Education and Health

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Education in India:

Imparting education on an organized basis dates back to the days of 'Gurukul' in India.
Since then the India education system has flourished and developed with the growing
needs of the economy. The education in India statistics are however in a sad state showing a
below average literacy rate. The education ministry in India formulates education policy in
India and also undertakes education programs designed specially for kids, for women, for
the people in prisons and other special projects for social development of India.

Education system India:

Education in India until 1976 was the responsibility of the state governments; it was then
made a joint responsibility of both centre and state. The centre is represented by the
Education Ministry a subsidiary of the Ministry of Human Resource Development India.
The Education Ministry India decides the India education budget allocating education
grants for projects to upgrade the education levels in India.

The education system in India consists of primarily six levels: Nursery Class
Primary Class
Secondary Level
Higher Secondary Level
Post Graduation
Education Institutions India:

Education in India follows the 10+2 pattern. For higher education there are various state run
as well as private institutions and universities providing a variety of courses and subjects.
The accreditation of the universities is decided under the universities grant commission act
that has formed autonomous institutions that have the right to provide accreditation to
universities and 'vishwavidyalayas'. The education department consists of various schools,
colleges and universities imparting education on fair means and education for all sections of
the society.

Education Problems and Reforms in India:

The main problem of the education system in India is that the targets set by the center or the
ministry of education to achieve a 100% literacy rate has never been achieved except for
Kerala state. Also the unorganized education sector with many state and national level
education boards operating like the SSLC, ICSE, CBSE, IB and IGCSE having different
curriculum and study patterns provides a non-uniformity to the India education system.

The education reforms taken up include a compulsory and free education for all children
below the age of 14 years, subsidized higher education and various scholarship and
education programs to achieve the literacy targets. The ministry of education India under
the ministry of human resource developments is undertaking the task of forming a uniform
pattern in the study curriculum at all education levels in India. This education policy if
followed strictly can solve the basic problems being faced by the education system of India.
Also the government and all Leading Banks In India provide education loans on low
interest rates to students for higher education.

Health in India

Health in India is a state government responsibility with the national health policy
laying down the necessary health policy in India. The central council of health and
welfare formulates the various health care projects and health department reform
policies. The administration of health industry in India as well as the technical
needs of the health sector are the responsibility of the ministry of health and
welfare India.

Health care in India has many forms. These are the ayurvedic medicine practice,
Unani or Galenic Herbal Care, Homeopathy, Allopathy, Yoga, and many more.
Each different healthcare form has its own treatment system and practice patterns.
The medical practicing in India needs a proper licensing from the health ministry.

Health Department in India

The health ministry in India takes care of the health department. The main
responsibility of the health ministry India is to provide hygienic health care
solutions for all, supervision of the basic health infrastructure development in
India by construction of hospitals, nursing homes and dispensaries as per the
needs of the area.
Health Care Services in India:

The health care services in India are mainly the responsibility of the health ministry and also the
private companies in the health industry in India collectively. Provision for adequate medical
facilities for all including enough hospitals and other healthcare institutions to cater to the
healthcare needs of the people, medicines and drugs supply, medical equipment and other medical
products and services required in the health department. Over the last five decades, India has built
up a vast health infrastructure and manpower at primary, secondary and tertiary care in
government, voluntary and private sectors. The current doctor population ratio is 1:1800. Tertiary
hospitals in major cities are in many cases, run by business houses and use corporate business
strategies and hi-tech specialization to create demand and attract those with effective demand or
the critically vulnerable at increasing costs. Public spending on health in India has itself declined
after liberalization from 1.3% of GDP in 1990 to 0.9% in 1999. Consider the contrast with the Bhore
Committee recommendation of 15% committed to health from the revenue expenditure budget,
against the WHO, which recommended 55% of GDP for health. The current annual per capita
public health expenditure is no more than Rs.160 and a recent World Bank review showed that
over all primary health services account for 58% of public expenditure mostly but on salaries, and
the secondary/tertiary sector for about 38%, perhaps the greater part going to tertiary sector,
including government funded medical sector.

Hospitals or Healthcare Institutions in India:

The ministry of health and family welfare India has set up many state run hospitals that provide
subsidized medical facilities to all. Besides these health ministry run health institutions, many
private companies have also set up big hospitals and specialty clinics that provide health care
services. The specialty healthcare institutions include heart institutes, cancer hospitals, nursing
homes, and many others. Toady the health industry in India is a flouring one with many foreign
health care companies extending their health services in India and providing quality healthcare
services to people in India.

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