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Final Delhi Metro Rail

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A Presentation by:
Fenil Shah [ 319 ]
Raj Shah [323]
Divpreet Singh [320]
Farhan Tariq [ 322]
Rishabh Sinha [ 321]
Dhruv Kalia [ 324]
• Project Planning
• Financial and feasibility analysis
• Risk Management
• Scheduling
• Project Implementation
• Project evaluation and maintainance
By, Fenil Shah
Roll No. : 319
MBA(Tech.) - Manufacturing
As cities grow in size, the number of vehicular trips on road system
goes up. This requires a pragmatic policy shift to discourage private
modes and encourage public transport.
•Delhi has experienced phenomenal growth in population in the
last few decades. Its population has increased from 6 million in
1981 to almost 15 million today.
•For want of an efficient mass transport system, the number of
motor vehicles had increased from 0.5 million in 1981 to more than
4 million today.
•The result is extreme congestion on Delhi roads, ever slowing
speeds, increase in road accidents fuel wastage and environmental
pollution with motorized vehicles alone contributing to about two
thirds of the atmospheric pollution. 4

• E Sreedharan took over as the managing director of Delhi Metro Rail in the year 1997
• Tow doubts raised
was it worth the effort?
Equally important, would it finish on time?
• subway railway system in a crowded metropolitan city isn’t easy
• A large number of utilities like water pipes, sewerage lines, telephone and electric
cables need to be relocated to facilitate the construction work; people have to be
• India’s first metro project in the eastern city of Kolkata took more than 25 years to
In the case of Delhi, as many as 35 studies have been done on the transport problems of
Delhi since 1950 – and a number have suggested the Metro Rail for a solution in Delhi


• Planning for the metro started in 1984, when the Delhi Development

Authority and the Urban Arts Commission came up with a proposal for
developing a multi-modal transport system for the city.

• The Government of India and the Government of Delhi jointly set up the

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) in 1995.

• Construction started in 1998, and the first section,

on the Red Line, opened in 2002,
followed by the Yellow Line in 2004,
the Blue Line in 2005, its branch line in 2009,
the Green and Violet Lines in 2010.

• Subsequently, these lines have been extended and new lines are under
construction in Phase II of the project, including the Delhi Airport Metro
Express whose opening has been postponed until December 2010 due to
safety concerns.
First Last Length Rolling
Line Stations Terminals
operational Extension (km) stock

December June 4, Dilshad

 Red Line 21 25.1 Rithala 23 trains
24, 2002 2008 Garden

Yellow December September
34 45 Jahangirpuri City 45 trains
Line 20, 2004 3, 2010

December October Noida City Dwarka

Blue Line 44 50 59 trains
31, 2005 30, 2010 Centre Sector 21

January 8, Yamuna Anand

— 6 6.25
2010 Bank Vihar

Green April 3,
— 14 15.1 Inderlok Mundka 13 trains
Line 2010

October 3, Central Sarita

Violet Line — 13 15 29 trains
2010 Secretariat Vihar

•The Structures-Stations, Tunnels, Elevated Via-Duct

•The Rail Track
•The Rolling Stock
•Electrical Systems-Traction and Low Voltage Supply
•Train Control & Signaling Systems
•Telecommunication Systems
•Ticketing Systems


• Twenty-two kilometers of the metro project are up and running

• Not only has the DMRC has stuck within the completion targets, some stretches have
finished six months ahead of time and the entire project is expected to be completed
by December 2005
• To finish the project faster, work was going on three fronts simultaneously:
utility diversion,
barricading and
actual civil construction
Already, the Delhi Metro project rivals similar services in London, Seoul
and New York.
• The station air-conditioning and ventilation system in tunnels have been planned to
meet the rigorous climatic conditions of Delhi. The coaches are all air-conditioned.
• Ticketing is fully automatic. Contact-less smart cards serve the purpose of tickets for
metro passengers.

• All entrances of the metro stations should be controlled through
automatic flap gates through which 45 to 60 passengers can exit
and enter per minute
• The entire fare collection system should be monitored through a
central commuter in the operational control Centre of the DMRC.

But the real marvel of the Delhi Metro project stems from two
• First is the way in which a foreign dependent project has been
localized and re-engineered
• This was done by roping in Indian companies as consortium
members at each stage of the project.
Over the course of the seven-year venture, several capabilities have been acquired by
the Indian partners
• 2002 Indian engineering firm Bharat Earth Movers Ltd signed a contract with South
Korean firm Rotem for manufacturing rust-proof and has fibre-reinforced interiors
steel coaches within India under a transfer of technology agreement.
• A year later, Bharat Earth Movers (BEML) released the first rake comprising two
engines and four trailer coaches. By 2005, BEML will supply 180 coaches.

Alongside the manufacturing practices, project management processes have also been
transferred seamlessly
• When the metro project started, a five-member consortium managed it.
Four of them were global firms:
• Pacific Consultants International,
• Railway Technical Services and
• Tonichi Engineering Consultants from Japan, and
• Parson Brinkerhoff International from the US
• Rail India Technical and Economic Services (RITES) was the only Indian consultant.

• for the final stretch of the metro project, DMRC and RITES are confident enough to
navigate the venture from here alone, even though the third stretch will pass through
some of the most congested areas of Delhi.
• DMRC’s domain expertise acquired over the last seven years is now being used to
develop feasibility studies for other metro projects
The studies include
• route alignment,
• utility mapping, and
• projected demand for transport in the next five decades,
• soil testing,
• environmental impact and
• system designing


‘‘We (DMRC and its partners) have acquired the expertise for most of the work.
• We have always wanted to have a more patriotic approach in our work and are proud
that we can do the job ourselves in such little time,’’ says DMRC managing director E.
Sreedharan said in a recent interview.
• An important reason why DMRC’s skills are being taken to other cities is the cost factor.
• At a presentation made to the Andhra Pradesh government in 2003, Sridharan pointed
out that the cost of a 39.45 km metro project in Hyderabad was estimated at US$ 712
million at April 2003 prices, which translated into a per km cost of US$ 18 million.
• “The cost of the Delhi metro project at US $2.3 billion for 66 kms of tracks is higher
since most of the technology has been sourced from abroad,” Mr Sridharan said during
the presentation.
• DMRC not only brings in experience and lower costs, it also shows the rest of India and
the world how to put together a world-class project within a world- class timeframe.
• The Project implementation period compressed from 10 years to 7 years.

Planned extensions
Several extensions to the Delhi Metro network have been planned.

Phase III

Phase III, tentatively composed of six routes covering 69.57 kilometres

(43.23 mi), has a 2015 deadline. The following routes have received
Cabinet clearance and are expected to commence construction by the end
of 2010.

In addition, a 13.8 km (8.6 mi) long extension of the Violet Line from
Badarpur into Faridabad in neighbouring Haryana at a cost of  2,533 crore
(US$ 574.99 million) has received budgetary and other clearances, and
construction is set to begin in October 2010.

Route Terminals Length Stations
Opening Date
New Delhi – IGI
December 2010  Airport Express Airport – Dwarka 22.7 km (14.1 mi) 5
Sector 21
December 2010  Violet Line 5.16 km (3.21 mi) 3
Vihar – Badarpur
March 2011  Green Line Nagar – Ashok 3.32 km (2.06 mi) 2
Park Main
June 2011 Blue Line 2.5 km (1.6 mi) 2
Vihar – Vaishali
Phase IV

• Phase IV has a 2020 deadline, and tentatively includes further extensions to

Sonia Vihar, Reola Khanpur, Palam, Najafgarh, Ghazipur, Noida Sector 62,
Gurgaon and Faridabad, having a total length of 108.5 km (67.4 mi).

• Apart from these lines in Phases I to IV, plans have been mooted to construct a
new line from Noida Sector 62 to Greater Noida which will intersect Indraprastha
– Noida Sector 32 line.

• The Ghaziabad Development Authority is planning to extend Delhi Metro lines

deeper into Ghaziabad in three phases, including the extension of the Blue Line
from Anand Vihar to Vaishali, and subsequently to Mehrauli via Indirapuram, as
well as the extension of the Red Line from Dilshad Garden to the new Ghaziabad
bus stand.

• The independently operated Gurgaon Metro, if built, will also interchange with the
Delhi Metro.

Delhi Metro Rail

Financial and Feasibility Report

A Presentation by;

Raj Shah

Roll No. : 323

MBA(Tech.) - Manufacturing
• Introduction
• Need for Metro
• Project costing
• Benefits of Metro
• Financial Evaluation
• Conclusion
The Urgent Need
• Delhi, the capital city of India, is one of the fastest growing
cities in the world with a population of 13 million as
reported in the Census of India Report for the year 2000.

• Until recently, it was perhaps the only city of its size in the
world depending almost entirely on roads as the sole mode
of mass transport.

• The increase in road length is not at par with the

phenomenal growth in the number of vehicles on roads in
The Urgent Need
• Delhi has now become the fourth most polluted city in the world, with
automobiles contributing more than two thirds of the total atmospheric

• In this context, the decision of the Government of India to develop a

mass transport system for Delhi providing alternative modes of
transport to the passengers was most appropriate.

• The first concrete step in the launching of an Integrated Multi Mode

Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) for Delhi was taken when a
feasibility study for developing a multi-modal MRTS system was
commissioned by the Government of the National Capital Territory of
Delhi (GNCTD)
Overview of Costing
• The construction of the first phase of DM was
spread over 10 years during 1995-96 to 2004-05
while that of the second phase, which started in
2005-2006 is expected to be complete by 2010-

• The total capital cost of DM at 2004 prices for

Phase I and Phase II are estimated as Rs. 64,060
and Rs. 80,260 million, respectively.
Overview of Costing
Financial Costs and Benefits
of the Metro

• It is important to examine the financial feasibility of DM

before actually taking up its economic appraisal.

• The financial evaluation of a project requires the

analysis of its annual cash flows of revenue and costs
considering it as a commercial organization operating
with the objective of maximizing private profits.

• The financial capital cost of DM represents the time

stream of investment made by it during its lifetime.
Financial Costs and Benefits of
the Metro
• The investment expenditures made by the project in one of the years during
its life time constitutes the purchase of capital goods, cost of acquisition of
land and payments made to skilled and unskilled labour and material inputs
for project construction.

• The operation and maintenance cost of the project constitutes the annual
expenditure incurred on energy, material inputs for maintenance and
payments made to skilled and unskilled labour.

• The investment goods and material inputs used by the project are evaluated
at market prices, given the definition of market price of a commodity as
producer price plus commodity tax minus commodity subsidy. If the
government gives some commodity tax concessions to DM, they are reflected
in the prices paid by DM for such commodities.
Sources of Funding
Sources of Funding

• More than 60 percent of the funds required for investment are raised as debt capital.

• Around 30 percent of total investments of DM are raised through equity capital with the Government of
India (GOI) and GNCTD having equal shares in it.

• The remaining 10 percent of the investments of DM will be covered out of the revenues it earns.

• As reported in RITES (1995a), the DM had been provided with the following concessions by GOI to make
the project viable, namely :
 (a) The cost of land equivalent to Rs. 2180 million has been provided as an interest free subordinate loan
by GOI/GNCTD to be repaid by the DM within 5 years after the senior debt is repaid fully by the twentieth
year of taking the loan
 (b) The risk associated with the exchange rate fluctuations is borne by government in case of foreign debt,
 (c) The DM is exempted from payment of income tax, capital gains tax, property tax and customs duty on
 (d) The DM is permitted to generate resources through property development over a period of 6-20 years
 (e) No dividend is paid on GOI share of equity till the senior debt is repaid fully by the twentieth year.
Cost Estimate of DM (Phase I)
Fare Sensitivity of Ridership
on the Metro
Estimates of Daily Passenger Trips
by Metro (in lakhs)
Estimates of Financial Flows of
Revenue Earned by
DM (Phases I and II) During its Lifetime
Measurement of Economic Costs and
Benefits of Metro

• Reduction in the number of vehicles on road

• Savings in fuel consumption
• Reduction in air pollution
• Savings in passenger time
• Savings due to fewer accidents
• Savings in vehicular operating costs due to the
decongestion effect
• Savings in Capital and Operating Cost of Diverted
Reduction in the number
of vehicles on road

The economic benefits from the reduced number of vehicles

on Delhi roads due to the Metro could be identified as the
•Savings in Foreign Exchange due to reduced Fuel Consumption
• Reduction in Pollution
• Savings in Time for all passengers using Metro and Roads
• Savings in Accidents
• Savings in Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) due to decongestion for
residual traffic
• Savings in Capital and Operating cost of diverted vehicles
• Savings in the cost of Road Infrastructure
Savings in fuel consumption

• There are savings in fuel consumption (inclusive of both CNG and petrol) due to the
diversion of a part of the Delhi road traffic to Metro and reduced congestion to
vehicles still operating on the roads.

• There is an inter-fuel substitution of petrol and CNG to electricity that could result in
savings of foreign exchange and a reduction of air pollution.

• RITES (2005a) has estimated the total reduction in CNG due to the traffic of buses
diverted to the Metro (Phases I & II) during the year 2011-12 as 39.65 million kg.

• Similarly, the fuel saved due to the diverted traffic of cars and two-wheelers is
estimated as 138.35 and 25.70 million litres respectively.

• When these fuel savings are valued at 2004 prices (Rs. 18/kg for CNG and Rs. 38/litre
for petrol) the corresponding fuel savings for cars, two-wheelers and buses are Rs.
5260, 9770 and 710 million, respectively.
Savings in fuel consumption
Reduction in air pollution

• Fewer vehicles and the decongestion for the residual traffic on Delhi
roads due to Metro could lead to reduced air pollution.

• The distance saved due to decongestion is estimated by multiplying the

time saved with the speed of a vehicle in a decongested situation.

• An estimate of the pollution reduction by a vehicle in this context could

be obtained by multiplying the distance saved by the relevant emission
coefficient for different pollutants for each category of vehicle.

• The cost of conversion of vehicles from Euro II norms to Euro IV norms

are also taken under consideration
Reduction in air pollution
Savings in passenger time

• The savings of travel time of passengers traveling by the

Metro instead of by road are calculated as the product
of the number of passengers traveled daily and the
time saved on the average passenger lead in Delhi.
Savings due to
fewer accidents

• The Road User Cost Study (CRRI, 2002) later updated by Dr. L. R.
Kadiyali et. al. in association with the Loss Prevention Association
of India provides estimates of the cost of various accidents on

• Components like gross loss of future output due to death/major

injury, medical treatment expenses, legal expenses, administrative
expenses on police, insurance companies and the intangible
psychosomatic cost of pain were included in the estimation.

• In the case of buses and other public vehicles, the loss due to lay
off period and unproductive wages paid to the crew are also
Savings due to
fewer accidents
Savings in vehicular
operating costs

• Annual vehicle operating cost is substantially reduced due to

the higher speed of vehicles and consequently lesser hours on

• It is estimated as the product of the residual traffic, time

saved on average lead per vehicle annually and the vehicle
operating cost per hour.

• According to RITES (2005b), the value of this component for

the year 2011-12 is Rs. 15040 million.
Other Benefits
• Creation of over 1000 temporary skilled jobs.
• Creation of 500 permanent skilled jobs.
• Employment to about 10000 unskilled labours.
• Development of areas near to metro.
• Bringing the NCR nearer to the city.

• The Delhi Metro planned in four phases is part of an Integrated

Multi Mode Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) planned for
dealing with the fast growing passenger traffic demand in Delhi.

• It provides an alternative safe and comfortable mode of transport

by rail to a large fraction of passengers using the road transport in

• The financial cost-benefit ratio of the Metro is estimated as 2.30

and 1.92 at 8 percent and 10 percent discount rates respectively
while its financial internal rate of return is estimated as 17 percent.
ROLL NO. 320

• Project Risk Assessment is an integral part of Project Risk

Management which primarily comprises of cost and schedule
uncertainties and risks.
• These risks can be assessed or measured in terms of likelihood,
impact and consequences.
• For a complex mega infrastructure project like construction of an
underground corridor for metro rail operations, risk assessment
should be mandatory during the conceptual and feasibility phase of
the project
• The decision making authorities of the project should take appropriate
decision pertaining to the adoption of the mitigation measures for
reducing the likelihood of occurrence of the identified risks involved in
the project
• These risks can be assessed or measured in terms of likelihood, impact
and consequences. The most appropriate way of dealing with the project
risk is treating it as a function of likelihood and impact [Risk = f (likelihood,
• Finally, as risk is a component which cannot be eliminated, suitable risk
mitigation measures are to be suggested which will enable to reduce the
identified project risks.
• The major activities of the underground corridor construction consist of
feasibility studies, design, traffic diversion, utility diversion, survey works,
soldier piling and king piling works, timber lagging works, soil and rock
excavation, construction decks, steel struts, rock anchors, subfloor
drainage, waterproofing, permanent structure works, mechanical and
electrical installations and backfilling and restoration works.
• A proper risk mitigation plan if developed for
the identified risks, it would ensure better and
smooth achievement of project goals within
specified time, cost and quality parameters.
• It would also ensure better construction safety
throughout the execution and operational
phase of the project.
Risk Analysis by Expected Value Method (EVM)
• The Base Time Estimate (BTE) and Base Cost Estimate (BCE) of all the major
activities of the project and also for their work packages have been calculated as
per the detailed construction drawings, method statement and specifications for
the works collected from the project.
• The corresponding expected failure time or Corrective Time (CT) for each activity
and their expected failure cost or Corrective Cost (CC) has been tabulated. The
Likelihood of failure (Li) of each activity as per the feedback from the
questionnaire survey from the experts has also been tabulated.
• This value ranges from 0 to 1. The corresponding Weightage (W i) of each activity
has also been obtained from the feedback of the questionnaire survey circulated
among the experts. The summation of the weightages should be equal to 1. ie.
“Wi = 1. The weightages can be based on Local Priority (LP) where the weightages
of all the activities of a particular work package equals to1. For Global Priority
(GP) the weightages of all the interrelated work packages of the project equals to
• The Risk Cost (RC) and Risk Time (RT) of the activities of the different work
packages of the project can be obtained from the following relationship:

Risk Cost (RC) = Corrective Cost (CC) x Likelihood of failure (Li) -----------(1)

Risk Time (RT) = Corrective Time (CT) x Likelihood of failure (Li) -----------(2)
• Composite Likelihood Factor (CLF) = L1(W1) + L2 (W2) + L3 (W3) + ……… + Ln
(Wn) = Σ Li
• Composite Impact Factor (CIF) = I1(W1) + I2 (W2) + I3 (W3) + ……… + In (Wn) =
Σ Ii Wi
• Where Ii and Wi are the Impacts and Weightages respectively of the ith risk
source of the activities of a work package. The values of Ii ranges from 0 to
1 and Σ Wi = 1.
• Risk Consequence / Severity (RS) = Li x Ii ----------(5)

Here Li and Ii are Likelihood and Impact respectively of the ith risk source of a
work package.
• Risk Consequence / Severity can also be expressed as:

• Risk Consequence / Severity (RS) = CLF + CIF – CLF (CIF) ----------(6)

• The Risk Consequence derived from this equation measures how serious the risk
is to project performance. Small values represent unimportant risks that might
be ignored and large values represent important risks that need to be treated.
• Probable Cost (PC) = BCE + RC + Opportunity Cost -----------(7)

Probable Time (PT) = BTE + RT ----------(8)

• Details of the project of underground corridor of metro rail taken as case
study for Project Risk Management is described as below:
• Scope of work: Design and construction of underground Metro Corridor
MC1B from Inter State Bus Terminus (ISBT) to Central Secretariat (Delhi) with
6 underground stations and twin tunnel system. The underground stations
include Delhi Main, Chawri Bazzar, New Delhi, Connaught Place, Patel Chowk
and Central Secretariat.
• Client: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)
• Contractor: International Metro Civil Contractors (IMCC JV) This is a joint
venture of five companies as stated below: DYWIDAG (Dykerhoff & Widman
AG, Germany) with 9% shares. L&T (Larsen & Toubro Ltd, India) with 26%
shares SAMSUNG (Samsung Corporation, South Korea) with 26% shares
IRCON (IRCON International Ltd, India) with 9.5% and SHIMIZU (Shimizu Ltd,
Japan) 9.5% shares.
• Consultant: General Consultants (GC) Type of contract: Design Build Turnkey Contract
Contract Period : April 2001 to March 2006 Total project cost: Rs. 1800 Crores. Length of
route : 6569 m Tunnel (by Tunnel Boring Machine [TBM] ) – 3811m
• Tunnel (by Cut & Cover method) – 937m
• Station boxes – 1821m
• Depth of stations: 15 – 20 m below ground level
• Typical width of stations : Average 20m
• Typical length of stations: 275m to 300m Design life: 120 years for underground
structures and 50 years for super structures
• Major scope:
• Excavation (soil) : 10,90,000 cum.
• Excavation (rock): 2,15,000 cum.
• Concreting : 3,00,000 cum.
• Reinforcement : 47,500 MT
• Strutting : 24,500 MT
Identification and Classification of Risks Involved in
Construction of Underground Corridor
• The risks identified at each phase of the project and its
subsequent work packages and activities are classified as follows:
• FPR : Feasibility Project Risk
• PEPR 1: Pre execution Project Risk – Design Risks
• PEPR 2: Pre execution Project Risk – Technology Risks
• EPR 1: Execution Project Risk – Risks in traffic diversion works
• EPR 2: Risks in utility diversion works
• EPR 3: Risks in survey works
• EPR 4: Risks in soldier piling and king piling works.
• EPR 5: Risks in timber lagging works.
• EPR 6: Risks in soil excavation works
• EPR 7: Risks in rock excavation works
• EPR 8: Risks in installation of construction decks
• EPR 9: Risks in installation of steel struts
• EPR 10: Risks in installation of rock anchors
• EPR 11: Risks in shotcreting and rock bolting works
• EPR 12: Risks in subfloor drainage works
• EPR 13: Risks in waterproofing works
• EPR 14: Risks in diaphragm wall construction
• EPR 15: Risks in top down construction
• EPR 16: Risks in permanent structure works
• EPR 17: Risks in mechanical and electrical installation works
• EPR 18: Risks in backfilling and restoration works
• Similarly for Feasibility, Design, Development and Execution Phase,
tables have been formulated for identification of the risks involved in
the respective work packages along with their likelihood and
weightages as obtained from the questionnaire survey. Considering
all the work packages, the major type of risks identified for the
underground corridor project can be grouped and listed as follows:
• Delay in Approval of Detailed Project Report (DPR)
• Land Acquisition risks
• Design Risks
• Technology Selection Risks
• Approval and Permit Risks
• Joint Venture Risks
• Financial and Investment Risks
• Political Risks
• Environment Related Risks
• Geo-technical Risks
• Major / Minor Accidents during Execution
• Unforeseen Heavy Rains
• Force Majeure Risks like Flood, Fire, Earthquake etc.
• Labor Agitation and Strikes
• Inflation Risk
• Delayed Payment from Client
• Delayed Payment to Subcontractor
Application of EVM for Risk Analysis
• RC = Li x CC = 0.1 x 42,75,000 = Rs. 4,27,500. RT = L i x CT = 0.1 x 50 = 5
• Similarly the Risk Cost (RC) of the entire feasibility phase or work
package can be calculated as the summation of the RC of all the
activities of the work package ie Rs. 4,27,500 + 12,15,000 + …… +
26,512.5 = Rs. 2,63,62,888. The Risk Time (RT) for this feasibility phase
or work package is the total risk time along the critical path ie. 5 + 6.9 +
11.25 + 6.25 + 1.3 +22.8 + 29.25 + 24 + 12.25 + 3 + 0.5 = 122.5 days
• Thus for this work package, Probable Cost (PC) = BCE + RC +
Opportunity Cost = 22,00,00,000 + 2,63,62,888 + 44,00,000 (assumed
2% of BCE) = 25,07,62,888. Further, the Probable Time (PT) = BTE + RT =
530 + 122.5 = 652.5 days. Thereby it is observed that the PC is about
13.98 % higher than BCE and PT is 23.11 % higher than the BTE.
Risk Severity Analysis using Concept of CLF and CIF

• he product of likelihood and impact of a risk can

be considered as the severity of that risk. This
concept can be extended for multiple risk
sources in a work package the likelihood and
impact of which can be expressed in terms of
CLF and CIF respectively.
• Risk severity analysis has also been carried out
by PERT analysis and the outcome of both EVM
and PERT analysis in terms of severity of the
major work packages of the project is presented
in table 6.
Proposed Risk Assessor Model
• TRANSFER OF RISK-This can be done using
contractual incentives, warranties, or penalties
attached to project performance, cost or schedule
measures. It is to be noted that entire transfer of risk
is impossible and transfer of one kind of risk may
inherit another kind of risk
• AVOID RISK-The risk management team should make
the project authorities aware that it is always better
to reduce risk to an acceptable level than to attempt
to completely avoid the risk.
contingency planning the consequences of the
identified risks are anticipated and detailed plan
of action is prepared for mitigating these risks.
• ACCEPT RISK-For risks for which impacts or
consequences are not severe, and if the cost of
avoiding, reducing or transferring the risk
exceeds the benefit, then it may be advisable to
accept the risk

• In present research work it has been found that the numbers of

major and minor risks involved during the construction of the
project from the feasibility to completion of the execution, are
large and if not treated or mitigated properly, the probability of
successful completion of the project within stipulated time and
cost frame will reduce.
• As per the analysis carried out by EVM based on the expert
questionnaire survey the probable project cost for the sample
stretch under analysis (530 m, cut and cover tunnel connecting
Patel Chowk to Central Secretariat station, Central Secretariat
Station Box and 180m cut and cover over-run tunnel) is about
23.90 % higher than the base cost estimate of the project
• According to basic assumption made for the analytical procedure adopted,
the maximum permissible cost over-run for the project is 25 %, thus if
proper Project Risk Management is not carried out by the authority, the
project will result in cost over-run and time over-run which will ultimately
reduce the feasibility of successful completion of the project
• Hence considering the results of all the analysis carried out in this research
work it can be concluded that for complex infrastructure projects like that of
an underground corridor construction about Rs. 8.8 lakhs per day per station
would be incurred extra if proper risk management is not followed to
mitigate the anticipated risks
• The proposed Risk Management Model will definitely benefit the future
anticipated metro projects in Indian cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Chandigar,
Ahmedabad and ongoing projects of Delhi, Kolkata and Bangalore metro.
• The Delhi Metro is a rapid transit system in the Delhi
that is built and is operated by the Delhi Metro Rail
Corporation Limited (DMRC).

• The first section of the Delhi Metro was opened on

December 24,2002. It became the second
underground rapid transit system in India, after
kolkata. The Delhi Metro has a combination of
elevated, at-grade and underground lines.
• Planning started in 1984

• DMRC was set up in1995 by Gov of India and DDA

• Construction started on 1st october ,1998

• The first section on red line was inaugrated by the

then PM of India,Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee on 24
december 2002
The miracle project
• The entire Phase I of the project was completed in
December 2005, on budget and almost three
years ahead of schedule, an achievement described
as "nothing short of a miracle" by BusinessWeek.

• Dr. E. Sreedharan, the Managing Director of the

Metro during the Phase I construction, was declared
"Indian of the Year for 2007" by CNN-IBN news
Work in progress
• Phase II consists of 127 km of new rail, of which the following
sections are under construction. This phase has completion
deadline of 2010.

• Yellow Line southwest

• Central Secretariat - QutubMinar - (Gurgaon)27.45
kms,19Jun 2010

• Unnamed south
• Central Secretariat - Nehru Place - 20.04kms,15Sep 2010

• Blue Line west

• Dwarka (Delhi) Sector 9 - Sector 21 - IGI Airport
,6.26kms,3Sep 2010
Blue Line east
• Mayur Vihar - NOIDA Sector 32 City Centre15.0711Aug

Airport Express

• New Delhi Railway Station - Indira

Gandhi International Airport - Dwarka (Delhi)
22.46kms,Sep 2010

Blue Line (branch) east - Vaishali (Ghaziabad)2.572kms,Mar

• Most of the work on phase II is completed

• Delhi airport metro express’s opening is

postponed to december 2010 due to safety
Line First Last
operational Extension

     Red line December 24, June 4, 2008


Yellow line December 20, September 3,

2004 2010

Blue line December 31, October

2005 30,2010
January 8, 2010 -

Green line April 3, 2010 -

Violet line October 3, -
• The Red Line-inaugration of various sections:
• Tis Hazari – Trinagar (later renamed Inderlok)
on October 4, 2003,

• Inderlok – Rithala on March 31, 2004, and

• Shahdara – Dilshad Garden on June 4, 2008.

The yellow line
• It connects jahangirpuri to HUDA city centre

• The first section between Vishwa Vidyalaya

and Kasjmera Gate opened on December 20,

• Kashmere Gate – Central Secretariat opened

on July 3, 2005
• On 21 June 2010, an additional stretch from QUTUB
MINAR to HUDA City Centre in Gurgaon was opened

• Chattarpur stn on this line opened on August 26,


• Due to delay in acquiring the land for constructing

the station, it was constructed using pre-fabricated
structures in a record time of nine months and is
the only station in the Delhi metro network to be
made completely of steel.
Blue line
• The Blue Line was the third line of the Metro
to be opened, and the first to connect areas
outside Delhi
• The first section of this line between Dwarka
and Barakhamba road was inaugurated on
December 31, 2005,
• subsequent sections opened between Dwarka
– Dwarka sector 9 on April 1, 2006,
• Barakhamba Road – Indraprasthaon
November 11, 2006,
• Indraprastha – Yamuna bank on May 10,
• Yamuna Bank –Noida city centre on
November 12, 2009,
• Dwarka Sector 9 – Dwarka sector 21 on
October 30, 2010
• A small stretch of 2.76 kilometres (1.71 mi)
from Dwarka Sector 9 to Dwarka Sector 21
was inaugurated on October 30, 2010
Green line
• Opened in 2010, the Green Line was the first

• connects Mundkawith Inderlok

• An interchange with the Red line is available at

Inderlok station via an integrated concoursege
corridor of the Delhi Metro
Violet line
• The Violet Line is the most recent line of the
Metro to be opened
• Inaugurated on October 3, 2010, just hours
before the inaugural ceremony of the 2010
Commonwealth Games, and connects the
Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium which was the venue
for the opening and closing ceremonies of the
• Completed in just 41 months
Routes under construction
• The Airport Express line runs for
22.7 km (14.1 mi) from New Delhi
Railway Station to Dwarka Sector
21, linking the Indira Gandhi
International Airport
• Originally scheduled to open
before the 2010 Commonwealth
Games, the line failed to obtain the
mandatory safety clearance, and
was rescheduled to open by the
middle of November 2010
• The line is still to be completed with its final
safety inspections and get clearances which is
scheduled in December 2010
Phase III extensions
• The following routes have received Cabinet
clearance and are expected to commence
construction by the end of 2010:

• Central Secretariat to Red Fort (6.8 km)

• Rajouri Garden to Mukundupur (12.4 km)
• Jahangirpuri to Badali (3.4 km)
• Three lines are still pending approval:

• Anand Vihar to Dhaula Kuan (25.66 km)

• Malviya Nagar to Kalindi Kunj (11.64 km)
• Ashok Park to Delhi Gate (9.64 km)
Phase IV
• Phase IV has a 2020 deadline, and tentatively
includes further extensions to Sonia Vihar,
Reola Khanpur, Palam, Najafgarh, Ghazipur,
Noida Sector 62, Gurgaon and Faridabad,
having a total length of 108.5 km (67.4 mi)
Implementing a project requires a lot of
attention specially in the field of risk management.
Similar concepts we will be observed here.The drawbacks ,its
solution ,its future references should be dealt with.
Construction work on the project
commenced on October 1, 1998. The entire project was divided
into 4 phases. Further, these lines were divided into sections :-
Phase I
Line Stations Length Terminals Rolling stock

     Red Line 21 25.1 Dilshad Garden Rithala 23 trains

     Yellow Line 34 45 Jahangirpuri 45 trains

44 50 Noida City Dwarka Sector

Centre 21
     Blue Line 59 trains[

6 6.25 Yamuna Bank Anand Vihar

     Green Line 14 15.1 Inderlok Mundka 13 trains

     Violet Line 13 15 Secretariat Sarita Vihar 29 trains
Phase II
Route Terminals Length Stations

New Delhi – IGI Airport – Dwarka

■ Airport Express Sector 21 22.7 km (14.1 mi) 5

■ Violet Line Sarita Vihar – Badarpur 5.16 km (3.21 mi) 3

■ Green Line Kirti Nagar – Ashok Park Main 3.32 km (2.06 mi) 2

■ Blue Line Anand Vihar – Vaishali 2.5 km (1.6 mi) 2

Routes distances

Central Secretariat to Red Fort (6.8 km)

Rajouri Garden to Mukundupur (12.4 km)

Jahangirpuri to Badali (3.4 km)

Anand Vihar to Dhaula Kuan (25.66 km)

Malviya Nagar to Kalindi Kunj (11.64 km)

Ashok Park to Delhi Gate (9.64 km)


Delhi Metro Project is the biggest urban

intervention in India since Independence in 1947.

1.Project had to be executed in very difficult

urban environments.

It faced the challenge of relocating a large

number of utilities like water pipes, sewerage lines, telephone and
electric cables to facilitate the construction work, apart from the
overwhelming challenge of relocating people.

2.Being in the capital city all actions under close

scrutiny of WIPs
This project required close attention as there were various
links interconnected for creating a route
3. Strong calculations were necessary
The power generated ,or the force of the
metro trains on the supporting pillars had to be calculated
carefully as it may create damage to the surroundings if
4 Soil Erosion and Disposal
Runoff from unprotected excavated areas, quarry sites,
and underground tunnel faces can result in excessive soil
erosion, especially in areas where excavation is susceptible to
erosion.  The excavation of soil is done mainly for cut and
cover and tunneling and foundations.
  5. Solid Waste
The range of solid waste during construction is varied, including
large quantities of earth, construction spoils (concrete, bricks)
waste materials such as metal, scraps, plastic, and paint scrap
(from utilities, welding and electrical works, and contractor
camps). Leakage from used lube oil, paint, and chemical containers
could be a potential source of water pollution.
6 Impact from Noise
The baseline noise levels are likely to increase during the
preconstruction and construction phases of the activities involving
site clearing and construction operations. During construction,
there may be high noise levels as a result of pile driving and the
use of compressors and drilling machinery. Diesel generator (DG)
sets, vent shafts, and loading and unloading activities all contribute
to the increase in the ambient noise level.
7. Impact on Water Quality
Water requirement for the construction are met from bore
wells along the route alignment. Spillage of earth, used water from
stone crushing, oils and greases, sewage waste, chemicals, and
concrete agitator washings can pollute water if they leach into
surface and the underground water.

High total suspended solids is a primary concern in regard

to water quality, considering its use in washing, dust suppression,
and other construction activities.
Compensatory Afforestation
 Through refinement of the alignment and the moving
of smaller trees, DMRC succeeded in reducing environmental
degradation. Because an extensive amount of green cover is affected
during the site-clearing operation (the construction phase), a manual
count of the existing trees on every median has been carried out to
identify the number of the trees that are likely to be affected and/or
cut during the construction phase.
 For every tree cut during construction, the DMRC is
planting ten trees as compensatory afforestation.  The Metro has
undertaken compensatory afforestation with an 83 percent survival
rate at Isapur, Najafgarh, Kakraula, and other sites.
It is paying for the planting and fencing of indigenous tree
species in two other sites. DMRC’s environmental policy statement
emphasizes conservation and enhancement of green cover.
Dust Control
 Installing of dust screens and hoardings alongside
the construction area and doing regular water sprinkling during
material movement are proving to be beneficial.

 Full-height fences, barriers, and barricades were

erected around the site to control dust during excavation.
During transportation of debris and much from construction
sites, trucks were covered and loaded with sufficient free
boarding space left at the top to avoid spills through the
tailboard or sideboards.
Noise Control
 Noise control can be achieved by means of
automation, protective devices, noise barriers, soundproof
compartments and control rooms, and job rotation.

 A site-specific noise-monitoring control plan guides

noise management and alters the scheduling to minimize noise. For
elevated corridors, a track structure without ballast is supported on
two layers of rubber pads to reduce noise and vibrations. In addition,
baffle wall for the parapets has been constructed up to the rail level
to reduce sound levels.
Water Management
 Wastewater from the construction site is not
discharged from the site into water bodies by the contractors. Any
water obtained from dewatering systems installed in the works is
reused for construction purposes or discharged to the drainage.

 Adequate sanitary facilities and appropriate refuse

collection and disposal systems are maintained. All water and
waste products (surface runoff and wastewater) arising on the site
shall be collected and removed from the site via a suitable and
properly designed temporary drainage system.
Evaluation Of Delhi Metro Rail
Influence zone
• Public transport service has to meet the needs of commuters
• This includes accessible stations, minimum affordable time loss at
interchanges, safer and reliable services.
• 500 m. is an ideal walking distance,
• population residing along the metro within walking distance has the
highest accessibility to metro.
• the area within 500 m from the metro corridor is 31% (198.5 sq.km. out of
the 640 sq.km. of total urban area) of Delhi thus, after the implementation
of the complete system 69% area of Delhi will remain beyond walking
distance of metro.
• Expansion of metro influence zone beyond 31% will have to rely on
feeder system.
• This is not easy because of the inherent transfer costs and wait times at
• phase 1, Shahadara – Barwala metro line of length 23.8 km has
Population residing within 0.5 km can reach metro by walking but
people residing at more than this distance have to use rickshaw or
feeder bus
• Population residing within the area of walking distance is 3,46,560 for
the corridor length of 23.8 km
• Total length of metro line is 198.5 km, applying the same methodology
for accessible population as line 1, total population residing within the
distance of 0.5 km is 28,90,426.
• This is approximately 2.2 % of the total population of Delhi.
• Trips originating in the region of 0.5 km distance i.e. walking distance is
approximately 3,74,939 for metro length of 23.8 km. Applying same
weight to the total length of 198.5 km, number of trips originating in the
region of 0.5 km distance is 31,27,117. This shows that only 31,27,117
trips can be shifted to metro if all the persons have destination along the
metro corridor.
Feeder service and an integrated ticket
• If a very good, coordinated, well-organized feeder system is provided to
the Metro, accessibility of metro will increase.
• DMRC is planning for an integrated ticket.
• If the integration works out, the same ticket will be valid in metro trains as
well as buses.
• However, this will translate to higher rider-ship only if commuters are
willing to accept the added transfer time and transfer costs.
• One of the Metro stop is Sahadra railway station, it is at walking distance
from Sahadra railway station and Sahadra bus terminal but people
traveling through this may not take benefit of metro due to restrictions on
carrying luggage in metro trains
• Many passengers coming and going through railway station and bus
terminal have a luggage with them as it is connected to long distance
• Metro is not available to them.
• Parking place outside the Metro station has been provided but non-metro
user can also use it.
• To encourage people to use Metro there should be a separate parking
place for the monthly pass holders.
• Total length of 198.5 km of metro rail will cost Rs.10751/- Crores
(excluding taxes and duties) and metro has not mentioned anything about
the maintenance cost.
• maintenance cost of metro rail is as much as the original cost.
• It should have been considered in the cost evaluation, as it needs a large
• Already 100% cost overrun is estimated for first phase of the metro (Rs.
12000 crores instead of Rs. 6000 crores estimated for first phase in 1996.)
TENDER Notice No:DMRC/S&T/Radio Towers/10-12
Name of the Work: Annual Maintenance of Radio towers for
Two years at various stations for Line 1 & 3 of DMRC
Sale of Tender Documents: 15/09/2010 to 07/10/2010 between
10:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs. &
08/10/2010 up to 14:00 hrs. (Working Days)
Date for Receipt of Tenders: 08/10/2010 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date & time of Opening of Tender: 08/10/2010 at 15:30 hrs.
1. Work Experience:
Bidder should have experience of having satisfactorily completed/executed of similar
type of works as detailed in the bid document and should have successfully
installation and commissioning during last 5 years as on 31st August 2010 and
should be either of the followings:-
(a) Three similar completed works costing not less than Rs 6,33,776/-*
(b) Two similar works costing not less than the Rs 7,92,220/-*
(c) One similar completed work costing not less than Rs.12,67,552/-*
(* - This value shall be computed by taking into account various items such as
maintenance of Radio Towers)
Order copies of works executed along with their satisfactorily completion letter
should be provided by Bidder.
2. Financial Standing (Annual Turn Over):
Applicant should have average Annual Turnover of Last Three audited
financial years not less
than Rs.6,33,776/-
The work should be completed within Two Years (731 Days) from the date of
issue of acceptance letter. No extension shall be granted to the contractor unless
the reasons are beyond his control and the engineer in-charge is satisfied with the
4. Tender document consists of the following:
• Notice Inviting Tender
• Instructions to Tenderers
• Special Conditions of Contract.
• Bill of Quantities
5. Employer’s General conditions of contract are deemed to be part of tender
6. The Contract shall be governed by the tender documents.
7. The Tenderer may obtain further information in respect of these tender
documents from the office of Deputy General Manager/S&T at 6th Floor, Right
Wing, Metro Bhawan, 13 Fire
Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001.
8.DMRC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals
without assigning any reasons.No tenderer shall have any cause of
action or claim against DMRC for rejection of his proposal.

Dy. General Manager / S&T-I

Metro Bhawan 6th floor
Left wing Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi 110001

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