Sexual Assault

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Asishana Ajayi
FAQ & Answers About Sexual
■ What is Sexual Assault?
-According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), the term sexual assault
refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some
forms of sexual assault include:
-Attempted rape
-Fondling or unwanted sexual touching
-Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator’s
-Penetration of the victim’s body, also known as rape
■ What constitutes consent?
-Consent, as defined by the University of Wisconsin System, is words or overt actions by a
person who is competent to give informed consent, indicating a freely given agreement to
have sexual intercourse or sexual contact.
- – Tea Video
■ Who can be sexually assaulted?
-Both male and females can be the victim or the offender.
*Females are the most common victim accounting for 94% of all completed rapes, 91% of
all attempted rapes, and 89% of all completed and attempted sexual assaults.
*About three percent of American men – a total of 2.78 million men – have experienced an
attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
Signs of Consent
Here are some actions that show consent:
■ You and your partner(s) have given an informed, uncoerced, verbal
■ You and your partner(s) aren't at all incapacitated
■ You and your partner(s) are of legal age
■ Using physical cues to let the other person know you’re comfortable
taking things to the next level
How to Prevent & Report Sexual Assault
Prevention: Here are some helpful tips on how to
Here are a few steps to stay safe! report!

Have a code word! Get to a safe place!

Use a code word with family and First, ensure your safety. Get to a
friends to show when you are feeling safe area in which you can report or
uncomfortable or unsafe. phone a friend for help.

It’s okay to lie! Take immediate action!

If you find yourself in a sticky If you decide that you want to

situation, it is okay to lie to an report, call the police ASAP and reserve
angered or upset person to escape. all evidence.
Get medical attention!
Think of an escape route!
Even if you have not yet decided to
Where are the exits? Who is file a report, go to the hospital to get
around you? Be aware of your a medical examination.
Stand up, speak up!
Trust your gut!
Understand that it is not your fault.
Never feel obligated to do Remember that you are not alone,
anything you don’t want to and and sexual assault is common. Don’t
remember; it is not your fault. be afraid to reach out for support.
More Common
Than You Think…

*15% of college men are

victims, compared to the
25% of women victims.

*More than 90% of sexual

assault victims do not

*Almost 2/3 of college

students have
experienced sexual
Direct Support:
EROC directly assists and supports student
survivors and their communities by establishing
support networks, filing federal complaints and
mentoring student activists. They promote
change by working with students and

EROC trains and develops resources for staff,
students, groups, and individuals on how to
prevent sexual assault and support survivors, as
well as the rights of students under applicable
federal and state laws.

EROC advocates for fair and equitable sexual
assault and interpersonal violence policies and
End Rape on Campus (EROC) works to end legislation on the campus, local, state, and
campus sexual violence through direct federal levels. They support reforms that ensure
support for survivors and their holistic support for all survivors, statewide
communities; prevention through affirmative consent standards, and federal
education; and policy reform at the accountability for Title IX, Title II, and Clery Act
campus, local, state, and federal levels. enforcement.
Discussion Questions

■ What are some other ways to bring awareness to Sexual Assault ?

■ What are some actions or signs that show someone’s dissent ?
■ How to express that you have been sexually assaulted ?
– What steps does a victim take ?
■ How would someone who is trapped with a sexual assault offender get
help ?
■ What is Rape Culture ?
I pledge to end sexual violence. I understand that rape is about power,
control & violence. If I feel I am getting mixed messages from a woman, I
will simply ask her what she wants. I pledge to never commit, excuse, or
remain silent about sexual violence. I take it as my duty & privilege to
create a safer world for our mothers, sisters, friends, lovers & daughters.
Asishana Ajayi

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