Leadership Development Presentation

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By: Sanisa Mendoza
Direct Patient Care Abilities

Personal Strengths: Opportunities for Improvement:

● Time management skills ● Increase cultural competence

● Communication at the bedside through personal education and
● Critical thinking skills direct patient care
● Empathetic ● Work on emotional intelligence
and mindfulness in and outside of
● Do more personal research on
integrative modalities that may
work for future patients
Patient Care Goals

Short Term Goals: Long Term Goals:

● Develop confidence with ● Obtain a nursing career

knowledge at the bedside that will provide long
● Work to develop lasting relationships with
therapeutic relationships patients
with all patients ● Develop a reputation as a
● Become more time competent and reliable
efficient with nursing patient advocate
skills/tasks to be able to ● Daisy Award Recipient
spend more time with
Integrative Modalities
“...Person centered and relationship based”

● Nurturing therapeutic relationships with patients and family at the bedside

● Developing a reputation as a competent and reliable nurse

“...Has healing and restorative properties that contribute to health and wellbeing”

● Trips outdoors when applicable

● Education on how nature can affect wellbeing

“...Focuses on the health and wellbeing of caregivers as well as those they serve”

● Self care as a nurse: yoga, meditation, exercise

(Kreitzer, 2015).
Unit Leadership Abilities

Personal Strengths: Opportunities for

● Communication skills
● Willing to ask for help ● Becoming more assertive
● Open to constructive ● Learning to delegate tasks
criticism ● Fear of failure
● Adaptable and plastic to
new ways of nursing
● Experience working with a
multidisciplinary team
Unit leadership Goals

Short Term: Long Term:

● Form strong relationships ● Obtain a unit
with other staff members leadership/charge nurse
● Become a member of position
nursing committees/unit ● Do personal research on
programs ways to increase unit
● Find opportunities for satisfaction for nurses
continued education ● Participate in unit/hospital
● Utilize resources available related research
for self care
Short Term Goals (1-3 years)
Get involved during COVID crisis
ICU Nurse Residency Program
Obtain a fitness /yoga instructor

Long Term Goals (5-10 years)
● Obtain CCRN
al Goals
● Get into a graduate and/or CRNA
● Work as clinical faculty/educator
at a college of nursing
● Continue volunteering for the
homeless/vulnerable populations
Career Goal Timeline

May 2020 August 2021 May 2027

Nurse ICU Job/ CRNA School Practicing Nursing

Residency Fitness Cert CRNA Professor

July 2020 May 2024 August 2040

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

1. “Be proactive”
a. We can’t always choose our situations or what happens to us, but we can be
responsible for how we act and for our choices moving forward.
b. Given the recent COVID situation, this has applied to my life now more than
ever. I can’t control the situation but I can react and make the most out of it.
2. “Put first things first”
a. The challenge isn’t in managing our time, but managing ourselves. We have
to learn how to prioritize what coincides most with our values.
b. Nursing school has always pushed me to prioritize what is “urgent” or due at
the moment, rather than what is important to me and my values.
3. “Sharpen the saw”
a. You are your greatest asset. You can only be a highly effective person if you
prioritize and take care of yourself in order to develop the other 6 habits.

Leadership Shadowing and Professional Development

Labor and Delivery Charge BLS Course + Z Mansion

Nurse Interview Volunteer

1. Nursing leadership role on 1. Gained confidence and

a 15 bed unit information about in
2. 4-5 years of assisting in code situations
experience/hired internally 2. Provided first aid care and
into the position assessments to homeless
3. Lesson learned: population
a. You don’t have to be a 3. Lessons learned:
charge nurse to be a a. Every individual is
leader on your unit deserving of care
Continuing Education

Short Term Goals

1. Nurse residency program to begin before start of 2021

2. ACLS Certification by 2021
3. Attend additional continuing education courses available
for new graduates
4. Participate in research

Long Term Goals

5. Speciality certification: CCRN within 5 years

6. Nurse aesthetician certification
7. Doctorate/CRNA within 5-8 years
8. Masters Degree to teach at a college of nursing

Covey, S. R. (2012). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal
change. Place of publication not identified: FranklinCovey Co.

Kreitzer M. J. (2015). Integrative nursing: application of principles across clinical settings.

Rambam Maimonides medical journal, 6 (2), e0016. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10200

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