Everything About BIO-ROBOTICS

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Dayalbagh Educational


P R E S E N T E D B Y-

Date-22 FEB 2020


P R E S E N T E D B Y-

Date-22 FEB 2020

What is Bio-

Bringing biology and

ro b o t i c s t o g e t h e r …

Making robots that emulate and

stimulate living biological
o r g a n i s m s m e c h a n i c a l l y.

Application of biological ideas to

address technological problems.

Application of robotics to solve

p r o b l e m s r e g a r d i n g b i o l o g y.
engineering and robotics)-
It is the science of
robotics applied in the
b i o m e d i c a l fi e l d s , w i t h t h e
development of biomedical
devices as well as with
modelling of biological
Construction of physical
Bio robotics possesses
some distinguishing
features in terms of
methodology of design
that deserve to be
approached apart from
Why Bio
For those in need of a limb, replacement
organ, or internal repair, prosthetics and
transplants have been the go-to
technology for many years. The
inherent problem with both of these
technologies is the price and availability.
Many patients are left to pay out of
pocket also. And even if they could
afford the prosthesis, the percentage of
increased mobility is minimal.
Transplants of organs are always subject
Many patients are left
waiting on transplants list
for months to years,
depending on the match.
And even once received, the
body potential rejection of
the organ is a serious

3D printed –Light weight

and more efficient.

Robots are being used at

the nano level to fight
cancer more aggressively
than ever.
Advanced prosthetics and bio-
Replace the lost limb.
Make mentally complete also.
Cost is high.
This is where a company like Unlimited
Tomorrow steps in. Unlimited
Tomorrow has created a low-cost
process of creating prosthetic arms for
individuals. By using scans of the
missing limb, they 3D-print a prosthetic
arm that matches the patient’s skin tone
and provide realistic-like features such
as paintable fingernails.
The average arm weighs
around one pound, and with
regular use, the battery life is
three to four days. The arm
has advanced sensing and
learning features. Haptics is
incorporated into the arm to
provide force feedback to the
Insert Image

“ Bionic arm
controlled by
• First, the motor cortex in the brain (area
that controls voluntary muscle
movements) is still sending out control
signals even if the arm muscles are no
longer available for control.
• When the arm is amputated , all of the nerves
that once carried signals to that limb are not
removed. So if a person's arm is gone, there
are working nerve stubs that end in the
shoulder and simply have nowhere to send
their information
Redirected to a working muscle
group( so when the brain sends out
nerves that should communicate
with the hand )

This is called "targeted muscle

reinnervation technology.“

Shoulder is dissected to access the

nerve endings that control the
movements of arm joints like the

“ elbow, wrist and hand. Then, without

damaging the nerves, they redirect
the endings to a working muscle
group such as the chest.
The motor cortex sends out signals for the arm and hand through nerve
passage ways as it always did. Each electrode controls one of the six
motors that move the bionic arm's joints. When a person thinks "open
hand," the brain sends the "open hand" signal to the appropriate nerve.
When the nerve ending receives the signal, the chest muscle it's
connected to contracts. When the "open hand" chest muscle contracts,
the electrode on that muscle detects the activation and tells the motor
controlling the bionic hand to open. And since each nerve ending
is integrated into a different piece
of chest muscle, a person wearing
the bionic arm can move all six
motors simultaneously.

Andrea Brandt, a Ph.D. student in the NC
State from Department of Biomedical
Engineering, has been conducting research
on how powered devices can help provide
motion to lower-limb amputees.
According to Brandt, these devices will have
a significant impact on the life: Imagine if
the device was smart enough to
automatically change the prosthesis
parameters to fit any situation where we
interact with the environment—carrying
different amounts of load, walking on sand
or grass.

The next phase of mechanics and human

integration is to recreate human organs and
function with robotics. At Shinshu University
in Japan, scientists are a step closer to
creating artificial muscles. Shinshu
University in Japan, has designed a
wearable robot to support a person's hip
joint while walking.
Insert Image

Robots with a
biological brain-
The brain consists of a collection of neurons
connected to a Multi Electrode Array (MEA).

The MEA is a dish with approximately 60

electrodes which pick up the electrical signals
generated by the cells. This is then used to drive
the movement of the robot.

Replicating the functions of

small insects like mosquito or
bee to fit into small spaces
where humans cannot go.
Insert Image

Realistic-looking biomimetic fish are

used to observe ocean life without
alarming marine life.

They perform activities such as

checking pollution levels, hazardous
leaks from vessels and underwater
pipelines with the help of a built-in
chemical sensor.
Bionic eye (artificial
silicone retina)-
Retinal diseases like age-related macular degeneration
and retinitis pigmentosa destroy vision by annihilating
these cells. With the artificial retina device, a miniature
camera mounted in eyeglasses captures images and
wirelessly sends the information to a microprocessor
(worn on a belt) that converts the data to an electronic
signal and transmits it to a receiver on the eye.
The receiver sends the signals through a tiny, thin cable
to the electrode array, stimulating it to emit pulses. The
artificial retina device thus bypasses defunct
photoreceptor cells and transmits electrical signals
directly to the retina’s remaining viable cells.
The pulses travel to the
optic nerve and, ultimately,
to the brain, which
perceives patterns of light
and dark spots
corresponding to the
electrodes stimulated.
Patients learn to interpret
these visual patterns.
Computer built from
leech neurons-
The “leechulator” built from leech neurons
can perform simple addition and
It is able to come up with its own answer
even when presented with partial
information due to the ability of the
neurons to make their own connections.
These features can be used to make each
neuron represent a number. Calculations
are then performed by linking up the
individual neurons.
• Bio-robotics represents today a field of evolution C
for biomedical engineering and for robotics, and L
the ideal ground for educating young engineers,
by breaking the traditional barriers among the U
engineering sectors and those of biological S
science and medicine.
• There is a hope that a natural human being will
survive keeping the control function of the O
creation of an artificial human being. N

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