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A Historical Perspective
of Digital sys
• The concept of digital data manipulation has
made a dramatic impact on our society.
• Evolving from mainframe and minicomputers,
personal and laptop computers have effected
our daily life.
• Only recently have we witnessed the
conversion of telecommunications and
consumer electronics towards the digital
• Increasingly, telephone data is transmitted and
processed digitally over both wired and wireless
• The compact disk has revolutionized the audio
world, and digital video is following in its footsteps.
• In the early nineteenth century, Babbage made
largescale mechanical computing devices, called
Difference Engines.These engines use the decimal
number system rather than the binary
representation now common in modern
The Analytical Engine
• developed in 1834, was supposed as a
general-purpose computing machine.
• operations are (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division) in arbitrary
• the machine operated in a two-cycle
sequence, called “store” and “mill” (execute).
• The electrical solution turned out to be more
cost effective.
• Early digital electronics systems were based
on magnetically controlled switches (or
• Mainly used in the implementation of very
simple logic networks.
• Examples of such are train safety systems.
• Then the era of the vacuum tube based
computer came into being.
• Examples are UNIVAC I (the first successful
commercial computer) and ENIAC
• They used 18,000 vacuum tubes.
• It became rapidly clear, however, that this
design technology had reached its limits.
Reliability problems and excessive power
consumption made the implementation of
larger engines economically and practically
• All changed with the invention of the
transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories in
• The first truly successful IC logic family, TTL
(Transistor-Transistor Logic) was pioneered in
• Ultimately, bipolar digital logic lost the battle f
in the digital design world for exactly the
reasons that haunted the vacuum tube
• the large power consumption per gate,
reliably integration on a single die, package,
housing, or box
• The basic principle behind the MOSFET
transistor (originally called IGFET) was
• It has two types PMOS(P type MOS) and N
MOS(N type MOS ).
• Introduction of the first microprocessors by
Intel in 1972 (the 4004) and 1974 (the 8080)
• . These processors were implemented in
NMOS-only logic,
• which has the advantage of higher speed over
the PMOS logic.
Issues in
Digital Integrated
• Integration density and performance of
integrated circuits have gone through an
astounding revolution in the last couple of
• In the 1960s, Gordon Moore, predicted that
the number of transistors that can be
integrated on a single die would grow
exponentially with time(Moore’s law) .
• Figure 1.2 plots the integration density of both
logic IC’s and memory as a function of time.
• As can be observed, integration complexity
doubles approximately every 1 to 2 years.
• As a result, memory density has also been
• Transistor counts in microprocessor for a
number of landmark designs are collected in
Figure 1.3.
• Clock frequencies double every three years
and have reached into the GHz range Figure
Abstraction levels in digital circuit design

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