Leadership Models Magazine: Educational Management 551030 - 14

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Duván Felipe Escobar Muñoz - Code: 1.083.917.630

Henry Anderson Caviedes - Code: 14296751
Iván Ricardo Benavides - Code:
Jessica Vanesa Lugo Álvarez - Code: 1075267079
José Aldemir Muñoz - Code:1083914840

GROUP: 551030_14

TUTOR: Sergio Alexander Aristizabal

Open and Distance National University -UNAD-

School of Education Sciences -ECEDU-
Bachelor Degree in English as a Foreign Language
March 2020


The Liceo Sur Andino Municipal Educational Institution offers quality education to the school population and those with limited hearing,
through inclusive processes, using updated and relevant pedagogical and technological tools, promoting in their students the
development of competencies that allow the transition to tertiary education.


In 2025, the Liceo Sur Andino Municipal Educational Institution will be a leader in education in the southern Colombian region,
recognized for its comprehensiveness in the educational process, focused on human development and academic quality through
research, appropriation of environmental awareness and socio-cultural identity.


The Liceo Sur Andino municipal educational institution seeks to guide comprehensive and social training based on socio-economic and
cultural realities that allow each one of the social actors belonging to its educational community to have the power to overcome and
appropriate the challenges that a Skills education aimed at the adoption and promotion of respect for human rights in general.

For this, they conceive the contextualization of educational processes as a social diagnosis tool that allows the identification of social,
educational, economic, cultural, participatory and integral needs of the educational community so that the construction and adaptation
of their pedagogical principles are allowed. that efficiently prevent the development and appropriation of historical, investigative, cultural
and social concepts typical of their educational community.

That is why they make it essential to develop contextualized teaching strategies that enable the creation of spaces that involve the
participation and interaction of multiple agents (educational institutions, parents, administrative groups, teachers, etc ...) in settings
where the exchange of cultural traits, motivational aspects, investigative principles and comprehensive and social well-being that
demonstrate collective participation typical of a participatory curriculum that promotes training in values.


La institución Educativa Liceo Nacional de carácter oficial, se encuentra ubicada en la comuna diez del municipio de Ibagué. Propende por la
formación académica y humana de niñas y adolescentes que cursan los grados de transición a once a través de un modelo pedagógico de
inspiración constructivista; orientado por docentes altamente calificados, en procura de formar estudiantes con alta autoestima, sentido de
pertenencia, respetuosas de su entorno vital y su cultura; líderes en sus comunidades y responsables de sus actos, asumiendo el reto de construir la
paz como manifestación de amor a la vida


El Liceo Nacional en el 2022, se vislumbra como Institución Educativa líder a nivel local, departamental y nacional, en la formación integral de la
mujer desde la niñez hasta la juventud, a través del apoyo de instituciones de educación superior y alianzas estratégicas; mediante el fortalecimiento
de las especialidades y profundizaciones de carácter académico, tecnológico e investigativo con un enfoque diferencial y el fortalecimiento de una
lengua extranjera para afianzar el desarrollo, la construcción de la paz y la convivencia ciudadana.


After reading the document given by the tutor and reading the vision and mission from Liceo Nacional from Ibague, I can see that both things are
focused on a clear objective that is the formation of girls and young women in academic and humanistic education. Making teaching and learning a
foundation for the work and goals the school is trying to achieve. Through the interaction between qualified teachers and students, the students will
learn the academic and humanistic values and knowledge necessary to reach the school goals. We can see how instruction is vital in the process of
getting all the values the students need when they finish school. I can see how the teachers must influence students with all their knowledge and
modeling what they are teaching. Influence is a great factor for the growth of students along the years they spend in the school. In addition, as
Southworth (2002) states that monitoring strategy is a great tool because the teacher can instruct and at the same time make sure the goals are being
reached according to the mission of the school. In addition, we can see that the school is different to instructional leadership because it makes a
strong case for high self-esteem, respect and other values that are not the focus of instructional leadership strategy. However, in the end, learning is
the goal that all schools are pursuing in the academic process and in the long way; they apply a sort of instructional leadership strategy. Just like the
South African Task Team Report (1996) states: “The task of management at all levels in the education service is ultimately the creation and support of
conditions under which teachers and their students are able to achieve learning”. The main goal is learning. Values, mindset and culture are all
learned in the school through a different pedagogical strategy but with instructional leadership. Students get the instructions to follow and after they
understand what they are supposed to do..

Integrally educate superior normalistas of recognized ethical, aesthetic, moral, pedagogical and investigative suitability, committed not
only with the institution but with the balanced development in all the dimensions of the person and with the educational progress of the
municipality, the department and the Colombian nation , with a deep sense of belonging to their community and with citizen,
pedagogical and educational competencies to perform professionally at the levels of preschool and primary elementary education.
In the year 2020 the Higher Normal Educational Institution Fabio Lozano Torrijos will be a Center for Educational and Pedagogical
Research recognized at the national level for the quality of its administrative, directive, academic and community projection efforts,
which will be evidenced in academic performance, citizen and professional of its students and graduates and the positive impact on the
qualification and continuing education of teachers in practice
In my view the mission of the Fabio Lozano Torrijos Superior Normal Educational Institution, it's recognized for forming committed
people to the educational quality of the country, the main idea is implemented sense belonging in students and future teachers with
citizen, pedagogical and educational competencies to perform professionally at the levels of preschool and primary elementary
education. This Institution offer us, trained teachers with the right knowledges to form integral teachers, with values, all this with the
intention of strengthen and creating a willingness to face the situations of their environment in a competent way and with a leadership
that allows them to contribute to society and get ahead.
Nowadays this Institution count with graduates  who fight to improve knowledges and Educational quality of many regions of this
country, to develop this great activity they use various tools to relate their knowledge, whether from the socio-cultural environment, the
media and the new information and technologies, with the necessary skills to adequately address the workplace.
Likewise, teachers generate spaces for participation, coexistence, dialogue and respect within their classrooms and educational
establishments, promoting the strengthening of values in each of the members of the institution.
Afterwards of see the importance that have this Institution and according to the vision, we have a clear example that this establishment
is recognized nationally for quality in educational processes, administrative, directive, academic and community projection efforts that
offer, obviously by the teachers and graduates who nowadays implement different didactic and pedagogical strategies that allow leave
this Institution high.

Municipal Educational Institution Chillurco, will be recognized by the year 2020 at the municipal level for his leadership in educational processes and
citizen coexistence, with high quality standards in the comprehensiveness of its constructivist educational proposal, at preschool, basic, middle and
adult education levels, which supported by the human and professional quality of its teachers will provide a favorable climate for the recognition of
the individuality of its students and the training of leaders with ethical principles and respectful of universal human rights and the environment.


Guide the comprehensive and inclusive educational process of students, by improving their potential and mastering the skills necessary to educate
global citizens and agents of social change. Motivate the family and the community to the educational process to improve the quality of life of the
students, and in this way, attend to cultural, spiritual and scientific aspects so that satisfy the intellectual needs and gratify the human being.


After reading and understanding the vision of Municipal Educational Institution Chillurco, I think that the school has been based on solid arguments
that include an explicit sense of direction and purpose. The institution is clear about its purposes and projections, in medium- and short-term periods,
taking into account that these goals are estimated to be achieved for this year. As Foreman (1998, p. 18) described it: “…Without vision, there can be
no clear direction, no corporate way forward -and no commitment. Vision is the distinguishing feature of the leadership role.” and the Chillurco school
has its clear goals and constantly works for it. Another vital aspect is that the teachers of the institution have clear knowledge of the mission and
vision of the educational establishment, and must focus their work in favor of these; remember that vision must be communicated in a way which
secures commitment among members of the organization.

Taking into account the guidelines to be followed by Beare (1993, pp. 156-7) the institution in terms of strategic leadership in its vision complies with
the following: Mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the school and Includes a mental image of a possible and desirable future
state for the broader educational scene and for society in general. Talking about its mission, in a few words reflects its institutional philosophy. It sets
the school culture, generates consistency of action and It serves to motivate and challenge both teachers, directives and students, so their families.

Finally, speaking of management strategy, the Chillurco school is characterized by principles, values and aims that guide school and community
tasks. Respect, dignity, equality, democracy, participation, improvement and responsibility, through which he exercises his leadership and having
God, the Family and the Fatherland as pillars, which are demonstrated day by day with the act. On the other hand, I consider that the organization
that is reflected in the educational establishment allows since self-management, can be free to address their own problems and, in order to manage
changes and routines in a controlled manner, systematic and effective planning is important and highly desirable.


The Normal Superior de Pitalito, will be consolidated as a Research and Development Center for innovative pedagogical
proposals that respond to the socio-cultural needs of the regional educational community.


Train teachers who enhance human development from pedagogy, science, and art so that they perform at the preschool,
elementary, and primary levels and contribute to transforming the socio-cultural conditions of the region


After reading the text and understand it I think In my point of view, the Municipal Educational Institution Normal Superior of
Pitalito – Huila has a great mission to develop, train future teachers to enhance the human development of children, youth
and adolescents to create a positive impact on society and that this contributes to social change, a more educated
Colombia, based on respect, inclusion and in moral values to form citizens. Respecting its vision I agree that it should
become a research center, since the fundamental axis of education is knowing, sharing ideas and discovering knowledge
and then applying it pedagogically and transforming reality into something much better. It is coherent to become a center
for research and development of pedagogical proposals, since it is an institution that is training teachers of education, it is
important to be clear about the purpose of each of the steps that must be taken in the short, medium and long term For this
reason, the institution has clear objectives in order to have a direction, a goal and also a dissemination in addition to the
commitment of the teachers it requires to be able to make it a reality.



*Functional schools are *Directors and educators

an essential do not choose their own
It is focused on a
requirement for learning innovations given to the
to take place. non-faculty and therefore
organizational form
*Effectiveness requires are forced to impose
focused on the
quiet and orderly external ideas.
organization of work
schools and *Low rates of lack of
through the
classrooms. motivation and joint
importance of the
*It does not include the enthusiasm for the inability
rational actions of
concept of vision. of their faculties in relation
MANAGERIAL leaders in the
*Managing existing to the creation of ideas.
(Duván Felipe fulfillment of their
activities successfully *Bureaucratic hierarchy in
Escobar) functions, tasks and
rather than visioning a relation to the efficiency of
better future for the external imperatives to
school. implement
**Higher levels of personal
commitment to organizational
*Eight dimensions in goals and greater capacities
*Commitments and
transformational Leadership for accomplishing those goals
capacities of by Leithwood (1994): are assumed to result in extra
organizational 1- Building school vision. effort and greater productivity
members. 2- Establishing school (Leithwood et al., 1999:9).
*Provides a normative goals. *Transformational leaders
approach to school 3- Providing intellectual succeed in gaining the
leadership stimulation. commitment of followers.
TRANSFORMATIONAL *Real transformation will 4- Offering individualized * School leaders should be
depend on the nature support. influence outcomes rather than
(Jessica Vanessa and quality of internal 5- Modelling best practices on the nature or direction of
management. Self-
Lugo) management must be
and important those outcomes.
organizational values. *Restructuring and redefining
accompanied by an 6- Demonstrating high a whole system, to achieve the
internal devolution of performance expectations. major aim of quality education
power within the school 7- Creating a productive for all.
and by transformational school culture. *Transformation” requires
leadership’ 8- Developing structures to action at all levels and there
((Department of foster participation in are limits to what principals
Education, 1996:29) school decisions can achieve in the absence of
appropriate physical, human,
and financial resources



*Participation will
increase school *Provide the participation
effectiveness of all people in the
The participation of a *Participation is justified community and seek
group of people in by democratic alternatives to solve the
decision making, to principles. different problems that
PARTICIPATIVE improve participatory *The burdens of arise and must act with
learning. leadership will be less if leadership.
(Iván Ricardo leadership functions and
Benavides) roles are shared.
Emphasize *Generate a It's required the co-
participative participatory approach. operation between
leadership *The participatory model principals in order to the
is consistent with the governance is to be
democratic values ​of effective.
New south Africa



*It targets the school’s

central activities:
learning and teaching.
It is focused on the
direction of the
*It provides a supportive
influence, rather than
framework for teaching *They promote the culture
its nature and
and learning, (South of learning in the school
source. It
African Task Team and identify this as a
INSTRUCTIONAL emphasizes teaching
1996) training need.
(Henry Anderson and learning as the
core educational
Caviedes) *Good management is *They promote and create
institutions. It’s
an essential aspect of the conditions in which
strongly concerned in
the education services students and teachers
the professional
since its central goal is achieve learning.
learning of teachers
to promote teaching and
as students growth
(Southworth 2002)
*It promotes a culture of
“teaching and learning”


*There are two *There is conflict between
definitions about the stakeholders, with
transactional leadership: disagreement being
*Bush (2003) links resolved in favour of the
transactional leadership most powerful protagonists:
to his political model. In *Is leadership in which *Mantain relationship
political. relationships with teachers with teachers and other
*Models, there is are based upon an school characters.
conflict between exchange for some valued *Principals possess
POLITICAL AND stakeholders, with resource. authority arising from
TRANSACTIONAL disagreement being *Exchange is an their positions as the
*Resolved in favour of established political
(José Aldemir the most powerful strategy for members of formal leaders of their
Muñoz) protagonists. organizations schools.
*Miller and Miller’s *An exchange may secure *An exchange may secure
(2001) definition refers benefits for both parties to benefits for both parties
to transactional the arrangement to the arrangement.
leadership as an *Implies, transactional
exchange process. leadership does not
*Exchange is an produce long-term
established political commitment to the values
strategy for members and vision being promoted
of organizations. by school leaders.

*Bush, T., & Coleman, M. (2000). Leadership and Strategic Management in Education.
London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Retrieved from:

*Bush, Tony. (2007). Educational leadership and management: Theory, policy, and practice.
South African journal of education. Vol 27 (3) 391-406. Retrieved from:

Thanks for you attention!

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