Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge IOU 101 Summary - Luqman

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Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge

Manners before knowledge

Imaam Maalik bin Anas 179 AH said to a young
man from Quraysh,
‫يا ابن أخي تعلم األدب قبل أن تتعلم العلم‬
“O son of my brother, learn manners before
learning knowledge.”
Source: Hilyatul Awliyaa 6/330
Textbook: Hilwatu Talibil ilm – Ettiqettes of Seeking Knowledge

• Author: Bakr Abu Zayd (1944-2008)

• He was a great Saudi Scholar who studied
under the major scholars of our time and
served as a teacher, Khateeb and Imam in
Masjid An-Nabawi
• This book was written during the 1980s
when there was a global effort to revive
Islam among the youth but it was not done
in the proper manner or with the proper
• “I was sent to perfect good character” – Prophet
• Islam prescribes etiquette in how we deal with
Allah, ourselves, our families, humanity at large
and the environment
• Scholars have set etiquette for different aspects
of Islam
• Some of these are based on the Shariah, while
others are extreme or innovated
• Similarly, etiquettes are set for seeking
knowledge which will be studied here
• Rationale:
• The course provides students with a correct understanding of the
etiquettes of seeking knowledge, as well as the importance of gaining
authentic knowledge, and gives them the necessary skills and attitude
to pursue Islamic knowledge properly.

• Core Syllabus:
• The course syllabus includes:
• • Internal Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge
• • Study Methodology
• • Etiquette of the student with his teacher

Learning objectives:
• • To understand the correct intention with which a student should pursue Islamic knowledge
• • To gain the necessary internal characteristics to seek knowledge effectively, this includes humility, mercy, Zuhd,
piety, and persistence.
• • To understand the correct methodology of seeking knowledge
• • To understand the importance of studying Islam under a teacher and the etiquette of sealing with such teachers
• • To understand the dangers of studying under people of innovation, and the exceptions to this rule

Learning outcomes:
• After completing this course a student will be able to :-
• • Have an understanding of the etiquettes of seeking knowledge which would help them study all other courses
• • Know about the qualities one should acquire as a seeker of knowledge.
• • Be aware of the importance of implementation of knowledge.
• • Have to correct intentions and goals for seeking knowledge
• • Learn the necessary skills and tools to help maintain and nurture piety, humility, and Zuhd.
• • Have a clear picture of the correct and most efficient way to study Islam
• • Understand the status of an Islamic teacher and give due respect to such teachers
• • Be clear on the importance of authentic knowledge and be able to avoid sources of innovation

Role of etiquette in Islam
• Etiquette how to deal with Allah, ourselves,
families, humanity at large and the
• To cause muslim with great zeal to do more
good than harm by utilizing information and
resources with good manners, approach, and
• 1. Ilm in Ibaadah, Seeking ilm is an act of ibaadah, try to
purify intention.
• 2. Adhering to the way of the salaf (stick to the early
three first generations without splitting from the
community) i.e. the Salaf As-Saliheen, but not those who
call themselves salafi but gone to extremes. Source are
people, books, and institutes. of the biographies of the
Sahaba, Tabi’een, and leading scholars. Avoid Ilm-Kalaam
(Philosophy) and other sources of innovation. Books: History
of Dr M Ali As Sallabi, Biographies of the Scholars
-Salahuddin Abdul Mawjood
• 3. Fearing Allah , the more we have knowledge the more
we know Allah and what makes him displeasure
• 4. God Consciousness, As a result of fearing Allah, we
need to focus on doing things which increase our Taqwa and
developing a gradual approach of increasing in
righteousness, understanding that change is gradual, keep
continuous improvement, don’t allow mistakes drive us to
• 5. Humility, a student of knowledge should be humble, but
it doesn’t means shabby don’t display humility, its inside
Common Wrong Intentions
• Seeking knowledge for showing off
• Seeking it for fame and popularity
• Seeking to put down others and find fault in
• Seeking to boast and show one’s superiority

Riya is the easiest sin for a student to fall into

and turns seeking knowledge into minor
Signs of Incorrect Intentions
• Cheating
• Lack of good aspirations
• Not applying one’s knowledge
• Boasting and Judging
• Rise in arrogance
• Not wanting to serve the community or
contribute to the spread of knowledge
• Focusing only on the external
• Using Islam to gain favor of rulers and amass
Signs of Correct Intentions
• Increase in Taqwa and practice of Islam
• Desire to serve others and help people
• Desire to spread Islam and defend it
• Seeking more knowledge in one’s spare time
• High aspirations for serving the ummah
• Fear of Allah when alone
• Life-changing decisions for the better
• Having an impact on others
• Constantly worrying about your intention
Love for Allah
• A true student of knowledge seeks it out of love
for Allah and his messenger, with a strong desire
to obey them in all aspects of his or her life
• This love for Allah affects all of his/her decisions
in life and can be seen in their private practice
• Love for an individual leads to following them,
love for the prophet is manifest in following his
Sunnah lifestyle
Summary: We must seek knowledge out of love for
Allah, for His pleasure, with good intentions
Internal Etiquettes

Knowledge is
Way of Salaf Fear of Allah Humility
How to gain Zuhd
• Look at those who have less than you, not
those who have more than you
• Avoid sources of materialism like
advertisements and worldly company
• Keep the Afterlife as your goal and always
remind yourself of it
• Keep the company of the righteous and
• Live within your means
• Avoid falling into debt and taking loans
• Avoid purchasing luxuries and time-wasters
• Spend time and wealth in the path of Allah

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