An Awareness of One's Own Personality or Individuality. The Term "Self" Often Refers To Yourself, Myself, Himself/herself and Your Ownself

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Self Awareness is defined as
an awareness of one’s own
personality or individuality. The
term “self” often refers to
yourself, myself, himself/herself
and your ownself.
Awareness is defined as having or
showing realization, participation
commitment, and knowledge of
one’s values development.
The Self Management Sequence
Life is not a matter of luck or fortune.
Most of what seems happen to you,
happens because of you---
something you created, directed,
influenced or allowed to happen.
5 Steps That Control our
1. Behavior
2. Feelings 5. Programming
3. Attitudes
4. Beliefs
Levels of Self-Talk
Self-Talk is a way to override our
past negative programming by
erasing or replacing it conscious
positive new directions. It is a
practical way to live a life by
active intent rather than a
passive acceptance.
Self-Talk gives us a way to change
what we would like to change, even if
we have been able to do so in the
1. Negative-Acceptance
2. Recognition and Need to Change
3. Decision to Change
4. Level of the Better You
5. Universal Affirmation
Human Person is the subject of
education. He is human person
learning and being taught. The
human person is at the center
of the curriculum and the entire
It is a multidimensional: a
distinction between the person as
self and the person in community. An
individual, a self-conscious being of
incalculable value in himself. His
physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual,
socioeconomic and political well-
being recognized by the state.
Realities of Human Person
1. Self –Image -refers to person’s
understanding of himself/herself
2. The others-person or groups
3. The being-motivating source
4. The “I”- intellect, freedom &
5. Sensibility and the body –the
important realities of the human.
Commandments of Human
-Speak to people
-Smile at people
-Call people by name
-Be friendly and helpful
-Be cordial
-Be genuinely interested in
-Be considerate with the feelings
with others
-Be alert to give service.
• A thing has value when it is
perceived as good and desirable.
Food, money, and housing have
value because they are perceived
as good; and the desire to acquire
them influences attitudes and
•Values are the bases of
judging what attitudes and
behavior are correct and
desirable and what are not.
•Values Education is the process by
which values are formed in the
learner under the guidance of the
teacher and as he interacts with
his environment. But it involves
not just any kind of teaching-
learning process.
•The following have to be
considered by anyone who is
involved in values education.
1. The subject matter itself –
VALUES – has direct and
immediate relevance to the
personal life of the learner.
•2. The process in not just
cognitive but involves all the
faculties of the learner. 3. One
learns values the way children
learn many things from their
parents. Hence, the teacher’s
personal values play an important
role in values learning.
•Importance of Teaching Values
•-Values are extremely powerful
•-Values have to do with being and giving
It is who we are and what we are rather
than what we have that make up our truest
inner selves.
Values of Being ( who we are )
Values of Giving ( what we give )
The Values Formation
- Is a lifelong process of growing
1. Two Factors affecting Value Formation
•Influences-intellectual, emotional
•Experience Factor- influences,
2. Four Types of Experiences that will
affect the formation values
•Liturgical Experience
•Bible Experience
•Learning Experience
•Human Experience
Developing Good Habits for Effectiveness
Habit- is defined as the interaction of
knowledge, skill and desire
Effectiveness- is defined as the basis of
person’s character, the degree to which
objectives are achieved and the extent to
which targeted problems are solved.
•7 Habits of Highly Effective
•(Stephen Covey)
•1. Be proactive
•2. Begin with the end in
•3. Put first things first
•4. Think win-win
•5. Seek first to understand
then to be understood
•6. Synergize
•7. Sharpen the saw

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