Conjunction, Preposition, Interjection

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Elda Aponte
Inglés Instrumental
Words which connect words,
Conjunctions phrases, clauses or sentences.

There are three basic types of conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions: used to connect two independent clauses

Subordinating Conjunctions: used to establish the relationship

between the dependent clause and the rest of the sentence

Correlative Conjunctions: used to join various sentence elements

which are grammatically equal
Coordinating Conjunctions
We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in
it. [Lyndon B. Johnson]
The purpose of most computer languages is to lengthen your
resume by a word and a comma. [Larry Wall]

And, but, for, nor, or, so, and yet — are the seven coordinating

conjunctions. To remember them, the acronym FANBOYS can be

1. F = for
2. A = and
3. N = nor
4. B = but
5. O = or
6. Y = yet
7. S = so
Subordinating Conjunctions
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see
every problem as a nail. [Abraham Maslow]

Some people make headlines while others make history. [Philip


although (aunque), as (como), after (después), before (antes),

if (si), since (ya que), so that (para que), until (hasta), when

He is not only intelligent, but also very funny.

She is both intelligent and beautiful

as . . . as if . . . then
just as . . . so not . . . but
both . . . and what with . . . and
hardly . . . when whether . . . or
scarcely . . . when not only . . . but also
either . . . or no sooner . . . than
neither . . . nor rather . . . than

Is a usually short word placed before a substantive (or a pronoun)

and indicating the relation of that substantive to other parts of
the sentence (mostly verbs).
"I was reading a book in the "Estaba leyendo un libro en el
living-room."  salón".
The preposition “in” specifies, La preposición "en" especifica,
where exactly “I was reading a donde exactamente "Estaba
book”. It is placed
directly before the noun “living- leyendo un libro". Se coloca
room” (not counting a directamente antes del sustantivo
sometimes optional article like "Salón" (sin contar un artículo
“the”). opcional a veces como "la").
Prepositions – Time
English Explanation / Meaning Examples
on days (of the week) & dates on Sunday; on May 1st; on Christmas Eve; on
my mark; on the weekend (AmE.)
in months / seasons / year in summer / in July / in 2017
part of the day in the evening
after a period of time in an hour; in the future
at a specific point of time at 11:15 p.m.; at half past six
exceptions (question: "When ...?") at noon; at night; learned English at 42; at the
weekend (BrE.); at first glance
since from a specific point in time until now (past till since 1980; since yesterday
until up to a certain point in time until Monday; I’ll wait to call my manager until
(till) I hear from the client
for over a certain period of time for the first time in forever; for 3 years
ago from now to a specific point in the past (now till a second ago; a decade ago; a while ago
during throughout the course or duration of during summer; during the vacation; during
the discussion
before previous to in time; earlier than before winter; before dawn; I have to talk to
the client before I call my manager
after Subsequent in time; at a later time than after midnight; after tomorrow
to / telling the time ten to two (1:50) / ten past two (2:10)
from / a starting point / an end point from the beginning; from now to eternity
by not later than by 12 o'clock; by next week
Prepositions – Place
English Explanation / Meaning Examples
in position or state inside sth. in London; in the book, in the mirror; in love
at in the area of ...; specific position at home; at the table; at my side
an event (or a place related to it) at the party; at the cinema; at school
on position above on the desk; on my shoulder
in contact with on the wall; on the water
a certain side (left, right) on the left side; on the bright side
the state or process of on leave; on fire; on the way 
 means of conveyance on the phone; on TV; on the menu
on trains; on the bus; on a plane
off from a place or position off the table; off the wall; went off to Canada; got off
the bus; turned off the TV
by, at the side of; close to, next to by the door; beside the car; stand by me
under in a lower position; beneath the surface under the table; under water

over in or at a position above put sth. over a shirt; walk over sth.; over my dead body
more than over 100 years; over ten miles
below in or to a lower place; beneath below the surface; below 20°; below the clouds
above higher than sth. else; overhead above the door; the clouds above; the problems cited
up from a lower towards a higher point up the hill; up there is a …

down a descending direction rolled down the hill; walking down the street
Prepositions – Direction / Movement

English Explanation / Meaning Examples

across on, at, to or from the other side across the street; lines across the paper
through from one end or side to another through the tunnel; a tour through France
to in a direction toward a person or thing go to bed; move on to; face to face; to the
toward a (given) state entrance
back to health; all the way to; to die for

into movement to the inside or interior of went into the kitchen; crashed into a tree
to the condition, state, or form of breaking into pieces; go into banking

out of movement from the inside to the outside drag myself out of bed; out of nowhere
no longer in the condition, state, or form  out of town; out of order; out of fashion
onto movement to the top jumped onto the table
towards movement in the direction of; or closer towards the house; toward the future; toward
to peace

a starting point; movement away from walked home from the station; traveled from NY to
 a source, a cause; a distinction LA
a note from the teacher; know right from wrong
Prepositions – Direction / Movement

English Explanation / Meaning Examples

across on, at, to or from the other side across the street; lines across the paper
through from one end or side to another through the tunnel; a tour through France
to in a direction toward a person or thing go to bed; move on to; face to face; to the
toward a (given) state entrance
back to health; all the way to; to die for

into movement to the inside or interior of went into the kitchen; crashed into a tree
to the condition, state, or form of breaking into pieces; go into banking

out of movement from the inside to the outside drag myself out of bed; out of nowhere
no longer in the condition, state, or form  out of town; out of order; out of fashion
onto movement to the top jumped onto the table
towards movement in the direction of; or closer towards the house; toward the future; toward
to peace

a starting point; movement away from walked home from the station; traveled from NY to
 a source, a cause; a distinction LA
a note from the teacher; know right from wrong

Is a part of speech which is more commonly used in

informal language than in formal writing or speech.
Basically, the function of interjections is to express
emotions or sudden bursts of feelings. They can
express a wide variety of emotions such as:
excitement, joy, surprise, or disgust.

Whew! That was really close!

Hooray! I got the job!
Oh well, what’s done is done.

Ugh! I’m never doing that again!


Primary or own interjections are interjections that are not

derived from other words express a pure emotion: Ah!:
astonishment, surprise pleasure Oh!: amazement, admiration
Oh!: pain stop!: is used as energetic call imperative. Eh!:
rejection, disapproval, surprise yuck!: asco dislike Uf!

Las Interjecciones Impropias son aquellas que proceden de

otras palabras, verbos, adjetivos, nombres, etc: ¡ojo!, ¡cuidado!,
¡bravo!, ¡magnífico!, ¡oiga!, ¡vaya!, ¡narices!, ¡estupendo!, etc.
Por su

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