills

Tugas akhir: Review performance KALIAN sebagai pemimpin

Latihan individu:
1. Beri penilaian thd Leadership yang KALIAN miliki
• Lakukan SWOT analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,

2. Buat Action Plan untuk menguatkan leadership KALIAN

• Tentukan actions yang akan kalian kerjakan untuk
menanggulangi kelemahan /Weaknesses atau menguatkan
Peluang/ Opportunities yang KALIAN miliki
• Gunakan SMART untuk mengukur aksi KALIAN –
Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound

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